Open-access Locomotion and morphological adaptations in the glass lizard Ophiodes cf. fragilis (Raddi, 1820) (Squamata: Anguidae)


There are few studies related to the biological and ecological aspects of the glass snake, a limbless lizard and with a wide geographic distribution. The aim of this study was to analyze the locomotion mode of specimens of Ophiodes cf. fragilis in different substrates and to investigate the morphological adaptations associated with this type of behavior. We observed that the analyzed specimens presented slide-push locomotion modes and lateral undulation in different substrates, using their hind limbs to aid locomotion in three of the four substrates analyzed. The bones of the hind limbs (proximal - femur - and distal - tibia and fibula) were present and highly reduced and the femur is connected to a thin pelvic girdle. Our data support that hind limbs observed in species of this genus are reduced rather than vestigial. The costocutaneous musculature was macroscopically absent. This is the first study of locomotor behavior and morphology associated with locomotion in Ophiodes, providing important information for studies on morphological evolution in the genus.

Key words diaphanization; functional morphology; histology; limbless lizard; locomotion mode

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