Open-access Thermal niches and activity periods in syntopic Phymaturus and Liolaemus lizards from the Andes, Argentina


Explanations for differences in thermal biology within and between species of lizards employ concepts of phylogenetic inertia and plasticity. We compared the thermal biology of three liolaemid species in the Andean highlands in Argentina: two allopatric congeners (Phymaturus williamsi and P. aguanegra) each in syntopy with Liolaemus parvus. We predicted intra and inter-generic differences in ecophysiological traits and periods of activity at both sites, ecotypic differences between the (labile) Liolaemus populations, but predicted no interspecific differences between the (putatively conservative) Phymaturus. We determined the operative temperatures (T e), field body temperatures (T b), preferred temperatures (T pref), effectiveness of thermoregulation (E), and activity periods. As expected, P. williamsi differed from L. parvus in T b, T pref, and activity periods, likely as result of niche segregation. Contrary to predictions, the Phymaturus populations exhibited differentiation in T b and T pref, while L. parvus populations differed in T pref and E. Accordingly, Phymaturus species tend to be effective thermoregulators whereas L. parvus populations behave as good thermoregulators or thermoconformers depending on thermal conditions in fluctuating habitats. Phymaturus may be less evolutionarily conservative than previously suggested. The suite of co-evolving traits affecting thermal ecology may not be collectively conservative nor labile but rather a continuum between both evolutionary paths.

Key words Phymaturus; Liolaemus; thermal niche; activity periods; Andes; Argentina


Body temperatures (T b) in non-avian reptiles influence physiological and behavioral processes, and consequently may have a profound impact on survival and fitness (Avery 1982, Huey 1982). Since T b is also directly influenced by varying environmental temperatures (Angilletta 2009), many lizards reduce variation in their T b through behavioral adjustments (Gvoždík 2012). In this sense, lizards have evolved a variety of mechanisms to control T b (Cowles & Bogert 1944, Nelson et al. 1984, Stevenson 1985, Avery 1978) resulting in differences in the effectiveness of thermoregulation among species and populations (Hertz et al. 1993).

The achievement and maintenance of T b within a range or near thermal optima that allows activity and enhances physiological performance depends on both the availability of suitable microhabitats and the effectiveness of thermoregulation (E, sensu Hertz et al. 1993, Beaupre 1995, Huey et al. 2003). However, the opportunity to bask at suitable temperatures will also depend on the risks and costs of thermoregulation, such as a high vulnerability to predation and the allocation of time for basking to the detriment of time for feeding and social activity (Adolph 1990, Blouin-Demers & Weatherhead 2001a, Gvoždík 2002). Maintenance of high T b during the activity period and the overt usage of basking are common in diurnal lizards, but even more remarkable in those inhabiting climates with a wide diurnal fluctuation of ambient temperatures and a marked seasonality such as those present along the Andes range (Veblen et al. 2007). Under such an energetically challenging scenario, lizards that experience thermal extremes are expected to exhibit variation in their ability to thermoregulate (Veloso et al. 2007). Some authors pointed out that thermal physiology in closely-related taxa may be relatively similar as a result of a co-evolutionary process despite their subsequent ecological divergence even in allopatry (Hertz et al. 1983, Angilletta et al. 2002). However, differences in the effectiveness of thermoregulation in syntopic species subjected to similar thermal regimes would suggest different physiological requirements or resource use (Smith & French 2017).

Thermal preferences may differ among sex or age groups in each population (Ortega et al. 2016), because resource partitioning would occur according to a hierarchic system in which males would have access to better resources than females or juveniles (e.g., suitable microhabitats for basking; sensu Vidal et al. 2010, Gómez Ales et al. 2017). In addition, since the males are larger than females in many species (Stamps 1983), it is possible that males achieved a higher accuracy and effectiveness of thermoregulation (Sagonas et al. 2013). Larger size and body mass affects the rate of heat exchange in the individual-environment interaction (Tracy 1982). Although, a more reliable individual-environment interaction indicator could be the body condition (scaled mass index, Mi, sensu Peig & Green 2009), which is an estimate of an individual’s fitness (Green 2001). Hence, the variation of body condition can be directly influenced by local factors (e.g., intraspecific competition, resource partitioning and predation pressure) with pronounced effects on several natural history traits including the thermal preferences (Siliceo-Cantero & García 2014).

Lizard thermal physiology can be evolutionarily conservative such that closely related taxa are expected to show similar thermal biological responses even when living in distinct habitats (Bogert 1949, Huey 1982, Díaz de la Vega-Pérez et al. 2013). This is, for example, the case for the parthenogenetic Aspidoscelis cozumela that inhabits a wide range of environmental conditions, including areas where the parental species A. angusticeps and A. deppii are absent, yet all three species exhibit similar thermal preferences (Díaz de la Vega-Pérez et al. 2013). Moreover, thermal conservatism in thermal tolerances has been reported for North American Sceloporus species across a wide elevational range (Buckley et al. 2015). However, studies of tropical Anolis argue that some taxa have readily adapted to differences in their environments showing interspecific differences in T b, T pref and T max and such ecotypic differences have been observed even in closely related species (Huey 1982, Hertz et al. 1983). Nevertheless, in sibling species inhabiting contrasting habitats, the mismatches between the thermal environments and thermal optimum may lead to less activity, less energy acquisition and a sub-optimal energy budget and a consequent fitness decrease betraying slow adaptation to changes in the environments (Logan et al. 2012, 2015).

Liolaemidae is one the most diverse families of lizards, comprising more than 300 species distributed in three genera, Ctenoblepharys (1 sp.), Phymaturus (54 spp.) and Liolaemus (> 285 spp.), inhabiting a broad variety of environments in southern South America (Etheridge 1995, Abdala & Quinteros 2014, Troncoso-Palacios et al. 2018, Esquerré et al. 2019, Abdala et al. 2021, Lobo et al. 2022). This family is an appealing model to test hypotheses on the evolution of interspecific and ecotypic differences in thermoregulatory effectiveness. At present, the thermal biology studies in Liolaemidae point out that Phymaturus is conservative in its thermal traits (Cruz et al. 2009, Gómez Ales et al. 2017, Duran et al. 2018) while observations of the genus Liolaemus supports the labile hypothesis as they exhibit greater flexibility that may vary according to lineage specialization or habitat characteristics (Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2009, Bonino et al. 2011, Medina et al. 2012, Moreno-Azócar et al. 2013). Indeed, Phymaturus lizards are more selective in their habitat use, being strictly herbivorous and viviparous, and occur only on rocky promontories in mountain habitat (Cei 1986, Habit & Ortiz 1994, Espinoza et al. 2004, Laspiur 2010, Castro et al. 2013, Boretto et al. 2014, 2018). Due to these features and restrictive discontinuous distribution, all Phymaturus species are considered “vulnerable” in the Argentinean Red List (Abdala et al. 2012). In contrast, the genus Liolaemus, exhibits a substantial variation in natural history traits such as diet, habitat, and reproductive mode (oviparous and viviparous), and has developed a broad range of adaptive responses to different thermal environments (Cei 1986, Scolaro 2005, Medina et al. 2011). Species of Phymaturus and Liolaemus often occur in syntopy on latitudinal gradients along the Andean mountain range in Argentina and Chile (Díaz-Gómez 2009) offering an opportunity to study different strategies for thermoregulation under similar environmental conditions (Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2009, Vitt & Caldwell 2014). Lizards competing in syntopy tend to select distinctive thermal microhabitats (sensu Hertz et al. 1993, Scheers & Van Damme 2002) as a result of niche segregation and it is presumed that syntopic species will experience different thermal qualities of the environment (Magnusson et al. 1979, Paterson & Blouin-Demers 2016).

Herein, we describe aspects of thermal biology, activity periods, and effectiveness of thermoregulation within each of two pairs of syntopic Phymaturus and Liolaemus populations occurring in harsh environmental conditions in the highlands of the Andes, Argentina. We address three classical concepts on thermal biology and ecology. First, syntopic species exhibit niche segregation in thermal traits, manifest in their use of heat sources (thigmothermy and heliothermy), effectiveness of thermoregulation, and the timing of activity periods to reduce competitive interactions. Secondly, Phymaturus aguanegra and P. williamsi are more conservative than Liolaemus parvus populations in their thermal biology based on previous studies (Cruz et al. 2009, Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2009, Bonino et al. 2011) and we predict that the T b, T pref, effectiveness of thermoregulation and thermoregulatory behaviour (thigmothermy and heliothermy) will differ between populations of L. parvus but not between Phymaturus species. Finally, we consider that the T b and T pref are explained by Mi and affects the accuracy (db) and the effectiveness of thermoregulation (E). Since these lizards could exhibit a degree of sexual size dimorphism biased toward larger males (Cabezas-Cartes et al. 2010, Castillo et al. 2011, Castro et al. 2011), and because body condition is a coefficient of the relative size of energy stores compared with structural body components (Peig & Green 2009), we expect that males and those showing a greater body condition may have higher T b and T pref and would be more accurate and effective thermoregulators. Because thermoregulation directly affects activity in lizards, this multi-species approach may allow greater understanding of the mechanisms involved in the resource partitioning in terms of temperature and activity in coexisting species. It will allow the exploration of the thermoregulatory strategies that lizards can adopt under different conditions in montane environments in the central Andes.


Study areas, climate, and lizards

We compared thermoregulatory behaviour and effectiveness of thermoregulation among four populations: two allopatric species of Phymaturus at two sites, each syntopic with a local population of Liolaemus parvus. Specifically, we studied Phymaturus aguanegra at Paso Agua Negra (Iglesia Department; -30°23’S; -69°34’W, 3000 m asl) and P. williamsi at Quebrada Vallecito (Calingasta Department; -31°11’S -69°42’W, 3000 m asl), two microendemics separated by ~100 km (Lobo et al. 2013, Figure 1) and embedded in the highlands of San Juan Province, Argentina. Each Phymaturus species is syntopic with one of two separate populations of L. parvus, a species widely distributed from central-west La Rioja Province to northwest Mendoza Province (Quinteros et al. 2008). The three species are viviparous, but the Phymaturus are larger (snout-vent length: SVL ≤ 115 mm, Lobo et al. 2013) than L. parvus (SVL ≤ 74 mm, Quinteros et al. 2008).

Figure 1
Capture sites of Phymaturus aguanegra, Paso Agua Negra, Iglesia Department (white dot) and Phymaturus williamsi, Quebrada Vallecito, Calingasta Department (white star), both species in syntopy with Liolaemus parvus, San Juan Province, west-central Argentina.

These study areas belong to the Puna phytogeographic region characterized by xerophyllous plants such as the shrubs Adesmia pinnifolia and Ephedra multiflora, the cactus Lobivia formosa, and the dwarf shrub Artemisia mendozana (Cabrera & Willink 1973). The climate at both capture sites corresponds to cold arid desert (BWk, Köeppen 1948, Peel et al. 2007) with rainfall ocurring mainly in winter, monthly mean temperatures < 18°C even in the warmest season, and prolonged snowfalls and mud slides in spring (Figure 2).

Figure 2
Monthly mean of rainfall (mm, gray bars) and temperatures (°C, polygons) at Paso Agua Negra and Quebrada Vallecito during the study (2005 – 2010). Greater rainfall during cooler winter months results in greater moisture availability. Climatic data provided by 3CN database (Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y Atmósfera).

Lizards were captured during the activity season from late spring to early autumn of the southern hemisphere. All specimens were caught by hand or noose between 10:00 and 19:00 h, corresponding to the entire daily activity period of the three species (Laspiur 2010, Ausas 2011). Phymaturus aguanegra (N = 60; 25 males, 19 females, 16 juveniles) and Liolaemus parvus (N = 48; 24 males, 18 females, 6 juveniles) were captured at Paso Agua Negra during November 2005, December 2005, February 2006, April 2007 and March 2011. Meanwhile at Quebrada Vallecito, samples of Phymaturus williamsi (N = 84; 27 males, 40 females, 17 juveniles) and Liolaemus parvus (N = 87; 40 males, 37 females, 10 juveniles) were captured during October 2008, December 2008, and April 2009. Capturing and handling were conducted in accordance with international standards on animal welfare, being compliant with Argentinian regulations. All individuals were collected under permits Exp. N° 1300-4047 granted to JCA. After laboratory experiments, the captured specimens were euthanized using intraperitoneal injection of sodium pentobarbital Euthanyle ©, fixed in formalin (10%), preserved in ethanol (70%) and deposited into the herpetological collection housed in Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche (CRUB), Universidad Nacional del Comahue.

Field data

The following microenvironmental temperatures were recorded at the capture site for each individual lizard in order to determine the main heat source used: substratum temperature on rocks, bare soil or beneath dwarf shrubs (T s, TES TP-K03 substrate probe), and air temperature 1 cm above the ground (T a, TES TP-K02 gas probe). Each instrument was connected to a TES 1302 thermometer (TES ® Electrical Electronic Corp., Taipei, Taiwan, ± 0.01°C).

The operative temperatures (T e, sensu Bakken 1992) were obtained using copper models set in the most heterogeneous and representative microhabitats used by the species in each field site. At Agua Negra, four common microhabitats were used by P. aguanegra and L. parvus (basaltic rock, bare soil, shade beneath shrubs and exposed crevices): 16 models were used during sampling, 8 models for Phymaturus were localized in the 4 microhabitats simultaneously in two different zones of the field site (4 microhabitats x 2 replicates) and the other 8 models for Liolaemus using the same methodology (4 microhabitats x 2 replicates). At Quebrada Vallecito, we identified the six representative microhabitats used by P. williamsi (feldspathic rock, basaltic rock, shade beneath shrubs, bare soil, crevices, and at crevice opening with the model partially exposed), whereas L. parvus commonly used seven (basaltic rocks, leaf litter, shade beneath shrubs, mossy rock, bare soil, weathered small rock, and expose crevices): 39 models were used during sampling, 18 models for Phymaturus (6 microhabitats x 3 replicates) and 21 for Liolaemus (7 microhabitats x 3 replicates). The models were designed using simultaneous comparisons of the T b of live Phymaturus williamsi and L. parvus with copper models of varying sizes and colours. During the comparisons, catheter probes TES TP-K01 (TES Electrical Electronic Corp., Taipei, Taiwan ± 0.01°C) were used simultaneously to register the temperatures of both the models and the lizards. The calibration experiments were conducted during three consecutive hours and we calculated the animal-model correlation for each type of model. The best-fit correlation was observed for a flat-black hollow copper cylinder with dimensions 90 mm length x 20 mm diameter x 10 mm thickness for Phymaturus (Spearman Rank correlation, T b vs. model, R = 0.93, N = 122, P < 0.001) and 60 mm length x 10 mm diameter x 8 mm thickness for Liolaemus (Spearman Rank correlation, T b vs. model, R = 0.99, N = 122, P < 0.0001). Measures of T e were recorded during lizard activity from 10:00 to 19:00 h. Mean temperatures of each model were used to estimate the temperature that thermoconforming lizards would achieve at each field site (T e).

Body temperatures (T b, sensu Pough & Gans 1982) were taken only in active lizards using a catheter probe TES TP-K01 (1.62 mm diameter) introduced ca. 5 mm into the cloaca. Individuals were handled by the head to avoid heat transfer and temperature was recorded within 20 s of handling. Time of day at capture was also recorded. Snout-vent length (SVL, vernier caliper ± 0.02 mm) and body mass (BW, 10 – 50 g Pesola ® spring scale ± 0.5 g) were also registered.

Laboratory experiments

Experiments were performed 3 to 7 days after capture on a random subsample of lizards from each site: P. aguanegra (N = 44; 20 males, 14 females, 10 juveniles) and L. parvus (N = 41; 21 males, 17 females, 3 juveniles) from Agua Negra; P. williamsi (N = 34; 14 males, 18 females, 2 juveniles) and L. parvus (N = 30; 15 males, 15 females) from Quebrada Vallecito. Lizards were placed individually in open-top terraria (200 cm length, 15 cm width, 30 cm height) with a sand substrate and a thermal gradient produced by a length-wise row of four infrared lamps (250 W, 150 W, 150 W, 100 W). The heights of the lamps above the sand were adjusted to make a linear gradient from 69° to 15°C on the substrate for lizards to thermoregulate. White fluorescent lamps along the sides of each terrarium homogenized illumination. Body temperatures were taken using ultra-thin (1 mm) catheter thermocouples located approximately 5 mm inside the cloaca and taped at the base of the lizard’s tail to prevent the thermocouple from being dislodged during the experiment. The temperature of each lizard was obtained every 10 min for 5 hr by connecting the thermocouple to a TES 1302 thermometer (TES ® Electrical Electronic Corp., Taipei, Taiwan, ± 0.01 °C) to avoid interference with their normal activities. The mean preferred body temperature (T pref) and the inferior and superior set-point range temperatures (T set, the interquartile range) were obtained for each lizard. In order to measure the accuracy of thermoregulation of these in their natural environment, the mean of the absolute values obtained from the deviations of T b-i from T set-i of each individual was calculated (individual deviation; db-i). The index of the average thermal quality of the habitat from the organism’s mean (de) was calculated as the absolute values from the deviations of mean T e for each population with respect to set-point range (T set) of each population and species. The effectiveness of temperature regulation, E, was calculated as 1 - (mean db / mean de) for both populations at each site (Hertz et al. 1993). The values of E range from -1 to 1, and E-values near 0 represent thermoconformers, values near 0.5 moderate thermoregulators, and values near 1 effective thermoregulators. Negative values of E occur when lizards avoid thermally high-quality habitats with T e within the range of T pref (Christian & Weavers 1996, Blouin-Demers & Weatherhead 2001b, Gutiérrez et al. 2010).

Statistical analyses

For comparative purposes, mean, standard error, variance, and range of temperatures were indicated. The dependence between variables was analyzed by simple or multiple stepwise regression. An analysis of variance (one-way repeated measures ANOVA) was used to determine the main heat sources used by lizards comparing the T b with the T s and T a. Paired t-tests or Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests were used to detect differences between T b and T pref. When ANOVA effects were significant (P < 0.05), multiple post hoc comparisons were performed using the Holm-Šídák method.

The periods of activity in this study were analysed using a 4 x 8 contingency table combining frequencies calculated for each population (N = 4), and for each activity period (N = 8, see Table IV). Pearson’s Chi-square test (χ2) was performed to evaluate the significance of differences between observed versus expected frequencies under assumptions of homogeneity of site use by lizards during the activity period (null hypothesis). Post hoc analyses were performed from the adjusted residuals to obtain z-scores for all cases. Subsequently, P-values were calculated from the transformation of Chi-square values derived from multiple tests (Beasley & Schumacker 1995, García Pérez & Nuñez Antón 2003). A Bonferroni Correction was applied by dividing the theoretical P-level of significance (α = 0.05) by the number of multiple tests (N = 32). The adjusted α –level obtained for the whole model was P < 0.001.

Table I
Results of linear regressions of scaled mass index of body condition (Mi) with body temperature (T b), preferred temperatures (T pref), absolute values obtained from the individual deviation of T b from T set (db) and individual effectiveness of thermoregulation (Ei) of Phymaturus aguanegra and Liolaemus parvus at Paso Agua Negra, and P. williamsi and L. parvus at Quebrada Vallecito. Significant relationships are indicated in bold.
Table IV
Summary of Pearson’s Chi-Square test. Frequencies of activity of lizards by hour are indicated as frequencies and percentage (%). Post hoc analysis are indicated by their adjusted z-scores (Adj. z-score) and probabilities (P). Bonferroni’s correction (P > 0.001), and total sample sizes, and percentages are also indicated. Significant differences are in bold (*).

Snout-vent length (SVL) and body mass (BW) were included in the scaled mass index of body condition in each individual (Mi , sensu Peig & Green 2009) to determine the scaled mass index of condition as an indicator of the health or quality assumed to be related to fitness. The scaled mass index was calculated as (Mi) = Mi * [SVLo / SVLi] ^ bSMA; where Mi and SVLi are the BW and SVL of each individual, SVL0 is the arithmetic mean SVL of each population, and bSMA is the standardized major axis slope from the regression of ln(BW) on ln(SVL) for each population (Peig & Green 2009). The scaling bSMA exponent was calculated directly using the software RMA v. 1.21 (Bohonak & van der Linde 2004). We then tested for the influence of Mi on thermal characteristics (T b, T pref, db and E) according to sex and age classes (males, females, and juveniles) in each population.

Variability in thermo-biological variables was described using descriptive statistics (mean ± standard deviation, minimum and maximum). Normality and variance homogeneity assumptions were tested using Kolmogorov-Smirnov’s test and Levene’s test, respectively. When normality or variance homogeneity assumptions were not met, non-parametric correlation, Mann–Whitney U-tests, and Kruskal-Wallis rank sum tests were used (Sokal & Rohlf 1969). Data were analyzed using Sigma Plot ® version 14.0 (Systat Software Inc., San José, CA), SPSS ® version 20.0 (IBM, SPSS Statistics for Windows, Armonk, NY), and figures were produced using Statistica ® version 10.0 (Statsoft Inc., Tulsa, OK).


Effects of body condition (Mi) on thermal traits and thermoregulation indices

Thermal traits and thermoregulation were unrelated to body condition: body temperature (T b), accuracy (db) and effectiveness of thermoregulation (Ei) were not significantly correlated with (Mi) in any of the four populations (Table I). The only exception was that T pref increased with Mi in L. parvus from Paso Agua Negra (Table I).

Comparison of T b and Tpref among males, females and juveniles within species and populations

Paso Agua Negra T b did not differ among males, females, and juveniles in either population (Kruskal-Wallis, H P. aguanegra (2; 60) = 3.167, P > 0.2; HL. parvus (2; 48) = 4.486, P > 0.1, Table II). Similarly, T pref means were not different among those groups in both populations (ANOVA, F P. aguanegra (2; 44) = 2.338, P > 0.1; Kruskal-Wallis, H L. parvus (2; 41) = 4.116, P > 0.1, Table II).

Table II
Table II. Mean ± SD of body mass (BM, g), snout-vent length (SVL, mm), scaled mass index of body condition (Mi), body temperatures (T b, °C), preferred body temperatures (T pref, °C), absolute values obtained from the individual deviation of T b from T set (db), index of the average thermal quality of habitats (de), and index of effectiveness of thermoregulation (E) between sexes and juveniles in each studied species/populations. The sample sizes N and range (between parentheses) are also indicated.

Quebrada Vallecito

Tb values of P. williamsi were significantly higher in juveniles than in males (Kruskal-Wallis, H (2; 84) = 8.445, P < 0.01; Dunn’s test, Q juveniles-males = 2.892, P < 0.05; Q juveniles-females = 2.111, P > 0.05; Q males-females = 1.141, P > 0.05, Table II), whereas mean T bs of L. parvus were not different among males, females and juveniles (ANOVA, F (2; 87) = 1.773, P < 0.17, Table II). Meanwhile, T pref means were not different among males, females and juveniles in P. williamsi (ANOVA, F (2; 34) = 0.500, P > 0.5, Table II) or between females and males in L. parvus (Student’s t-Test, t (1; 30) = -0.654, P > 0.5, Table II). Juveniles were not analyzed in L. parvus.

Determination of the main heat sources for thermoregulation

Paso Agua Negra

Phymaturus aguanegra and L. parvus were found basking with T b and T s higher than T a, while T b and T s were not different (Table III). T bs of P. aguanegra increased only with T ss (Stepwise Regression, F Tb-Ts (57) = 27.79, P < 0.001; F Tb-Ta (57) = 0.148, P > 0.70), while in L. parvus, T bs did not depend on T ss or T as (Stepwise Regression, F Tb-Ts (41) = 6.83, P > 0.40; F Tb-Ta (41) = 3.48, P > 0.06). In both species, T bs follows the fluctuation of T ss throughout the day, whereas T as and T es were lower than T bs (Figure 3a and 3b).

Figure 3
Variation during activity in mean body temperature (°C; T b, black triangles with white foreground), micro-environmental temperatures: substrate (C°, T s, white diamond), air (°C; T a, white squares), and operative temperatures (°C; T e grey triangles with black foreground) vs. time (h) of Phymaturus aguanegra (panel a) and Liolaemus parvus (panel b) at Paso Agua Negra, and Phymaturus williamsi (panel c) and Liolaemus parvus (panel d) at Quebrada Vallecito. Polygons connect the mean ± SE of the variables through the activity period. Grey bars are the mean number of active lizards per hour.
Table III
Intraspecific comparisons among field body (T b, °C), substrate (T s, °C) and air (T a, °C) temperatures of Phymaturus aguanegra, P. williamsi and Liolaemus parvus populations. Shown are means ± SD. The One-way Repeated Measures ANOVA and the Holm-Šídák t-Test (only for significant differences in the main factors) are also indicated. Asterisks indicate statistical significance (P < 0.05).

Quebrada Vallecito

In Phymaturus williamsi and L. parvus, the T b values were significantly higher than the T s and T a values (Table III). The T bs of P. williamsi increased only with T ss (Stepwise Regression, F Tb-Ts (81) = 47.47, P < 0.001; F Tb-Ta, (81) = 0.622, P > 0.434). Also, the T bs and T ss were similar through the activity period, and were higher than T a and T e (Figure 3c). The T bs of L. parvus increased with both T ss and T as (Stepwise Regression, F Tb-Ts (84) = 37.65, P < 0.001; F Tb-Ta (84) = 7.339, P < 0.006). T bs followed the substrate temperature (T ss) through the day, and it was higher than T a, but T e was higher than T b during the warmer hours 13:00 – 15:00 h, coinciding with the highest frequency of lizard activity (Figure 3d).

Preferred body temperatures and effectiveness of thermoregulation

Paso Agua Negra

The T pref values in P. aguanegra and in L. parvus were higher than T b (Wilcoxon signed-rank test, P. aguanegra: W = 988, z = 5.76, P < 0.001, N = 44; L. parvus: W = 859, z = 5.56, P < 0.001, N = 41; Table II).

In P. aguanegra the lower and upper T set limits were 36.22°C ± 1.90 and 38.96°C ± 1.00, respectively (Figure 4a). Most of the T bs (N = 40, 91%) were lower than the minimum T set., and 9% (N = 4) were included within the T set. Likewise, in L. parvus the lower and upper T set limits were 35.71 ± 1.93°C and 38.46 ± 0.84°C, respectively (Figure 4b). Most of the T bs (N = 37, 90%) were lower than the minimum T set., and 10% (N = 4) were included within the T set.

Figure 4
Distribution of body temperatures (T b) at capture of Phymaturus aguanegra and Liolaemus parvus at Paso Agua Negra and P. williamsi and L. parvus at Quebrada Vallecito. The white arrows indicate median operative temperatures (T e), black arrows indicate median T b values and the dark shaded column indicates the lower and upper set-point ranges of selected temperatures (T set).

The T set values exceeded T e in all P. aguanegra individuals and in all but one individual of L. parvus showed T set lower than T e. Males of P. aguanegra and juveniles of L. parvus exhibited the highest E-values compared with the other demographic classes in each population (Table II).

Quebrada Vallecito

The T pref values of P. williamsi and L. parvus were higher than the T bs (Paired t-test, P. williamsi: t (33) = -8.189, P < 0.001; L. parvus: t (29) = -2.61, P < 0.01; Table II). In P. williamsi lower and upper T sets were 35.02 ± 1.71°C and 37.74 ± 1.68°C, respectively (Figure 4c). A majority (N = 28, 82%) of the T bs were lower than the minimum T set, 15% (N = 5) were included within T set, and 3% (N = 1) were higher than the maximum T set. In L. parvus, the lower and upper T set were 33.47°C ± 1.79 and 36.65°C ± 1.46°C, respectively (Figure 4d). About half (N = 16, 53%) of the T bs of L. parvus were lower than the minimum T set, 17% (N = 6) of T bs were included within the T set, and 30% (N = 9) were higher than the maximum T set.

The T set of P. williamsi (100%) was higher than the T e. In L. parvus, the 37% (N = 11) of the individuals, the minimum T set was lower than T e, the 7% (N = 2) the maximum T set were lower than T e (7%, N = 2), and the in remainder (56%, N = 17) the T sets were higher than T es.

Males and females of P. williamsi showed similar E-values, being both moderate thermoregulators, whereas in L. parvus, both the males and females exhibited negative E-values indicating there are non-thermal constraints or risks that prevent them from thermoregulating within their set-points of T pref (Table II).

Comparison of T b, and T pref between sites for Phymaturus and Liolaemus

The T b of P. williamsi was higher than that of P. aguanegra (Mann-Whitney U-test, U Tb (1) = 1923, P < 0.01, N P. aguanegra = 60, N P. williamsi = 84). Conversely, the T pref of P. aguanegra was higher than those in P. williamsi (Student t-test, t Tpref (76) = -3.69, P < 0.0001, Table II).

Liolaemus parvus populations did not differ in T b between Agua Negra and Quebrada Vallecito (Mann-Whitney U-test, U (1) = 1630.500, P > 0.11, N L. parvus Agua Negra = 45, N L. parvus Quebrada Vallecito = 87), but T pref values of L. parvus from Agua Negra were higher than those in L. parvus from Quebrada Vallecito (Student t-test, t (69) = -6.147, P < 0.0001, Table II).

Periods of activity

Paso Agua Negra

Phymaturus aguanegra were active for about 6 hours (10:00 ‒ 16:00 h), whereas L. parvus was active for about 5 hours (11:00 ‒ 16:00 h). In both species, the observed frequencies were not different than expected on an hour-by-hour basis (Table IV). Both species show a unimodal pattern of activity, with the highest number of lizards active 11:00 to 14:00 (Figures 3a and 3b).

Quebrada Vallecito

Phymaturus williamsi was active during 7 hours (11:00 ‒ 18:00 h), and the observed frequencies of individuals were lower than expected during the 13:00 ‒ 14:00 h interval (Pearson Chi-Square test, χ2 (21) = 13.06, Multiple comparison, z = -3.61, P < 0.0001, Table IV). P. williamsi showed a bimodal pattern of activity with the most active individuals during late morning (12:00 – 14:00 h) and afternoon (15:00 – 18:00 h; Figure 3c). Likewise, L. parvus was active daily for 8 hours (10:00 ‒ 18:00 h) and the observed frequencies were lower than expected during the 11:00 ‒ 12:00 h interval (Pearson Chi-Square test, χ2 (31) = 19.72, Multiple comparison, z = -4.44, P < 0.00001, Table IV) but the population showed a unimodal pattern of activity (Figure 3d).


Phymaturus species are exposed to a broad range of climatic factors and thermal environments along the high cordilleras on both slopes of the southern Andes and eastward to the Patagonian steppe. The field body temperatures observed in P. aguanegra (mean = 29.05°C) and P. williamsi (mean = 31.00°C) varied according to the environmental conditions those populations experienced in their natural habitats, typical of the Puna biogeographic region (Fig. 2). The habitat of P. aguanegra is characterized by steep slopes with extensive debris aprons of basaltic rocks with interspersed dwarf shrubs at the base. The habitat of P. williamsi, is different since rocky outcrops are distributed in a gentler open-gully landscape leading to differences in sun and wind exposure between both locations with remarkable consequences for the thermal heterogeneity (Paso Agua Negra, Δ T e = 9.62 °C vs. Quebrada Vallecito, Δ T e = 6.42 °C; Figures 2 and 4). Thus, lower T b values in P. aguanegra than P. williamsi could have resulted from a greater thermal restriction (de P. aguanegra = 11.26; de P. williamsi = 9.06). The activity patterns observed in Phymaturus species also corroborates the difference in thermal restriction with shorter periods of activity in P. aguanegra and a longer, but bimodal pattern in P. williamsi (Table IV; Figure 3). In contrast, the T b values of L. parvus from Paso Agua Negra (mean = 32.19 °C) and in Quebrada Vallecito (mean = 33.14 °C) did not show differences, and were similar to those reported in another L. parvus population from a high-altitude site in the Puna region (Gómez Ales et al. 2017). Indeed, the L. parvus activity period was shorter in Paso Agua Negra (5 h) than in the milder environment of Quebrada Vallecito (8 h).

In general, the variability in T b may be adaptive phenotypic plasticity favoured by the use of multiple and changing microenvironments (Kingsolver & Buckley 2017, Huey et al. 2003). The microenvironments used by the populations of P. aguanegra, P. williamsi and L. parvus (from Paso Agua Negra) varied substantially according to differences in the type of substrate, exposure to radiation, wind or cloudiness (Laspiur 2010). The strong similarity and dependence of T b on T s in P. aguanegra suggests that they heat mainly by thigmothermy during most hours of activity while, in P. williamsi there is a significant relationship between T b and T s, but T b is higher than T s suggesting they use both heat sources, thigmothermy and heliothermy. These results support our observation of Phymaturus lizards flattening the ventral surface of their body to the rock, maximizing heat transfer while orienting their body dorsum perpendicularly to incident solar radiation, as reported for P. palluma (Vicenzi et al. 2019). In contrast, L. parvus from Paso Agua Negra were seen occupying exposed homogeneous microsites composed of small weathered rocks beneath dwarf shrubs and they showed an opportunistic thermoregulatory behaviour. Liolaemus parvus is heliothermic when T s substantially exceeds the T b, but turns to thigmothermy during the colder hours in the late afternoon (See Figure 3, Panel B). Moreover, the finding of higher T bs in L. parvus from Agua Negra compared to P. aguanegra was probably caused by behavioral selection of warm microenvironments with markedly greater exposure to radiation and sheltering from winds than those selected by P. aguanegra. Conversely, in Quebrada Vallecito, T bs of L. parvus and P. williamsi have shown a strong relationship with T ss, and T bs were higher than T ss and T as suggesting that both species alternate between thigmothermy and heliothermy for thermoregulation. Furthermore, it would be interesting to study whether there is competition for thermal micro-environments within the rocky outcrops they use for thermoregulation and, if so, that would explain the lower T b found in P. williamsi compared to L. parvus. The bimodality in activity period likely represents temporal niche partitioning (Fig. 3c and 3d) and could be explained by territorial or temporal segregation of both species related to thermal restrictions. In this sense, Liolaemus parvus exhibited 8 hours of activity, being more active during the warmest hours when the micro-environmental and operative temperatures reach their maxima, and depicting a unimodal pattern activity (Figure 3d, Table IV). In contrast, P. williamsi was active earlier and for only 6 h with a significant decrease in activity during the warmest periods (14-15 h). This resulted in a bimodal pattern of activity, probably as a way to avoid exposure to high environmental temperatures (Figure 3c, Table IV) and to take advantage of warm microenvironments early in the morning before L. parvus starts activity. A similar bimodal daily activity pattern, with cessation of activity at ~15:00 h, also occurs in P. vociferator from Laguna del Laja, central Chile (Vidal et al. 2010). In contrast, P. aguanegra showed a unimodal pattern like that reported for other species in the P. palluma group: P. palluma (Vicenzi et al. 2019), P. roigorum (Corbalán & Debandi 2014), and for the northernmost species in the P. patagonicus group, P. payuniae (Corbalán & Debandi 2014). Thus, environmental temperature has a strong effect on the activity of lizards during the day, and pattern differences may reflect different restraints for thermoregulation between coexisting species. In Quebrada Vallecito, our results support the prediction that syntopic species exhibit differences in T b, T pref, and activity periods as a result of niche segregation.

Body temperature can also be affected by differences in activity patterns, use of microhabitats, and thermal preferences of males, females or juveniles (Bull et al. 1991, Butler et al. 2000, Lailvaux 2004, Ortega et al. 2016). Gender and reproductive condition can often cause differences in hierarchical social behaviour, physiology and ecology (Vitt and Cooper 1986, Irschick & Garland 2001, Lovern 2011, Sinervo & Miles 2011). In this sense, despite the differences in body size or mass existing among demographic groups (males, females and juveniles; Table II) the T b or T pref values were similar across groups as none showed a relationship with Mi in neither the L. parvus population nor in the P. aguanegra population. An exception was observed in P. williamsi from Quebrada Vallecito, where juveniles exhibited a higher mean T b than adult males. Similarly, L. parvus juveniles at Agua Negra showed a higher E value than adults (Tables I and II). This could have been caused by smaller individuals with faster heating rates needing shorter exposures to maintain their temperature within the preferred range, while bigger body sizes resulted in higher thermal inertia. Hence, our results partially support our hypothesis that thermal traits would be different between juveniles and adults and affected by body condition. Probably, there are underlying and confounding factors such as thermal behaviour, predation pressure or competition that could also drive the thermal patterns within populations (Ortega et al. 2016).

Phymaturus aguanegra and L. parvus from Paso Agua Negra, and P. williamsi from Quebrada Vallecito are effective thermoregulators being able to maintain field body temperatures higher than T e, despite the marked daily and seasonal fluctuations in air temperature and precipitation present in the highlands of the Andes (Aguado 1983, Borsdorf & Stadel 2015). Both Phymaturus species showed similar indices of effective thermoregulation (E P. aguanegra= 0.41 and E P. williamsi= 0.50), behaving as moderate thermoregulators. Liolaemus parvus E-values differed between sites, behaving as moderate-to-good thermoregulators in Paso Agua Negra (E L. parvus = 0.60) but as a thermoconformer in Quebrada Vallecito (EL. parvus = - 0.22). This difference could be attributed to the fact that the L. parvus population in Quebrada Vallecito needed less active thermoregulation as result of inhabiting a “less heterogeneous habitat” (sensu Basson et al. 2017). In fact, a high proportion of T b were similar to T e during the warmer hours. Liolaemus parvus pays the cost of T bs that often exceed their T set in Quebrada Vallecito, resulting in a negative E-value. Despite having suitable microenvironments available for thermoregulation, lizards may not use them because of other factors, such as the presence of greater predation risk, or lack of prey (Christian & Weavers 1996, Gutiérrez et al. 2010, Sinervo et al. 2010).

The existing difference in T pref but similarity in T b between L. parvus populations resulted in the difference in the effectiveness of thermoregulation, being medium to high at Paso Agua Negra and low (thermoconformer) at Quebrada Vallecito. So, even though L. parvus displays plasticity in thermoregulatory behavior, switching between heliothermy and thigmothermy, its thermoregulation appears to be constrained as only 17% of the population have values within the T set. Even the index of the average of quality of the habitat from an organism’s perspective (de = |T e - T set|; sensu Hertz et al. 1993) is high (de = 2.57) in Quebrada Vallecito, there may be other restrictions, such as competition for microenvironments for thermoregulation with P. williamsi, that preclude them from effectively thermoregulating, resulting in low accuracy for thermoregulation (db = 3.13). However, L. parvus has the ability to tolerate harsh environmental conditions and to succeed in a wide geographic range in the Andes. The extent of the spatial distribution of L. parvus in the Andean and pre-Andean environments is a good indicator of the success of Liolaemus in comparison with the geographically restricted populations of Phymaturus (Quinteros et al. 2008, Díaz-Gómez 2009, Lobo et al. 2013).

Two contrasting views exist on thermal biology traits in lizards (Rodríguez Serrano et al. 2009). The first view holds that thermal biology traits are evolutionary conservative and they respond gradually to directional selection (Hertz & Huey 1981, Van Damme et al. 1990, Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2009). The second view (labile view) asserts that thermal biology traits can rapidly adapt via directional selection to changing environmental pressures or changes within populations as experienced by some taxa (Huey & Kingsolver 1989, Van Damme et al. 1990, Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2009, Sinervo et al. 2010). Our results indicate significant differences in T b and T pref between P. aguanegra and P. williamsi, and these species thermoregulate with high accuracy and effectiveness despite considerable site differences and low thermal qualities of their habitats in the Central Andes (de P. aguanegra = 11.26; de P. williamsi = 9.06). Thus, our results do not confirm the prediction of conservativism in Phymaturus contrasting with some previous studies (Cruz et al. 2009, Gómez Ales et al. 2017, Duran et al. 2018). On the other hand, the L. parvus populations studied here exhibited similar T b values but differed in T pref and E, suggesting that these lizards respond to short-term environmental temperature fluctuations. Hence, L. parvus exhibited lower variation in T b but greater variation in T pref, accuracy and effectiveness of thermoregulation and these results support an alternative to the labile-traits hypothesis (sensu Rodríguez-Serrano et al. 2009): some traits impacting thermal biology may be conserved within a population while others simultaneously show a combination of conservative and flexible-traits evolution (Bonino et al. 2011).

Phymaturus and Liolaemus occupy similar altitudinal ranges along the Andes mountains and therefore experience comparable environmental conditions and similar levels of availability of microhabitats. Nevertheless, differences in microhabitat selection among species may play a role in thermoregulation more so than gender, age or body condition. The Andean environments offer thermal opportunities for thermoregulation in which most lizards exhibit high thermoregulatory efficiency. High-elevation species suffer higher vulnerability in the face of a warming-climate scenario, and such vulnerability can be detected when T e is closer to T pref and particularly when species show T b values greater than their T set as observed for L. parvus from Quebrada Vallecito. Hence, future complementary studies on thermal tolerance and physiological plasticity are necessary to evaluate physiological thresholds to predict possible responses to climate change based on physiological models (Sinervo et al. 2018).


We dedicate this work to Joel Gutiérrez and Mariano Ariza. We thank Jorgelina Boretto and Facundo Cabezas-Cartes for valuable help in laboratory and logistical support; Ana Naranjo, Verónica Blanco, and Laura Reus, Cristian Abdala and L.V. House members for their constant support. Mariano Ariza and Yanina Ripoll provided collection permits. Specimens were collected under permission of Secretaría de Medio Ambiente and Dirección de Conservación y Áreas Protegidas, Provincia de San Juan, Argentina. We thank CIMA/CONICET-UBA for providing climatic data of the 3ra. Comunicación Nacional sobre Cambio Climático. Financial support was received from a CONICET scholarship to AL and grants PICT 2017- 0553 to NRI and CICITCA E/1101 to AL.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    12 Feb 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    1 Oct 2019
  • Accepted
    30 May 2020
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