Open-access A note on the occurrence of the encrusting foraminifera Homotrema rubrum in reef sediments from two distinctive hydrodynamic settings

Sediment samples from two different reef environments were analyzed for their foraminiferal content: the Sioba/Rio do Fogo reefs, located in a broad shallow shelf dominated by strong currents (Rio Grande do Norte State), and the Praia do Forte reefs, located in a narrow shelf under the influence of wind-induced waves (Bahia State). The recorded foraminiferal fauna, from forty-six samples, is represented by 113 species, being the encrusting species Homotrema rubrum present in nine samples from the Sioba/Rio do Fogo reefs and in 11 samples from Praia do Forte reefs. Homotrema fragments recovered from Sioba/Rio do Fogo are mostly polished with rounded edges (51.59%) and some have a whitish color, whereas the specimens from Praia do Forte reefs are predominantly composed of reddish fragments (82.41%) with sharpened points (63.88%). The high wave energy on the reef environment of Praia do Forte is responsible for the fragmentation of living Homotrema tests (red color), which are deposited near to their source area. The effects of the strong current system operating in the broad continental shelf of Sioba/Rio do Fogo is the major cause of sediment reworking, producing polished grains accumulated in its reef surroundings.

Homotrema rubrum; reefs; coralline algae; coral

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