Open-access Phytochemical screening of Podocarpus lambertii Klotzch ex Endl. leaf extracts and potential antimicrobial, antioxidant and antibiofilm activity


Species of the genus Podocarpus L’Hér. ex Pers.present biological activities, such as analgesic, antioxidant, antifungal, acting in the fight against anemia, depurative and fortifying. Podocarpus lambertii Klotzch ex Endl. is a Brazilian native species popularly known as maritime pine and lacks information about its phytochemical profile and possible biological activities. The study was conducted to determine the phytochemical composition of soluble plant extracts of acetone (EA), ethyl acetate (EAE) and hexane (HE) from leaves of P. lambertii; evaluate the antimicrobial potential by the broth microdilution technique; antioxidant potential by the DPPH method, as well as to evaluate the biofilm inhibition capacity by the crystal violet assay and reduction of the yellow tetrazolium salt (MTT). Phytochemical screening detected the presence of flavonoids, triterpenoids, steroids, tannins, alkaloids and saponins. All extracts showed antimicrobial activity on the microorganisms tested, and the EA showed the best results. High free radical scavenging potential was observed only in EAE (96.35%). The antibiofilm potential was observed in the EAE extract. The results contribute to the knowledge of the species and indicate the potential of P. lambertii extracts as a source of plant bioactives for the development of new alternative strategies to control resistant microorganisms.

Key words Antibiofilm; antioxidant; biological activities; phenolic compounds; plant extract

Academia Brasileira de Ciências Rua Anfilófio de Carvalho, 29, 3º andar, 20030-060 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil, Tel: +55 21 3907-8100 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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