Open-access Molecular identification of whales remains from the Keller Peninsula, Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica


At the beginning of the 20th century, intense whaling activity took place in the South Shetland Islands, which is represented today in the form of ruins and numerous whale bones scattered along several Antarctic beaches. Despite being exposed to a harsh environment throughout the last decades, the present manuscript tried to answer if these bone remains still have viable DNA to allow species’ identification using molecular methods. Several individuals were collected from the shores of Keller Peninsula, Admiralty Bay, Antarctica, and submitted to DNA extraction, amplification and Sanger sequencing. The challenging identification of these bone fragments proved to be still feasible. Mitochondrial DNA was successfully extracted, amplified and sequenced. A database with 43 sequences including previously published and newly determined sequences were built and enabled the precise identification to species level for some of the collected samples, therefore shedding light on the whales species that inhabited the region and how their overexploitation seems to have affected modern day presence of these species within the study area.

Key words Antarctica; Whales; Identification; Molecular

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