Open-access How bird community responds to different ages of reforestation? Implications for restoration of a highly threatened Atlantic Forest phytophysiognomy


We evaluated the bird composition, forest dependence, trophic guilds and avian representativeness associated with 7, 10 and 15 years old reforestations and mature forest patches in order to verify the successional process and avian contribution to the forest restoration. Analyses revealed a segregation of bird composition with a gradual increasing in forest dependent species from 7 years to mature forest. Detrended Correspondence Analysis ranged from those birds often present in semi-open habitats to forest birds, canopy frugivorous and understory insectivorous as the successional stages progressed from the most recent reforestation to the most mature. Although 7 and 10 years of reforestation had the largest composition range, the more generalist, granivorous and forest independent birds, three years were enough to have different bird diversity between them. Avifauna of 15 years patches resembled most closely that of mature forest but still lacked 18 species. In this way, we addressed: 1) planting of herbaceous/shrub and freshy-fruited species in reforestations and; 2) establish riparian forest corridors along the Paraná river to connect these reforestation patches with mature forest. These measures will allow higher avian beta-diversity to maximize the diaspores dispersed by birds to expand and accelerate the rehabilitation of this threatened for forest.

Key words bird-plant interactions; community ecology; Neotropical forests; forest rehabilitation

Academia Brasileira de Ciências Rua Anfilófio de Carvalho, 29, 3º andar, 20030-060 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil, Tel: +55 21 3907-8100 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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