Open-access Anatomical and ultrasonographic characteristics of testicular abscesses and testicular microlithiasis:a case study of 5 kazakh rams

[Características anatômicas e ultrassonográficas dos abscessos testiculares e microlitíase testicular: um estudo de caso de cinco carneiros cazaques]


Anatomical and ultrasonographic diagnostic work-up of testicular abscesses (n = 2) and testicular microlithiasis (n = 3) in Kazakh rams is described. For testicular abscesses, the localized symptoms include enlargement of the testicle and decreased elasticity, accompanied by varying degrees of pain and fever, abnormal behavior, walking or urinating with legs spread apart and accompanied by painful moans. Ultrasound findings: several hypoechoic or fluid dark areas with irregular morphology appear within the testicular parenchyma, with unclear borders with the surrounding normal tissues and uneven internal echogenicity. An autopsy revealed unilateral caseous necrosis with degeneration of all testicular tissues. Testicular microlithiasis does not present clinically and normal semen quality is not affected. Ultrasound findings: sparse, scattered, or dense punctate, pinpoint-like echogenic dots, some with comet tail signs and no acoustic shadow, are seen in the testicular parenchyma. The routine treatment for testicular abscesses is surgical drainage, but when degeneration and necrosis of testicular tissue occur, leading to severe systemic symptoms, the animal must be put down. Testicular microlithiasis is relatively rare and there are no effective treatments or interventions available, but it remains a potential contributor to testicular dysfunction and other secondary conditions.

Keywords: ram; ultrasonography; testicular abscesses; testicular microlithiasis

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Veterinária Caixa Postal 567, 30123-970 Belo Horizonte MG - Brazil, Tel.: (55 31) 3409-2041, Tel.: (55 31) 3409-2042 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil
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