Open-access Spectrophotometric determination of phenol in the presence of congeners by multivariated calibration

The generation of poly-hydroxilated transient species during the photochemical treatment of phenol usually impedes the spectrophotmetric monitoring of its degradation process. Frequently, the appearance of compounds such as pyrocatechol, hydroquinone and benzoquinone produces serious spectral interference, which hinder the use of the classical univariate calibration process. In this work, the use of multivariate calibration is proposed to permit the spectrophotometric determination of phenol in the presence of these intermediates. Using 20 synthetic mixtures containing phenol and the interferents, a calibration model was developed by using a partial least square regression process (PLSR) and processing the absorbance signal between 180 and 300 nm. The model was validated by using 3 synthetic mixtures. In this operation, typical errors lower than 3% were observed. Close correlation between the results obtained by liquid chromatography and the proposed method was also observed.

Phenol; spectrophotometric determination; multivariated calibration

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