Open-access Machine learning-based classification of petrofacies in fine laminated limestones


Characterization and development of hydrocarbon reservoirs depends on the classification of lithological patterns from well log data. In thin reservoir units, limited vertical data impedes the efficient classification of lithologies. We present a test case of petrofacies classification using machine learning models in a thin interval of finely laminated limestones using pseudo-well data created over outcrops (radiometric and unconfined compressive strength logs). We tested Gaussian naïve Bayes (GNB) and support vector machine (SVM) techniques to classify eight petrofacies types, divided into two groups. The objective was to observe the capacity of some well-known models to classify petrofacies with a high-frequency vertical variation of diagenetic heterogeneities in an extreme scenario within a thin sedimentary interval. The GNB was less effective (F 1 score of 0.29), and the SVM achieved the best results in classifying the main facies patterns (F 1 = 0.47). However, the GNB performed better when the analysis was focused on distinguishing the two main groups of petrofacies. The results demonstrate that high-frequency facies variations present a challenge to the automatic identification of lithofacies, mainly due to local variations in horizontal heterogeneities (on the mm- to cm-scale) created by depositional and diagenetic processes, which impact the flow in porous media.

Key words reservoir modeling; machine learning; petrofacies classification; thin reservoir unit; laminated limestones

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