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Open-access Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências

Publicação de: Academia Brasileira de Ciências
Área: Multidisciplinar Versão impressa ISSN: 0001-3765
Versão on-line ISSN: 1678-2690


Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, Volume: 95, Número: 4, Publicado: 2023

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, Volume: 95, Número: 4, Publicado: 2023

Document list
Are the tough times for Brazilian publications over? KELLNER, ALEXANDER W.A.
Oxidative stress in Arthrospira platensis by two organophosphate pesticides TUNCA, HATİCE DOĞRU, ALİ KÖÇKAR, FERAY KILIÇ, HEDİYE E. SEVİNDİK, TUĞBA O.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Although it is known that organophosphate insecticides are harmfull to aquatic ecosystems, oxidative damages caused by Dimethoate and Chlorpyrifos are not studied on Arthrospira platensis Gomont. In this study, various Chlorpyrifos (0-150 µg mL-1) and Dimethoate (0-250 µg mL-1) concentrations were added to the culture medium in laboratory to evaulate growth rate, chlorophyll-a content and antioxidant parameters of A. platensis. Optical Density (OD560) and chlorophyll-a decreased compared to the control for seven days in both pesticide applications. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity increased at 50 µg mL-1 Chlorpyrifos concentration but it decreased at all concentrations. Although Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione reductase (GR) activities increased with Chlorpyrifos application, they did not change with Dimethoate application. Malondialdehyde (MDA) amount decreased at 150 µg mL-1 Chlorpyrifos concentration but it increased in Dimethoate application. The H2O2 content were increased in both applications. Proline decreased in 50 and 75 µg mL-1 Chlorpyrifos concentrations and increased at 150 µg mL-1 concentration, while it increased at 25 µg mL-1 Dimethoate concentration. The results were tested at 0.05 significance level. These pesticides inhibit A. platensis growth and chlorophyll-a production and cause oxidative stress. The excessive use may affect the phytoplankton and have negative consequences in the aquatic ecosystem.
Structural and histochemical aspects of the Gymnotus carapo tegument (Teleostei: Gymnotiformes) COHENE, TANIA BLANCO OLEA, GABRIELA QUINTANA, CAROLINA FLORES

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The present study aims to structurally and histochemically characterize the Gymnotus carapo tegument. 30 specimens were captured and slaughtered by spinal section with anesthesia. The observation was carried out with a stereoscopic microscope and the body surface was photographed. Fragments of the dorsal, ventral and lateral region were fixed in Bouin’s solution for 12 hours and subsequently preserved in 70% alcohol. They were subsequently observed in the scanning electron microscope (SEM). The preparation for SEM was performed following the standardized protocol. Histological preparations were made, and the cuts were colored with H-E, PAS and Coomassie Blue. The images were obtained in an Olympus BX41-ENUTV-4 microscope. From the observations in SEM a plain tegument with pores of different sizes could be evidenced. The scales of the different regions of the body have different ornaments. Microscopically it was composed of a stratified non-keratinized epithelium consisting of two types of morphologically distinct cells: epidermal cells and mucous cells (PAS-Commassie Blue positive). Under the epithelium there is a layer of dense irregular connective tissue with associated chromatophores and more deeply scales. These analyzes are the basis for future studies that will focus on elucidating the events related to integumentary healing in this species.
Revision and analysis of the chromosome variability in the speciose genus Akodon (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae), including new data from Argentina LABARONI, CAROLINA A. MAIRHOFER, VAITIARE A. PAEZ COLL OJEDA, AGUSTINA A. NOVILLO, AGUSTINA TETA, PABLO JAYAT, PABLO OJEDA, RICARDO A. BUSCHIAZZO, LEANDRO M. CÁLCENA, EUGENIO N. BOLZÁN, ALEJANDRO D. LANZONE, CECILIA

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Rodentia has a high species number and chromosomal variability. The South American genus Akodon is one of the most speciose muroids, with more than 40 species included in several species groups. Here, we characterize cytogenetically specimens of Akodon from central-western Argentina. Subsequently, we reviewed and analyzed the cytogenetic data for this genus, build a phylogeny and mapped chromosome changes to interpret its evolution. Specimens of A. dolores from central-western Argentina have 2n=42-44/FNa=44 (46, 48) due to a Robertsonian rearrangement. Our data expand the distribution range known for this polymorphism and confirm its geographic structure. Other specimens had 2n=40/FNa=40, representing populations of A. oenos, A. polopi, and A. spegazzinii. All karyotypes have a low amount of heterochromatin, concentrated in centromeres and sex chromosomes, as in other rodents. The complement with 2n=40/FNa=40 is the most frequent in Akodon and is shared by most species in some groups. Chromosome numbers are very diverse. The FNa shows less variability; FNa=42 was recovered as ancestral, excluding A. mimus, which was connected at the base of the Akodon tree and has FNa=44. This indicates a complex chromosome evolution in Akodon, and suggests that reductions and increases in the 2n and FNa evolved independently in some lineages.
Proteomic characterization and biological activities of the mucus produced by the zoanthid Palythoa caribaeorum (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1860) SILVA, MARLLYN M. CAMPOS, THIERS A. CAVALCANTI, ISABELLA M.F. OLIVEIRA, IDJANE S. PÉREZ, CARLOS DANIEL SILVA, ROBERTO AFONSO DA WANDERLEY, MARCELA S.O. SANTOS, NOEMIA P.S.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Mucus, produced by Palythoa caribaeorum has been popularly reported due to healing, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects. However, biochemical and pharmacological properties of this mucus remains unexplored. Therefore, the present study aimed to study its proteome profile by 2DE electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF. Furthermore, it was evaluated the cytotoxic, antibacterial, and antioxidant activities of the mucus and from its protein extract (PE). Proteomics study identified14 proteins including proteins involved in the process of tissue regeneration and death of tumor cells. The PE exhibited cell viability below 50% in the MCF-7 and S-180 strains. It showed IC50 of 6.9 μg/mL for the J774 lineage, and also, favored the cellular growth of fibroblasts. Furthermore, PE revealed activity against Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, and Staphylococcus epidermidis (MIC of 250 μg/mL). These findings revealed the mucus produced by Palythoa caribaeorum with biological activities, offering alternative therapies for the treatment of cancer and as a potential antibacterial agent.
Chlorpyrifos toxicity and detoxifying enzymes activities in three native-aquatic species of macroinvertebrates from an agricultural area LARES, BETSABÉ BRIO, JOSEFINA DEL PARRA-MORALES, LAURA FERNÁNDEZ, HUGO MONTAGNA, CRISTINA

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Non-target species from agricultural areas might be exposed to sublethal pesticide concentrations favoring survival and reproduction of the resistance individuals. The objective of this study was to evaluate chlorpyrifos toxicity and detoxification enzymatic activities on three species (Hyalella curvispina, Heleobia parchappii and Girardia tigrina) from a drain channel with history of insecticide contamination (EF) and the Neuquén river (NR) in Argentina. Chlorpyrifos toxicity on amphipods (H. curvispina) and planarians (G. tigrina) from NR was about six- and two-fold higher than that of their counterparts from EF. Mean carboxylesterases (CarE) activities determined in the three species from NR were significantly different from EF, whereas mean glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activities were no significantly different. Finally, planarians from EF showed significantly higher mean 7-ethoxycoumarine O-deethylase (ECOD) activity than those from NR. Amphipods from both sites displayed similar ECOD activities. The present results suggest that chlorpyrifos resistance in amphipods from EF is not conferred by increased detoxification.
Effects of sub-chronic CRH administration into the hypothalamic paraventricular and central amygdala nuclei in male rats with a focus on food intake biomarkers RAYATPOUR, ATEFEH RADAHMADI, MARYAM IZADI, MINA S. GHASEMI, MAEDEH

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract CRH neurons are found in the paraventricular nucleus(PVN) and central amygdala(CeA) nuclei. This study investigated the effects of sub-chronic CRH administration into the PVN and CeA nuclei on food intake biomarkers in rats divided into five groups: control, two shams, and two CRH-PVN and CRH-CeA groups(receiving CRH in nuclei for seven days). The CRH-PVN group had significantly higher cumulative food intake and food intake trends than the CRH-CeA group. The CRH-CeA and CRH-PVN groups exhibited significant increases in food intake during hours 1 and 2, respectively. Moreover, to be time-dependent, food intake is modulated by different brain nuclei. The CRH signaling pathway appeared to be activated later in the PVN than CeA. Both groups exhibited significantly higher leptin levels, the CRH-PVN group exhibited higher ghrelin levels and lower glucose levels. Repetitive administration of CRH into the PVN and CeA significantly reduced body weight differences. CRH administration into the PVN affected both leptin and ghrelin levels, but ghrelin had a greater impact on glucose variations and cumulative food intake than leptin. Finally, CRH administration into the PVN and CeA likely activated the HPA axis, and the CeA had a greater impact on the stress circuit than on food intake behavior.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The bioconversion of porungo cheese whey to produce β-galactosidase in batch system was studied. The whey released after curd cutting and precipitation during porungo cheese production was collected in borosilicate flasks. Two strains of Kluyveromyces marxianus, CCT 4086 and CBS 6556, and whey supplementation with different nitrogen sources were evaluated. Different temperatures (30 °C and 37 °C) and pH values (5.0 to 7.0) were investigated to establish the best conditions for enzyme production. The highest enzymatic activity was obtained by K. marxianus CCT 4086 in porungo cheese whey supplemented with yeast extract (16.73 U mL-1). K. marxianus CCT 4086 produced superior β-galactosidase activity when compared to CBS 6556 for all media tested (ranging from 11.69 to 14.40 U mL-1). Highest β-galactosidase activity was reached under conditions of pH 7.0 and 30 °C using K. marxianus CCT 4086 in the better media composition. The lowest enzymatic activity was observed at 37 °C for all pH values tested (10.69 U mL-1 to 13.94 U mL-1) and a highest β-galactosidase activity was reached in pH 7.0 for both two temperatures (11.42 to 15.93 U mL-1). Porungo cheese whey shows potential for industrial β-galactosidase production by microbial fermentation.
Evaluation of cell disruption methods in the oleaginous yeasts Yarrowia lipolytica QU21 and Meyerozyma guilliermondii BI281A for microbial oil extraction TIMOTHEO, CARINA A. FABRICIO, MARIANA F. AYUB, MARCO ANTÔNIO Z. VALENTE, PATRICIA

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The interest for oleaginous yeasts has grown significantly in the last three decades, mainly due to their potential use as a renewable source of microbial oil or single cell oils (SCOs). However, the methodologies for cell disruption to obtain the microbial oil are considered critical and determinant for a large-scale production. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate different methods for cell wall disruption for the lipid extraction of Yarrowia lipolytica QU21 and Meyerozyma guilliermondii BI281A. The two strains were separately cultivated in 5 L batch fermenters for 120 hours, at 26 ºC and 400 rpm. Three different lipid extraction processes using Turrax homogenizer, Ultrasonicator and Braun homogenizer combined with bead milling were applied in wet, oven-dried, and freeze-dried biomass of both strains. The treatment with the highest percentage of disrupted cells and highest oil yield was the ultrasonication of oven-dried biomass (37-40% lipid content for both strains). The fact that our results point to one best extraction strategy for two different yeast strains, belonging to different species, is a great news towards the development of a unified technique that could be applied at industrial plants.
Pathology of an iridescent virus in immature Culex pipiens L. (Diptera, Culicidae) MUTTIS, EVANGELINA MICIELI, MARÍA VICTORIA GARCÍA, JUAN JOSÉ

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Iridovirus in Culex pipiens was reported for the first time in 2012. Later studies of horizontal transmission were performed, in which an interaction with the parasite Strelkovimermis spiculatus acting as viral vector was recognized. In the present study, we observed aspects of the pathology produced by an invertebrate iridescent virus in laboratory infected immature Cx. pipiens as well as in infected immature Cx. pipiens in the field. In the laboratory infected larvae, the infection and mortality were asynchronous. Signs of infection in larvae exposed to the virus were observed between the second and the fourth days post-exposure in 99% of the cases, while the highest daily record of visible infected larvae (52%) was observed on the third day post exposure. Moreover, 79% of confirmed virus infected larvae died in the first 10 days after exposure. The Median Lethal Time was eight days. Several tissues were found to be infected and the common sites of replication were the fat body, epidermis and epithelial derivatives, such as the imaginal discs and the tracheal epithelium. Moreover, infection in the salivary glands, gastric ceca and posterior gut have not been previously documented on other mosquito iridescent viruses.
Production of ethanol and xylitol from D-xylose by four strains of Candida (Spathaspora) materiae MOURA, MARINA ELIZABETH F. DE PALLADINO, FERNANDA CADETE, RAQUEL M. BARROS, KATHARINA O. LARA, CARLA A. SILVA, FERNANDA G.S. ROSA, CARLOS A.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Xylose is the most abundant pentose sugar in lignocellulosic biomass and can be biologically converted into economically important products by microorganisms such as yeasts. This study aimed to characterize the bioconversion of xylose into xylitol and ethanol using four strains of Candida materiae belonging to the Spathaspora clade, which includes yeast species with the potential to convert D-xylose to xylitol and ethanol. Fermentation assays were performed in YPX medium (yeast extract, peptone, xylose 5%) under two oxygen-limiting conditions at inoculum concentrations of 1, 5 and 10 g L-1. The best results were obtained using a 5 g L-1 inoculum under moderate oxygen-limiting conditions. C. materiae UFMG-CM-Y480 produced 32.23 g L-1 of xylitol, yielding 0.743 g g-1 within 36 h. Different combinations of xylose and glucose (25/25 g L-1, 40/10 g L-1, 10/40 g L-1) were also used to verify the influence of sugars on C. materiae metabolism. Xylitol was preferentially produced in medium containing 40 g L-1 xylose. C. materiae UFMG-CM-Y480 produced 26.20 g L-1 of xylitol with a yield of 0.646 g g-1 in 36 h. Our results showed that C. materiae UFMG-CM-Y480 may convert D-xylose to xylitol with a better fermentative performance than other xylitol-producing yeasts.
Nematodes as indicators of environmental changes in a river with different levels of anthropogenic impact LEHUN, ATSLER LUANA DUARTE, GISELE S.C. TAKEMOTO, RICARDO M.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Considering that changes in the biodiversity of parasite communities can be used as indicators of ecosystem health, the aim of this study was to investigate the potential use of Geophagus brasiliensis parasites as bioindicators of environmental changes. We established three sample points in the Iguaçu River, each presenting different degrees of environmental impact. Out of the 69 G. brasiliensis specimens analyzed, 32 (46.3%) were parasitized by at least one parasite. We collected a total of 56 specimens of endoparasites belonging to the phylum Nematoda. Fishes collected in point 3 presented a significantly higher abundance of nematode species (moderately degraded) (Kruskal-Wallis2;69 = 8.62; p = 0.01) and species compositions between points were significantly different (F = 6.95, p = 0.002). No significant difference in relative condition factor (Kn) among the points (F2;66 = 2.54; p = 0.08) or correlation in Kn and abundance of nematodes (rs = 0.1; p = 0.4) were indicated. The results presented in this study indicate that the parasitic community of G. brasiliensis is characterized by low diversity in polluted locations, which explains the absence of certain parasite species and the occurrence of nematode species with varied responses to the pollution gradient.
Functional feeding groups of Chironomidae (Diptera: Nematocera) and their spatial variation in an intermittent hill stream (Ventana Stream, Buenos Aires, Argentina) OCON, CAROLINA SIRI, AUGUSTO ALTIERI, PAULA DONATO, MARIANO

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The feeding habits of Chironomidae in hill streams in the pampean region have not been described. In this study, we analyzed the gut contents of this insect family with an aim at establishing their diet in an intermittent stream in the Ventania-Hill system. We sampled three sites with different habitat characteristics (i. e., altitude, substrate type, and current velocity). Of the total of nine taxa were recorded, the only one present at all sites was Corynoneura sp. 1. The food items found were detritus, diatoms, filamentous chlorophytes, euglenophytes, vascular plants, fungi, and animal remains. Most of the taxa could be classified as gathering collectors, with those having a higher proportion of detritus in the gut contents although the guts of Pentaneura nr. cinerea, Cricotopus sp. 1, and Onconeura analiae included high proportions of animal remains. No differences in the feeding habits were attributable to the location in the stream. This research contributes to our understanding of the trophic habits of Chironomidae in an intermittent hill stream system of South America.
Systematic assessment of nymphs of Diesingiinae (Pentastomida: Sebekidae) parasitizing Palloceros harpagos (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) from Parque Nacional Iguazú, Argentina: filling gaps in an incomplete phylogenetic framework MONTES, MARTÍN MIGUEL BARNECHE, JORGE LEGUNDA, NICOLAS FERRARI, WALTER AGUILAR-AGUILAR, ROGELIO MARTORELLI, SERGIO ROBERTO

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract During a search for parasites in fishes from Iguazu River, Argentina, a nymph of pentastomid was found encysted on mesenteries of Phalloceros harpagos. The 28S rDNA and COI mt-DNA were used to compare with the sequences deposited in the GenBank. Pentastomid nymphs belong to the subfamily Diesingiinae (Sebekidae) for having chloride cell pores distributed in a single row per annulus; also, the hooks and rows of spines of our material differ to other genera. Present specimens are most likely Diesingia sp., having 63-74 annuli, a U shaped oral cadre with fibers closing anteriorly and a peg like extension of the oral cadre. The 28S rDNA analysis places our samples into a sister group of Alofia sp., but the COI mt-DNA situate them on the base of the clade. In conclusion, our pentastomid positively belongs to Diesingia sp., however, indisputable assignation requires a reliable description of the nymph, or the availability of sequences linking nymphs and adults, which even could provide evidence of a new hitherto undescribed genus. Aditionally, the systematic position of Sebekia oxycephala previously described by P. harpagos is discussed on the basis of our results, allowing us to suggest a re-assignation of such specimens to the genus Diesingia.
Species composition and assemblage analysis of fishes caught as bycatch by the Patagonian shrimp fishery in the southwest Atlantic GÓNGORA, MARÍA EVA NÚÑEZ, JULIAN RUIBAL COCHIA, PABLO DANIEL BOVCON, NELSON DARÍO

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Bottom trawl fishing is the most used worldwide gear generating large amounts of discards due to bycatch of a variety of species. Shrimp fisheries are recognized for their high incidence in global discards. In waters of Patagonia Argentina (43°S - 47°S) an industrial shrimp fishery of high economic value is developed whose target species is the Patagonian shrimp Pleoticus muelleri. The information presented in this study comprises a period of 12 years (2003-2014) and it was gathered by the On-board Observer Program. The Program collects information of all species captured in the fishing fleets. The data analyzed corresponds to the double-rigged otter trawler fleet and the coastal fleet. The fish bycatch composition was characterized in both fleets and the frequencies of occurrence of species and the assemblage areas were analyzed. A total of 101 fish species were identified (59 families) of which 69 were bony fishes, 29 cartilaginous fishes and three species of jawless fishes. The assemblages described correspond to coastal and deep waters, and they are integrated by temperate and subtropical species pointing out the area as an ecotonal zone.
Insect galls from Amazon rainforest areas in Rondônia (Brazil) PROENÇA, BARBARA MAIA, VALÉRIA CID

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract This study aimed at survey insect galls of an Amazon rainforest area in Rondônia, Brazil. We found 152 gall morphotypes in 103 plant species. Fabaceae were the host with the greatest gall richness. Leaves were the most galled organ. Globose and glabrous galls were the most frequent. Cecidomyiidae were responsible for most of the galls. This is the first record of 110 galls morphotypes and 23 host plants species in this biome. Ten gallers are endemic in Brazil. Five genera of Cecidomyiidae were first recorded in Rondônia as well as Schismatodiplosis lantanae Rübsaamen, 1908.
Expansion of the area of occurrence of the genus Anochetus Mayr 1861 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) CARVALHO, JULIANA S. LIMA, ANA C.R. DE LUTINSKI, JUNIR A. GARCIA, FLÁVIO R.M.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The study was carried out on an agroecological property located in Cologne São Manoel, 8th district of Pelotas, RS, Brazil. Anochetus neglectus Emery, 1894 was collected in an area of peach orchard that has been under an agroecological system for 18 years. This record expands the area of ​​occurrence and distribution of this rare species in the Neotropical Region.
Seasonality and assemblages of non-passeriform waterbirds in várzea lakes on the lower Amazonas River, Santarém, Pará, Brazil ALMEIDA-SANTOS, DANILO AUGUSTO FERREIRA, GIULIANNE S. LOPES, EDSON V.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Amazonian várzeas are annually flooded for at least five months, which influences the occurence of waterbirds. This study investigates the species richness and composition, and individual abundance of waterbird assemblages in 10 várzea lakes on the lower Amazon River across a seasonal cycle. A total of 7,970 birds belonging to 52 species were recorded. Of these, 25 species were present in all four phases of the cycle, 5 in three phases, 10 in two and 12 during just one phase. Families with the highest species richness were Ardeidae and Scolopacidae. In the dry season, we recorded the highest species richness and the highest total abundance values. Thirteen species showed variation in abundance across the seasonal cycle, most being more abundant in the dry season Variation in species richness, abundance, and composition suggests that research on waterbird assemblages in Amazonian várzeas should consider all phases of the seasonal cycle. Furthermore, the occurrence of several migratory species demonstrates the importance of this region for the conservation of this group. Multi-year monitoring would contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics of Amazonian várzea waterbird assemblages.
Abundance, distribution, and associated forage losses of pest grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in the Argentine Pampas MARIOTTINI, YANINA MANCINI, MICAELA FALASCO, CLARA T. WYSIECKI, MARÍA LAURA DE LANGE, CARLOS ERNESTO

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The goal of this study was to assess the status of Dichroplus elongatus and Borellia bruneri as actual agricultural pests in the Argentine Pampas by determining their abundance, distribution, and associated forage loss. The study was conducted in Laprida and Tandil, two counties in Buenos Aires province. In each county 20 sampling sites were established and monitored from 2012 to 2018. B. bruneri was more abundant and with a wider distribution in Laprida (91.4% of the sites) than in Tandil (42.1% of the sites) while D. elongatus abundance was significantly higher from 2012 to 2016 in Tandil than in Laprida and its distribution was wide in Laprida (75% of the sites) and very wide in Tandil (77.14%). Under field-cage conditions forage loss caused at three different densities (8, 16, and 32 ind/m2) of D. elongatus and B. bruneri adults on a pasture of Festuca arundinacea was estimated. Forage loss caused by D. elongatus was significantly higher than that caused by B. bruneri. Dichroplus elongatus caused a significant decrease in biomass at the three densities respect to the control, while B. bruneri only caused a significant decrease at the highest density. Our study suggests that although the gomphocerine B. bruneri is an abundant and widely-distributed species capable of doing some damage in the grasslands of the southern Pampas, it is comparatively much less harmful than the melanopline D. elongatus.
Effect of hydrocolloid concentration in low-calorie orange jellies on preservation of bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity LIMA, MICHELLE B. SANTOS, HELLEN V. BARBOSA, JUNIA CRISTINA PENNA, LEONARDO O. PEREIRA, PATRÍCIA APARECIDA P.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The purpose of this paper was to avaliate of the concentration of hydrocolloids (low methoxyl pectin [LMP], guar gum [GG], and carrageenan gum [CG]) in low-calorie orange jellies in order to maximize the amount of bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity, and to study the influence on degradation these compounds. A mixture design with seven tests was used to analyze the total phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and antioxidant capacity (ABTS, DPPH and β-carotene/linoleic acid methods). The results were analyzed by response surface methodology and the Scott-Knott mean test at a significance level of 5% (p ≤ 0.05). In general, the regions containing 0.5% GG and 0.5% GC had higher levels of the variables under study, and this combination preserved the bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of jellies in relation to that of orange juice.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The geographical distribution of sand flies in Brazil has been the subject of some studies, yet there is no information about the phlebotomine fauna in João Pessoa, State of Paraíba, Brazil. The aim of this work is to evaluate the occurrence and distribution of sand flies in the Atlantic forest fragments and to evaluate a possible dispersion in 06 nearby districts. Light traps were used during three consecutive nights, supplemented by an aspirator during the dry period and rainy season. A total of 222 sand flies were found, 143 (130 males and 13 females) in the Atlantic forest, and 79 in urban areas. During the entire dry season, three species of phlebotomine sand flies were recorded in 11 forest fragments, Lutzomyia longipalpis, Lu. migonei and Lu. whitmani. During the rainy season, only Lu. longipalpis was found. This was the only species identified in the studied neighborhoods during both seasons. The differences in diversity of sand flies encountered between natural habitats and urban areas may thus be correlated mostly with adaptations to particular habitats and availability of food. One species (Lu. longipalpis) appears to be rapidly adapting to urban areas because of deforestation.
Insect galls of Atlantic Forest areas of Serra da Bodoquena (MS, Midwestern Brazil) ASCENDINO, SHARLENE MAIA, VALÉRIA CID

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract An inventory of insect galls of Serra da Bodoquena (MS, Midwestern Brazil) was carried out in an area of semideciduous seasonal forest situated in the Califórnia Farm. Three field works were done in August/2011, December/2011 and April/2012, when the local vegetation was examined during 40 hours per expedition. Fifty-eight gall morphotypes were found on 40 host plants, 38 of them native. The host plants are distributed in 18 families. The native plants include eight endemic species in Brazil, which together totaled 14 gall morphotypes. Zanthoxylum L. sp. (Rutaceae), an endemic genus in Brazil, hosts one gall morphotype. The non endemic native plants totaled 26 gall morphotypes. Ten new host plants are recorded for the first time in Brazil. The medium number of gall morphotypes per plant species was 1.45. Salicaceae, Bignoniaceae, and Asteraceae presented the highest number of galled species and the greatest gall richness. Leaves were the most frequent galled plant organ and there was a predominance of globoid galls. Diptera (Cecidomyiidae) were the most frequent gallers, but Hemipteran and Thysanopteran galls were also found. The associated fauna was composed of inquilines (Diptera: Muscomorpha and Cecidomyiidae - Trotteria sp., and Thysanoptera), successors (Psocoptera), and parasitoids (Hymenoptera).
Body yield and quality of fresh and post-freezing filet of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) genetic groups NUNES, ANDRÉ L. CORRÊA FILHO, RUY A.C. SERAPHIM, GUILHERME N. PIRES, LUANA B. MARTINS, THIAGO X. PRATES, MICHEL F.M. OLIVEIRA, CARLOS A.L. DUARTE, MARJORIE T. POVH, JAYME A.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the body yield and quality of fresh and post-freezing filet of male and female fish of inbred and non-inbred AquaAmérica genetic group and the hybrid between the AquaAmérica and Tilamax varieties. Forty fish (20 males and 20 females) of each genetic group were housed in four 48-m3 hapa net cages, getting 120 fish per cage. The fish were housed at 51 days of age and farmed for 269 days. Pre-slaughter weight was higher (P<0.05) in the AquaAmérica × Tilamax males (0.805±0.204 kg) than in the inbred AquaAmérica male (0.643±0.115 kg). Filet yield percentage was higher (P<0.05) in the AquaAmérica × Tilamax males (32.14±4.72%) than in the inbred AquaAmérica (28.15±2.67%) and non-inbred AquaAmérica (29.06±2.80%) males. Head and viscera yield percentages, pH, color values (L*, a* and b*), shear force, drip loss and cooking loss did not differ significantly between the genetic groups and sexes. Alterations in meat quality were observed after freezing. In conclusion, inbreeding in the AquaAmérica variety resulted in reduced slaughter weight for males; AquaAmérica × Tilamax males have a higher filet yield; and filet quality is not influenced by crossing, inbreeding, or sex, but is changed after freezing.
Cut yield and meat quality of brown eggshell laying hens housed in an alternative system and submitted to different feeding volumes FORGIARINI, JULIANA KRABBE, EVERTON LUIS ALVES, DÉBORA ALINE AVILA, VALDIR S. KAWSKI, VICKY L. CONTREIRA, CRISTIELE L. BAVARESCO, CAROLINE ROLL, VICTOR FERNANDO B.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The aim was to evaluate the effect of different feeding volumes on the cut yield and meat quality of brown eggshell laying hens strain Embrapa 051 (E051) during the laying cycle, reared in an alternative system and slaughtered at 73 weeks, with reference to the lineage Lohmann Brown (LB). 600 hens E051 and 200 hens LB were used in an entirely randomized experimental design totalizing 5 replicates with 40 birds each. The treatments were: Control (LB fed with 100% of their dietary requirements), E051 fed with 93% of the control diet, E051 fed with 100% of the control diet, and E051 fed with 107% of the control diet. Birds were supplemented daily with 30g of ground grasses. Different feeding volumes did not alter the physicochemical quality of the meat and the cut yield. Body and cold carcass weight were greater in the E051 fed with 107% of the reference feed compared to the LB or the E051 fed with 7% less than the control diet. Yellow color intensity was greater in the E051 than in LB. The results demonstrated that, at the end of their productive cycle, the E051 without a restricted diet presents good carcass characteristics and potential for industrialized development.
Levels of energy supplementation for heifers in Tifton 85 pasture on carcass characteristics, internal organs and meat quality SILVA, MARCELO A. DA ALVES FILHO, DARI C. MACHADO, DIEGO S. MARTINI, ANA PAULA M. CARDOSO, GILMAR S. BRONDANI, IVAN LUIZ COCCO, JOZIANE M. CATTELAM, PATRÍCIA M.M.

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Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different levels of concentrate supplementation on carcass characteristics of heifers finished on Tifton 85 pasture. Thirty-two cross-breed heifers (Charolais and Nellore) on average aged 25.51 months and weighing 298 kg were used in a completely randomized experiment. The animals were distributed uniformly to receive four different levels of concentrates based on the body weight: 0.0; 0.4; 0.8 and 1.2%. Animals were slaughtered at 29 months of age. There was increasing linear effect of levels energy supplementation on: slaughter weight, hot and cold carcass weights,hot and cold dressing percentage, thigh thickness, carcass compactness, and L* and b* color values. It was observed quadratic effect of levels of energy supplementation on the percentage of fat in the carcass. Different levels of energy supplementation did not modify the accumulation of vital organs and visceral fat or the sensory attributes of the meat. Higher levels of energy supplementation promote increases in carcass traits of heifers when finished on Tifton 85 pasture.

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Abstract Studies and innovations on alternative feed additives, especially on homeopathic remedies have been highlighted in order to replace or reduce the use of antibiotics in pig production. This paper aimed to assess the addition of homeopathic products in pig diet and their effects on the growth performance, serum metabolites, nutrient and energy digestibility, carcass traits and meat quality. A total of 60 immunocastrated male pigs, weighing on average 30.91 ± 0.95 kg, were distributed in two treatments, 10 replicates and three animals/experimental unit. There was no effect (P≥0.05) of treatment on the growth performance and serum metabolites. The percentage of acid-insoluble ash recovered in the diet was greater (P≤0.01) in diets containing homeopathic products. The apparent digestible energy of diets containing homeopathic products was reduced (P≤0.01) in the growing phase and reduced (P≤0.01) the apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, crude protein, soluble neutral and acid detergent fibers, and gross energy in the growing and finishing phases. Pig that received diets with homeopathic products had higher (P≤0.05) amount of meat, percentage of meat and marbling. The use of homeopathic products in diets improves the percentage and quality of meat, as well as the marbling of the pig carcass, maintaining the performance.
Effects of dietary palm oil supplementation on ruminal degradation and apparent digestibility of nutrients in sheep MORAIS, EZIQUIEL DE SOUZA, SHIRLEY M. ÁVILA, SANDRA C. DE BORGES, IRAN SOUSA, LUCIANO F. GUIMARÃES, CÉLIA MARIA C. SILVA, ANDRÉ G. MACIEL E

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Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the inclusion of palm oil on the ruminal environment and nutrient digestibility of sheep diets. Twenty rumen-cannulated sheep were kept in individual stalls equipped with feeding and drinking troughs The animals were fed five diets based on Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum. cv. Roxo) silage and supplemented with 0, 25, 50, 75, or 100 g kg-1 of palm oil (based on total DM). The Elephant grass was harvested at 90 days of regrowth and the concentrate was based on ground corn grain, soybean meal and mineral mix (20 g kg-1 DM), offered to the sheep at a ratio of 1.5 g kg-1d-1 of body weight (restricted intake) to maintain a forage-to-concentrate ratio of 1:1, based on DM. There were no differences (P = 0.324) in ruminal disappearance and degradability parameters with up to 75 g of oil per kg of DM. Organic matter showed a linear reduction in apparent digestibility, while ether extract increased linearly. Palm oil affected the digestibility and nutritional parameters in ruminant diets.
Productive performance, breast growth and digestive system development in European quail subjected to post-hatch fasting for different periods CRUZ, FLAVIA K. FIGUEROA, CHRISTIAN DOUGLAS NICHELE ANDRADE, KASSIANA G. KANEKO, ISABELLE NAEMI BONAGURIO, LUCAS P. BEZERRA JÚNIOR, JAILTON S. ROSSI, ROBSON M. MURAKAMI, ALICE E. SANTOS, TATIANA C.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract This study assessed the effect of different periods of post-hatch fasting on animal performance and breast and digestive system growth in European quail. Quail chicks were distributed in a completely randomized design, with four fasting periods (0, 24, 36, and 48 hs) and four replications of 40 birds per treatment. In 1 to 14-day-old chicks, weight gain decreased with increasing fasting time. Compensatory gain was observed from 15 days of age onward. Fasted quail had a lower length and relative weight of the digestive system than fed animals for up to 14 days. Histologically, the duodenal villus height was significantly lower in 3-day-old quail fasted for 36 hs than in those fasted for 48 hs, but this effect was not observed at 7 days. Scanning electron microscopy showed no differences in the small intestinal mucosa between fasted and fed birds at 3 days of age. Post-hatch fasting reduced the relative weight of the breast in quail aged 1 to 14 days but did not affect type IIa and IIb fiber diameter at 35 days. On the basis of these results, it is recommended that European quail raised for meat should not be fasted for more than 48 hs post-hatch.
Lipid profile and reproductive performance of female offspring of SWISS mouse females supplemented with resveratrol or canjiqueira (Byrsonima cydoniifolia A Juss) during gestation MENEZES, ADRIANA C. GUERCIO BRANDÃO, LORENA S.R. PORTUGAL, LUCIANE C. MATSUBARA, LIDIA M. MAIA, ELAINE MARIA A. SAKODA, JHESSICA N. PROVIDELO, GILSON A. NAVAREZI, AMANDA G. SANTOS, KELY CRISTINA N. DOS GUIMARÃES, RITA DE CÁSSIA A. SOUZA, ALBERT S. DE SOUZA, MARIA INÊS L.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract This study aimed to resveratrol supplementation (at 5 or 10 mg/kg) and a hydroethanolic extract of canjiqueira fruits (150 mg/kg) on female SWISS mice. Total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), triglyceride levels, gestation rates, and embryonic implantation rates in their female Offspring was evaluated. In conclusion, the consumption of canjiqueira fruit extract altered the lipid profile of their female offspring, and did not impact their reproductive performance. Supplementing female SWISS mice with 10 mg/kg of resveratrol increased total cholesterol, triglycerides, and HDL levels, thereby enhancing the reproductive efficiency of their offspring.
Phytate-phosphorus and phytase on performance, bone characteristics, tissue and serum mineral concentration on broilers CATALAN, AIANE A.S. SILVA, SUELEN N. DA AVILA, VALDIR S. DE KRABBE, EVERTON L. LOPES, LETICIA S. KAWSKI, VICKY L. XAVIER, EDUARDO G. ROLL, VICTOR F.B.

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Abstract Male broiler chickens (384), Cobb 500, were housed in metabolic cages to assess the efficacy of phytase in diets with low and high phytate-phosphorus on the performance, bone physical characteristics, tissue and serum mineral deposits. Birds were distributed in four treatments with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement in a completely randomized block design. Experimental diets based on maize-soybean meal were T1 – diet low phytate-phosphorus; T2 – diet low phytate-phosphorus and phytase (500 FTU/kg); T3 – diet high phytate-phosphorus; T4 – diet high phytate-phosphorus and phytase (500 FTU/kg). Feed intake, body weight, weight gain and feed conversion ratio were assessed. Two left tibias per experimental unit were analyzed for physical characteristics and mineral concentration; a section of skinless breast muscle and blood were collected to measure the concentration of calcium, phosphorus and sodium. Results showed interaction between bone stiffness and serum calcium. The inclusion of phytase in diets with low and high phytate-phosphorus did not alter performance, bone resistance and flexibility, mineral deposits in the tibia and breast muscle, but increased bone stiffness after 22 days of age. It also provided a higher serum calcium rate in broilers fed diets with low phytate-phosphorus up to 32 days of age.

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Abstract The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of increasing levels of corn straw replacement of sorghum silage on average daily gain, loin eye area, subcutaneous fat thickness, weight of commercial cuts, leg tissue composition, and physico-chemical characteristics of the meat from F1 Santa Inês × Dorper lambs maintained in a feedlot system. Treatments consisted of 0, 33, 66 and 100% corn straw replacement of sorghum silage. There were thirty-six 150-day-old male lambs. Corn straw replacement of sorghum silage in lamb feed reduced the average daily gain and weight of the ribs, besides promoting a quadratic influence on leg fat content. However, there was no influence on commercial carcass cuts, leg muscle index, leg tissue composition, and physico-chemical characteristics of the meat. Thus, corn straw can be used as alternative feedstuff for sheep rations to improve the production of high-quality sheep meat in semi-arid regions.

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Abstract The present study evaluated the productive characteristics, nutrient digestibility, and economic indexes of broiler chickens submitted to diets containing different nutritional levels, and identified advantages for the commercialization of poultry in the griller-type whole chicken model. A total of 180 COBB 500 chicks ™ were distributed in a completely randomized design, in a 2x3 factorial scheme: sex (male and female) and nutritional level (nutritional requirements for male, female or mixed flock); with 6 repetitions of 5 birds each. It was observed effect of the sex factor in the performance and the economic analysis, in which the male chickens presented the highest feed costs, in spite of exhibiting the best feed conversion rates and gross marketability, resulting from greater body weight. Considering nutritional levels, the most outstanding diet was that formulated according to the demands of the females, which did not affect the performance or carcass characteristics of the birds, obtained the highest gross margins with good feeding costs, showed good retention of dry matter and gross energy, regardless of sex. The diet of nutritional requirements of the females provides promising results for the production of broiler chickens. The female birds present marketing advantages in the griller-type chicken model.
Formulation of diets for slow-growing broilers slaughtered at different ages on carcass characteristics and composition of commercial cuts SILVA, LARISSA A.R. NASCIMENTO, KARINA MÁRCIA R. DE SOUZA GOMES, MARINA DE N.B. KIEFER, CHARLES COPAT, LUANNA L.P. SILVA, THIAGO R. DA CHAVES, NATÁLIA R.B. FREITAS, HENRIQUE B. DE MACIE, VIOLETA A. ROSA, MAURÍCIO S.

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Abstract This study was conducted to examine the effects of a diet formulated with industrial amino acids and a commercial vitamin-mineral mixture on the characteristics of carcass and meat cuts of slow-growing broilers slaughtered at different ages. The experiment involved 600 one-day-old male and female white Naked Neck chicks. The chicks were allotted randomly to a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement consisting of two diets and three slaughter ages, in a completely randomized experimental design with five replicates of 20 birds each. The experimental period was 84 days. Six chicks were selected and slaughtered on the first day, and then at 56, 70 and 84 days of age 10 birds unit was selected and slaughtered per experimental period. Weight and yield of carcass, abdominal fat and breast, thigh and drumstick meat were determined. Additionally, moisture, protein, fat and mineral matter contents and protein and fat deposition in the breast, drumstick and thigh muscles were determined. The diet did not influence the yields of carcass, abdominal fat, or meat cuts or the nutritional composition of meat. Slaughter age influenced the yields of breast and thigh meat and abdominal fat; the protein content of breast meat; and the moisture, crude protein, fat, and mineral matter contents of drumstick and thigh meat. There was an interaction effect between diet and slaughter age for protein deposition in breast meat. The age factor influenced fat deposition in the drumstick muscles. Protein deposition in the thigh muscles was influenced by the diet. Moreover, a difference was observed between the ages for protein and fat deposition in the thigh muscle. In conclusion, the use of a commercial mixture in the diet results in decreased protein deposition in the breast and thigh muscles, although this difference does not affect the characteristics of carcass or meat cuts. Birds slaughtered at 70 days exhibit similar carcass characteristics to those of birds slaughtered at 84 days, indicating the possibility of an earlier slaughter age.
Growth of breast muscles in European and Japanese quail raised in meat production system: a morphological analysis FIGUEROA, CHRISTIAN D.N. CRUZ, FLAVIA K. KANEKO, ISABELLE N. BASAGLIA, RODRIGO A. OLIVEIRA, CARLOS A.L. ALMEIDA, FERNANDA L.A. SANTOS, TATIANA C.

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Abstract Growth curves have been described in the quail but with no attention to the muscle composing of the breast. The description of the characteristics of growth curves to body weight and to breast muscle was the aim of this study. Morphological development of Musculus supracoracoideus and Musculus pectoralis in European and Japanese quail was assessed from the final incubation of to 35 days. Gompertz models were adjusted with maximum growth rates to body weight, breast weight, and Musculus pectoralis and supracoracoideus weight at 17.6; 22.2; 23.5, and 21.4 days. The European quail had a higher body and breast weight at maturity. Musculus supracoracoideus developed faster in both subspecies but with larger Musculus pectoralis. Both musculus had a greater number of fibers type IIA and largest fibers IIB, with quadratically increasing in fiber diameter with age in both subspecies and muscles. At 35 days, results of meat quality indicated similarity between genders and subspecies, with darker and redness breast meat in Japanese quail. In conclusion, breast weight gain was a result of type IIA and IIB fiber hypertrophy in both muscles and, despite the difference in size and aptitude, Japanese and European quail showed similar body and muscle growth patterns.
Cross preferences and genetic diversity of Psidium interspecific hybrids through morphoagronomic traits and resistance to Meloidogyne enterolobii ALMEIDA, ODIMAR F. DE VIANA, ALEXANDRE P. GOMES, VICENTE M. SOUZA, RICARDO M. DE SANTOS, PAULO RICARDO DOS AMARAL JÚNIOR, ANTÔNIO T. DO RODRIGUES, DANIELE L.

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Abstract The introgression of M. enterolobii resistance-related genes in guava breeding programs can be compromised by incompatibility among Psidium species. This study aimed to evaluate the female parent preference and genetic diversity of Psidium interspecific hybrids using morphoagronomic traits and resistance to M. enterolobii. There were evaluated cross successes and germination from crosses between accesses of P. cattleyanum, P. guineense and P. guajava and the genetic diversity by Ward-MLM method of hybrids according to descriptors developed for the genus. Crosses were more successful when P. cattleyanum was the female parent. Germination was more successful in crosses involving P. cattleyanum and P. guajava. Four groups were formed. The group IV clustered the most resistant genotypes, composed by genotypes of P. cattleyanum x P. guineense, while the group II was the most susceptible. The groups I and III grouped some genotypes of P. cattleyanum x P. guajava with low levels of susceptibility. There are preferences of female parent species among crosses. Some individuals of groups I and III can be used as source of resistance genes for the breeding program, due the presence of favorable alleles inherited from guava parent. The high susceptibility leads to reduction in root development.
Biological aspects and first record of Leucothyreus alvarengai Frey (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Rutelinae) in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L) (Poaceae) fields of Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil COUTINHO, GILMAR V. ÁVILA, CRÉBIO J. GOMES, ELIAS S. COSTA, EDUARDO N. RODRIGUES, SÉRGIO R. SILVA, IVANA F. DA

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Abstract Larvae of Leucothyreus spp. have been reported causing damage to several crops in Brazil. From May 2012 to April 2013, adults and immatures of Leucothyreus alvarengai Frey (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Rutelinae) samples were obtained from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) (Poaceae) fields in the municipalities of Naviraí and Nova Andradina, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Adults were collected with the aid of light traps, whereas immatures were sampled by opening two trench sizes (30 x 30 x 30 cm and 80 x 50 x 40 cm) in the soil, beside the plants. The collected larvae were reared in laboratory conditions, fed by sugarcane seedlings. The biological cycle of L. alvarengai was completed in 230 days, displaying three larval instars with mean size of the cephalic capsule of 1.68, 2.46, and 3.00 mm for the first, second, and third instar, respectively. Adults were collected in greater numbers in December 2012, and first-instar larvae were observed as of January 2013. Conversely, pupae were observed in the field from July 2012 to January 2013. This is the first record of larvae and adults of L. alvarengai in sugarcane fields in Mato Grosso do Sul state, contributing with the knowledge about its biology and temporal distribution in the field.
Energy levels and lysine, calcium and phosphorus adjustments on broiler nutrient digestibility and performance FEITOSA, VICTOR EMANUEL M. SILVA, CAMILLA M. RIBEIRO JÚNIOR, VALDIR OLIVEIRA, CLAUDIO JOSE P. DE VARGAS JÚNIOR, JOSÉ GERALDO DE BARROS NETO, ANTÔNIO P. DE ALBINO, LUIZ FERNANDO T. BRITO, CLAUDSON O.

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Abstract Chicken broilers digestibility and performance fed with different ME levels, with and without adjustments of digestible lysine, calcium, and available phosphorus, were evaluated. For digestibility, 210 male Cobb 500 chicken broilers were used and distributed into a 3x2+1 factorial arrangement, with three ME levels (3050; 3125 and 3200 kcal/kg) with and without nutrient adjustment, plus one control treatment (2975 kcal ME/kg), totaling seven treatments including six repetitions with five birds into each repetition. For initial performance, 1120 birds were distributed randomly with eight replications within treatments and 20 birds for each replication. For final performance, 1008 chickens were distributed with eight replications and 18 birds for each replication. The DCDM and DCCP were improved (P<0.05) according to the increase of ME and the adjustment in dietary nutrients, as well as GE digestibility. The final performance showed no interaction (P>0.05) between energy and nutrient adjustment, but the increase in energy levels improved the feed conversion ratio (FCR=1.370). Increasing energy density with nutrient adjustment improves both nutrient utilization and bird performance.
Temporal dynamics of Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) during flowering in indeterminate soybean (Glycine max) SOUZA, ELLEN P. DEGRANDE, PAULO E. BARBOSA, VINICIUS O. ALVES JUNIOR, VALTER V. MALAQUIAS, JOSE B.

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Abstract Soybean varieties with indeterminate growth habit are widely used in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul and are characterized by not having well-defined phenological stages. Due to the importance of bee conservation, studies on the frequency and time of visitation in indeterminate soybean are needed. Samples were collected in a 4-ha plot of soybeans not treated with insecticides. Sampling was carried out at random spots, throughout the flowering period, starting at 08h:00min, during 15 min/hour, successively until 16h:00min. Generalized Linear Models were generated and the Poisson regression model provided the best fit, reflecting the significant differences revealed by the deviance analysis. The association between bees and climatic variables was tested with the Spearman’s correlation. The temporal pattern of bee visitation was independently influenced by flowering period and time of day. However climatic variables did not influence significantly bee visitation rate. In the first days of flowering, bees were more abundant, especially between 10h and 15h. These results have practical implications in the maintenance of this species during soybean management practices, contributing to a balanced coexistence between beekeepers and soybean growers, by avoiding applications of phytosanitary products during the periods of high bee visitation.
Reproduction of Meloidogyne morocciensis (Tylenchida: Meloidogynidae) in weeds found in Brazil KASPARY, TIAGO EDU RAMOS, RODRIGO F. SOBUCKI, LISIANE BALARDIN, RICARDO R. NORA, DAIANE DALLA BELLÉ, CRISTIANO

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Abstract Weeds can be hosts of root-knot nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne. The importance of the species Meloidogyne morocciensis parasitizing many crops is recognized, but their reproductive capacity in weeds is not known. The present study hypothesizes the ability of M. morocciensis to parasitize and reproduce in different weed species found in Brazil. The objective was to evaluate the reproduction of M. morocciensis in 36 weed species. The plants were individually inoculated with 5,000 eggs and second stage juveniles and kept in greenhouse for 60 days. The experimental design was completely randomized with twelve replications. The root system of each plant was evaluated for gall index (GI), final nematode population (PF), number of nematode/g of root (NNGR) and reproduction factor (RF). It was verified that M. morocciensis has the capacity to parasite 36 weed species belonging to 16 different botanical families, confirming the hypothesis proposed. From the 36 species evaluated, 77.8% (28) were susceptible (FR ≥ 1.0) to M. morocciensis. The present study is the first to identify different weeds as hosts of M. morocciensis, evidencing its polyphagous habit, indicating species of plants with high capacity to multiply this nematode and that need more attention during the integrated management of these pathogen.
The use of toxic baits for the suppression of Mediterranean fruit fly in mango orchards BARONIO, CLÉBER ANTONIO MACHOTA JUNIOR, RUBEN NUNES, MARCELO Z. PARANHOS, BEATRIZ A.J. BERNARDI, DANIEL GARCIA, FLÁVIO ROBERTO M. BOTTON, MARCOS

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Abstract Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, 1824) is an insect of major economic importance in the mango orchards of the submedium of the São Francisco River Valley, the main area of mango production and exportation in Brazil. To provide alternatives for the management of C. capitata, toxic baits based on alpha-cypermethrin (Gelsura®) and spinosad (Success® 0.02 CB) were evaluated in three commercial mango experiments during two consecutive harvests: 2016/2017 (experiment 1 - area 1) and 2017/2018 (experiment 2 -area 2 and experiment 3 - area 3). According to the results, there was a large reduction in the infestation of C. capitata after five sequential applications of the alpha-cypermethrin (6 g.ha-1) and spinosad (0.38 g.ha-1) toxic baits performed at seven-day intervals during mango fruit ripening in all experiments and years (harvest) evaluated. Compared with the untreated plots, the plots with alpha-cypermethrin and spinosad applications showed a significant reduction in the damage induced (fallen fruits and/or on trees) by C. capitata. The management of C. capitata in mango orchards can include the use of the toxic bait based on alpha-cypermethrin, which represents an alternative to rotate with spinosad toxic bait in the São Francisco River Valley.
Weed spatial distribution as a function of soil properties in two distinct environments of the Brazilian semi-arid region LESSA, BRUNO F. DA TRINDADE RODRIGUES, MARCOS S. SOUZA, VALÉRIA CRISTINA DE SILVA, KÁTIA A. MELO, ANTÔNIO CARLOS DE

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Abstract The present study aimed was to evaluate the spatial variability of weed species by means of phytosociological parameters and their correlations with the physical-chemical soil properties, under semiarid climate conditions. Weed phytosociology and soil characterization were carried out in two areas one newly deforested area covering 8.86 ha, and one experimental agricultural area covering 24.7 ha; both in the semi-arid region of Brazil. Weed and soil were sampled by following georeferenced grids in each area. Biomass and the total number of weed individuals, as well as soil properties, were mapped by the ordinary Kriging method. The predominant herbaceous plants in the newly deforested area were Hexasepalum teres and Digitaria insularis. The weed species that predominated in the agricultural area were Cyperus rotundus L., Euphorbia heterophylla L. and Herissantia Crispa (L.) Brizicky; the latter species outstanding for dry biomass (873.5g). Spatial dependence was observed for the predominant species, except for Digitaria insularis. The spatial distribution of these weeds was conditioned by soil K+ contents in both areas, and by sand content for the experimental agricultural area. Therefore, these two soil attributes resulted key factors for weed infestation in this semi-arid region.

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Abstract Storage is important in the coffee post-harvest. Determining the maximum period that coffee can remain storaged is important aiming to reduce losses in quality and, consequently, allow the producer to achieve maximum profitability. The aim was to determine the suitable storage period for natural and fully washed coffees, under different conditions. Beans were dried to 11% moisture content after dry processing (natural coffee, dry cherry coffee) and wet processing (parchment coffee, fully washed). Before storage, part of the coffee was hulled and part was not. The coffee was stored under refrigerated air (10ºC and 50% relative humidity) or in an environment at 25ºC. In the periods of 0, 3, 6, and 12 months, samples were taken for sensory, electrical conductivity and tetrazolium evaluation. Refrigerated environment favors conservation of sensory and physiological quality of the natural hulled coffee beans and fully washed coffee. Hulled beans of natural and fully washed coffee stored under refrigerated conditions have the initial quality conserved for up to 12 months and in non-controlled environmental, for up to 3 months. Mechanical damage caused by hulling, associated with the lack of tissue fruit parts, contributes to reduction hulled coffee quality in storage, regardless of the processing.
Natural enemies recovered from Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae infesting the cartridge, ear and stem of corn plants under conventional and organic farming systems in Brazil SILVA, RAFAEL B. DA CRUZ, IVAN FIGUEIREDO, MARIA DE LOURDES C. REDOAN, ANA CAROLINA M. SHIMBORI, EDUARDO M. TAVARES, WAGNER DE S. DIAS, ANGÉLICA MARIA P.M.

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Abstract The corn cropping system can influence the natural enemy identity and the number of Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith, 1797 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) individuals infesting the cartridge, ear and stem of this plant. The objectives were to identify the S. frugiperda natural enemies and differences in the number of individuals infesting the cartridge, ear and stem of corn plants under conventional and organic cropping systems, in Brazil after an initial collection of adult males through semiochemical traps. We also evaluated key morphometrical parameters of the larva and factors contributing with the viability of S. frugiperda. A total of 16 and 136 adult males was trapped, and 1,124 and 1,112 larvae was recovered from conventional and organic systems with 4.7 and 6.7% of them parasitized by dipteran and hymenopteran, respectively. Most of the parasitoids recovered had occurrence in both cropping systems, except Cremastinae and Ophion flavidus Brullé, 1846 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), which were recorded only in organic and Campoletis sp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) only in conventional corns. The number of parasitoids recovered was similar in corn plant samples between both cropping systems. A total of 152 and 31 larvae was recovered from corn ears under conventional and organic systems, respectively. Doru luteipes (Scudder, 1876) (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) was recovered from all samples under conventional system. The larva length was overall similar between cropping systems. Parasitism by dipteran and hymenopteran, infection by microorganisms, larva mortality by undetermined causes, and differences in viability of S. frugiperda stages were factors contributing with the supression of this pest. The new associations and parasitoids reported represent possibilities of expanding the biological control strategies to manage S. frugiperda in corn crops.
Insecticidal plants as trade opportunities and use by small vegetable producers: an example using essential oils to control Diaphania hyalinata (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) SILVA, ISABEL M. DA SERRÃO, JOSÉ E. SANTOS, MARINALVA M. DOS SILVA, RICARDO S. DA CARVALHO, AMÉLIA G. DE PIRES, EVALDO M. ZANUNCIO, JOSÉ C. SOARES, MARCUS A.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Production and sale of botanical insecticides depend on knowing the potential opportunities for these products. Essential oils from plants secondary metabolism can control pests, especially in agricultural systems where synthetic insecticides are limited, as in organic agriculture. The objective of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of essential oils to Diaphania hyalinata (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and to show regions with the potential to use Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Citrus sinensis, and Syzygium aromaticum in the formulation and commercialization of insecticides to control this insect. The C. zeylanicum oil was more toxic to larvae and pupae and the S. aromaticum to eggs of D. hyalinata. Essential oils are an alternative for the management of D. hyalinata. The production of pesticides from essential oils of C. zeylanicum, C. sinensis, and S. aromaticum to control D. hyalinata has high potential in America. Also, Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia can extract these plants to formulate insecticide molecules for the America countries.
Biomass and carbon balance in a dry tropical forest area in northeast Brazil SALAMI, GABRIELA FERREIRA, RINALDO L.C. FREIRE, FERNANDO J. SILVA, JOSÉ A.A. PESSOA, MAYARA M.L. SILVA, ANDERSON F.

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Abstract Forest ecosystems play an important role in mitigating the concentration increase of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere through carbon sequestration by plants and its storage in biomass and soil. The objective was to determine the aerial biomass carbon stock in a dry tropical forest in Brazil. It was developed between 2012 to 2015, in an area with an advanced regeneration stage (50 years) in the semi-arid region of Pernambuco and it was used 40 permanent plots (400 m²) distant 80 m apart, with 50 m from the border, totaling 1.6 ha of the area to sample the shrubby-arboreal component, where all individuals with circumference at breast height (1.30 m of the soil) equal or greater than 6 cm were identified, measured and labeled in 2012 and remeasured in 2015. It was calculated the biomass and carbon stocks through developed equations available in the literature. The results showed that the total biomass and carbon stock in the first year was 27.97 e 12.92 Mg.ha-1 while in 2015 it was 18.49 and 8.39 Mg.ha-1 respectively. The results showed a biomass and carbon stock reduction of more than 30% in the period evaluated, even this, the area manages to present values within the expected pattern for the region, assuring the importance of sustainable forest management of these native/natural vegetation areas.

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract This study estimated biomass and carbon from components, future carbon values ​​and to obtain economic productive value of carbon fixation of a Seasonal Semideciduous Forest. Biomass and carbon were estimated using adjusted equations and selected using regression statistics. The prognosis of the diametric distribution was performed using the movement ratio method. In the economic evaluation, it was estimated productive value of the stand, referring to the current and future carbon fixation capacity. The coefficients of determination (adjusted R²) of the equations ranged from 0.11 to 0.90 and the standard error of the estimate (Syx) ranged from 41.53% to 141.89% for the biomass of the components, and from 0.03 to 0.87 for adjusted R² and from 46.20% to 143.64% for the error, for stored carbon in the components. The total biomass of the tree component estimated was 56.25 t ha-1 and 25.88 t ha-1 of total carbon. Using the future distributions by the method of the ratio of movements, total stored carbon (aerial + roots) estimated was 14.44 t. ha-1 over the 20-year period. The productive value for the fragment reached R$ 299.95 per ha. year-1.
Spatial pattern analysis of deforestation in the northeast of Minas Gerais State, Brazil DINIZ, JULIANA MARIA F. DE SOUZA REIS, ALINY APARECIDA DOS ACERBI JUNIOR, FAUSTO WEIMAR

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Understanding the spatial pattern of a particular geographic phenomenon such as deforestation is a key issue to establish monitoring programs to prevent the depletion of natural resources. Thus, the goal of this study was to assess the spatial pattern of deforested areas in the Pardo and Jequitinhonha River basins using Ripley’s K function. First, we mapped all deforested areas in these basins using Landsat multispectral imagery from 2007 to 2015. Then, we used the Ripley’s K function to test for spatial interactions between deforestation events. Our results showed that deforestations predominantly occur in a clustering spatial pattern in these basins. Spatial statistical analyses as Ripley’s K function may provide a baseline for deforestation monitoring, as well as allowing us to understand the spatial pattern of deforestation in different natural ecosystems, especially in countries like Brazil, where the territorial dimension presents a great difficulty for the effectiveness of deforestation monitoring.
Academia Brasileira de Ciências Rua Anfilófio de Carvalho, 29, 3º andar, 20030-060 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil, Tel: +55 21 3907-8100 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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