Open-access The perception of the elderly about communication in the aging process


Purpose  to verify the perception of the elderly about their communication process in aging.

Methods  a qualitative study, based on the research-action-participant methodology, developed through Paulo Freire's research itinerary, which consists of three dialectical stages: thematic research; coding and decoding and critical unveiling. The study was developed in four Circles of Culture, from June to July 2017, including the participation of ten elderly people from an open university of the elderly.

Results  from the dialogue, were thematic issues that involved the unveiling of technologies and their impact on the communication of the elderly. The participants' fragility was highlighted in relation to advances in Information and Communication Technologies and the difficulty presented by this public in the interactive processes, mainly related to the family, resulting from the large-scale use of these tools.

Conclusion  the participants did not mention pathological aspects or the functional losses of the aging process, but they had interest in dialoguing on Information and Communication Technologies. The study represented the participants' perception in the Culture Circles, evidencing the relevance of methodologies, such as that of Paulo Freire, in the discussion of themes that touch the daily life of people, contributing to a reflexive process that seeks to improve the quality of life.

Keywords:  Speech and hearing therapy; Aging; Communication; Health promotion; Information technology

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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