Open-access Bioethanol production by immobilized co-culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Scheffersomyces stipitis in a novel continuous 3D printing microbioreactor


Biorefineries require low-cost production processes, low waste generation and equipment that can be used not only for a single process, but for the manufacture of several products. In this context, in this research a continuous 3D printing microbioreactor coupled to an Arduino-controlled automatic feeding system was developed for the intensification of the ethanol production process from xylose/xylulose (3:1), using a new biocatalyst containing the co-culture of Scheffersomyces stipitis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (50/50). Initially, batch fermentations of monocultures of S. cerevisiae and S. stipitis and co-culture were carried out. Subsequently, the immobilized co-culture was used as a biocatalyst in continuous fermentations using the developed microreactor. Fermentations carried out in the microbioreactor presented a 2-fold increase in the ethanol concentration and a 3-fold increase in productivity when compared to monocultures. The microbioreactor developed proved to be efficient and can be extended for other bioproducts production. This approach proved to be a promising alternative for the use of the hemicellulose fraction of biomasses without the need to use modified strains.

Key words hemicellulose; xylose; xylulose; biocatalyst; ethanol; continuous fermentation

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