Open-access The use of system of Frequency Modulation by children and adolescents from a hearing health care service


Purpose  To analyze de use and reasons for not using of FM systems by children and adolescents with hearing loss and users of hearing aids (HA) and or cochlear implant (CI).

Methods  A questionnaire applied in the form of an a interview through telephone contact was used. The questions were removed from the questionnaire “FM Listening Evaluation for children”, translated and adapted for Portuguese language by Jacob et al. (2010) and named “Avaliação do Sistema FM”, and three other questions prepared by the researchers.

Results  87 parents/guardians were interviewed, and it was verified that less than half of the sample used the FM system. As for the median use of the FM systems daily hours, there was a statistical difference in patients with FM in CI, Who used the device for a greater number of daily hours than hearing AID users. The main reason for non-use also presented statistical difference to the fact that patients have received new hearing aids and/or CI incompatible with previously obtained. Also, respondents would like the guidance provided improved.

Conclusion  Most patients did not use the FM system, the main reason being the usage of new hearing aids and/or CI. Patients with CI use FM more effectively (daily).

Keywords:  Hearing loss; Hearing aids; Cochlear implant; Noise; Child; Learning

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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