Open-access A Novel Approach to the Use of Xanthan Gum: Evaluation of Probiotic Promoter, Postbiotic Formation and Techno-Functional Effect


In the present study, the effect of xanthan gum was evaluated on the metabolic activity and survival of two probiotic strains, namely B. lactis and L. casei using in vitro assay and skim milk model system. In vitro assay was carried out identifying by pH, optical cell density (OD), and formation of postbiotics (lactic, acetic, propionic, and butyric acids) in different basal media including glucose, inulin, and xanthan gum as carbon source. The highest pH values were recorded for control (without carbon source) and media with xanthan gum, whereas the media with glucose and xanthan gum had the highest OD values. In comparison to strains, B. lactis had higher pH and lower OD values than L. casei. It was found that xanthan gum supported the formation of postbiotics as a result of bacterial fermentation. In the skim milk model system, xanthan gum did not negatively affect probiotic viability, and the counts of both strains were above the required level for health benefits (8 log cfu g-1) after 28-day storage. The use of xanthan gum in skim milk matrix positively affected techno-functional properties such as syneresis, color, and textural parameters of samples.

Key words Xanthan gum; in vitro; milk; postbiotic; probiotic; promoter

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