Open-access Bioactive peptides from Tenebrio molitor: physicochemical and antioxidant properties and antimicrobial capacity


Recent research has demonstrated the increasing interest in using insects for the extraction of bioactive compounds, particularly peptides. These compounds offer a spectrum of beneficial physiological effects. The aim of this study was to standardize a methodology for obtaining bioactive peptides from Tenebrio molitor and evaluate its physicochemical characterization, antioxidant, and antimicrobial potential. Six assays were carried out to hydrolyse larvae protein, with variations in Alcalase concentration (0.04 to 0.08%) and reaction time (3 to 8 h). The results indicated that the process applied to defatted mealworm flour was effective in reducing lipids by 82.5%. Consequently, it was an observed increase of 38.4% in protein content. Additionally, an increase in glycogen content was found in defatted mealworm flour (177 µmol glucose g-1 sample) and peptides (152.81 µmol glucose g-1 sample). The degree of hydrolysis was higher in assays with longer hydrolysis durations (8.14 - 8.38%). The antioxidant capacity was 12 to 14% lower in assays with an incubation time of 8h. In this sense, the methodology proposed in the present study proved to be efficient in obtaining bioactive peptides from T. molitor.

Key words functional ingredient; enzymatic hydrolysis; mealworm; edible insects

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