Open-access Remodeling pattern and ventricular function in rats exposed to cigarette smoke

BACKGROUND: The relevance of the remodeling pattern in the model of rats exposed to cigarette smoke is not known. OBJECTIVE: Analyzing the presence of different remodeling patterns in this model and its relation with the ventricular function. METHODS: Smoking rats (n=47) have been divided according to the geometry pattern, analyzed by echocardiogram: normal (normal mass index and normal relative wall thickness), concentric remodeling (normal mass index and increased relative wall thickness), concentric hypertrophy (increased mass index and increased relative wall thickness) and eccentric hypertrophy (increased mass index and normal relative wall thickness). RESULTS: Smoking rats presented one of the following geometry patterns: normal pattern, 51%; eccentric hypertrophy; 32%; concentric hypertrophy, 13% and concentric remodeling, 4%. The normal and eccentric hypertrophy groups presented smaller ejection fraction values and fractional shortening than the concentric hypertrophy group. Thirteen animals (28%) presented systolic dysfunction detected by the ejection fraction and by fractional shortening. In the single regression analysis, geometry patterns and mass index could not predict ventricular dysfunction (p<). On the other hand, the increased relative thickness of the wall could predict ventricular dysfunction in the single regression analysis (p<0,001) and in the multiple regression analysis after adjustment to the mass index (p=0,003). CONCLUSION: Rats exposed to cigarette smoke presented one of the four different remodeling patterns. Among the geometric variables analyzed, only the increased relative thickness of the left ventricle wall could predict ventricular dysfunction in this model.

Remodelling; geometry; ventricular function; smoking

Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia - SBC Avenida Marechal Câmara, 160, sala: 330, Centro, CEP: 20020-907, (21) 3478-2700 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil, Fax: +55 21 3478-2770 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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