Open-access Meat quality of pigs fed grape pomace in different production systems


The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of supplementation the diet of pigs with grape pomace preserved in silage form (GPS) and its interaction with indoor and outdoor production systems, with and without access to vegetation, on the attributes of meat quality produced. Analyzes of proximal composition, cholesterol content, fatty acid profile, shear force, texture profile and sensory analysis were performed. During cold storage, oxidative stability and objective color were analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed in a 3x2 factorial design (production systems (S) x GPS-feed (F)) and the interaction between them (S*F). The results showed that there was no interaction between the production system and GPS feeding for the attributes evaluated. The proximate composition and fatty acid profile of the muscle remained unchanged. Additionally, it provides higher subjective and objective tenderness, higher red color intensity, and reduces lipid oxidation under refrigeration. The supplementation of pig feed with GPS improve the quality of the meat and constitute a sustainable alternative for the winemaking residue.

Key words agro-industrial waste; antioxidant; fatty acid profile; lipid oxidation; sensory analysis; tenderness

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