Open-access The use of photobiomodulation for the muscles of head and neck: an integrative review


Purpose  To carry out an integrative review of the literature on the use of photobiomodulation (PBM) for the head and neck muscles.

Research strategy  The research took place between June/2019 and March/2021, in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, LILACS, and SciELO. The MeSH used were Low-Level Light Therapy, Phototherapy, Masseter Muscle, Masticatory Muscles, Tongue, Palate, Mouth, Neck Muscles, and Facial Muscles in English and Portuguese. No limitation was imposed on the year and language of publication.

Selection criteria  studies that answered the guiding question: what is the use of photobiomodulation to the head and neck muscles?.

Results  2857 articles were found, of which 102 were selected for full reading, 52 of those were excluded, giving a total of 50 articles included. The included publications date from 2003 to 2020. Brazil was the country that most published on the topic. With regard to the objectives, 82% of the studies aimed to investigate the analgesic effect of PBM, of these, 50% were related to articular or muscular temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The heterogeneity of the studies makes it impossible to define the dose protocols.

Conclusion  PBM has been applied to the head and neck muscles mainly for the treatment of pain caused by TMD. There is no treatment protocol to define the doses to be used, due the heterogeneity of the methodologies applied and results found.

Keywords:  Low-level laser therapy; Masseter muscle; Facial muscles; Muscles of the neck; Temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome


Objetivos  realizar uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre o uso da fotobiomodulação nos músculos de cabeça e pescoço.

Estratégia de pesquisa  As buscar foram realizadas nas bases de dados: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, LILACS e SciELO. A pesquisa ocorreu entre junho de 2019 e março de 2021. Os descritores utilizados foram Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade, Fototerapia, Músculo Masseter, Músculos Mastigatórios, Língua, Palato, Boca, Pescoço, Músculos do Pescoço, Músculos Faciais e seus respectivos termos em inglês. Não houve limitação de ano de publicação e idioma.

Critérios de seleção  estudos que respondessem a pergunta norteadora: qual o uso da fotobiomodulação na musculatura de cabeça e pescoço?.

Resultados  Foram encontrados 2857 artigos, sendo selecionados 102 para leitura completa, dos quais 52 foram excluídos, totalizando 50 artigos incluídos. As publicações incluídas datam de 2003 a 2020. O Brasil foi o país que mais publicou sobre o tema. Quanto aos objetivos, 82% dos estudos pesquisaram o efeito analgésico da fotobiomodulação, e desses, 50% eram relacionados à disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) articular ou muscular. A heterogeneidade dos estudos impossibilita a definição de protocolos dosimétricos.

Conclusão  A fotobiomodulação tem sido utilizada na musculatura de cabeça e pescoço principalmente para o tratamento da dor proveniente de DTM. Não existe um protocolo de aplicação que defina os parâmetros dosimétricos a serem utilizados, devido a heterogeneidade das metodologias e dos resultados encontrados.

Palavras-chave:  Laserterapia; Músculo masseter; Músculos faciais; Músculo do pescoço; Síndrome da disfunção da articulação temporomandibular


Photobiomodulation (PBM) or phototherapy refers to the use of low intensity light, as Light Emitting Diode (LED) or Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER), with different goals depending on the person’s biological needs. Thanks to its biomodulating action on cellular functions, this treatment may promote analgesic effect, modulation of inflammation and edema, tissue repair and, more recently, studies already show its effect on muscle performance (13).

The studies have confirmed that the use of laser and LED of red and infrared wavelengths increases the fatigue resistance of muscles and decreases the recovery time after intense physical activities, both in normal individuals and athletes, when the treatment is applied to larger muscle groups, such as quadriceps and biceps (3-4). This results from the effect of light on cellular respiration, providing more energy for the tissue, improving muscle performance, including the head and neck muscles (5).

Regarding this latter muscle group, the published research so far focuses on the use of PBM in individuals with temporomandibular disorders (TMD), bruxism, trigger points, and myofascial pain (68). Though the use of laser and LED are increasing, it is important to systematize the knowledge about the ways the low-level light therapy (LLLT) is used for the muscles of the head and neck and to define the protocols of irradiation.


This study aimed to carry out an integrative review of the literature on the use of PBM for the head and neck muscles.


An integrative review was carried out to identify studies that answered the guiding question: what is the use of photobiomodulation applied to the head and neck muscles?, in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, LILACS, and SciELO. The research was done by two independent researchers between June/2019 and March/2021, and then the results were compared to each other. If the findings of the research diverged in means of inclusion, two judges were asked to analyze the studies and to reach a consensus. The MeSH terms used in the research were Low-Level Light Therapy, Phototherapy, Masseter Muscle, Masticatory Muscles, Tongue, Palate, Mouth, Neck Muscles and Facial Muscles. Their Portuguese equivalents were also used, as well as free terms in Portuguese: photobiomodulation, lasertherapy, craniofacial muscles, oral cavity, extrinsic muscles of the larynx and intrinsic muscles of the larynx.

The terms were crossed in pairs as follows: Low-Level Light Therapy AND Masseter Muscle; Low-Level Light Therapy AND Masticatory Muscles; Low-Level Light Therapy AND Tongue; Low-Level Light Therapy AND Palate; Low-Level Light Therapy AND Mouth; Low-Level Light Therapy AND Neck Muscles; Low-Level Light Therapy AND Facial Muscles; Phototherapy AND Masseter Muscle; Phototherapy AND Masticatory Muscles; Phototherapy AND Tongue; Phototherapy AND Palate; Phototherapy AND Mouth; Phototherapy AND Neck Muscles; Phototherapy AND Facial Muscles. The free terms were crossed as follow: Photobiomodulation AND Craniofacial Muscles; Photobiomodulation AND Oral Cavity; Photobiomodulation AND Extrinsic Muscles of the Larynx; Photobiomodulation AND Intrinsic Muscles of the Larynx; Lasertherapy AND Craniofacial Muscles; Lasertherapy AND Oral Cavity; Lasertherapy AND Extrinsic Muscles of the Larynx; Lasertherapy AND Intrinsic Muscles of the Larynx.


The review included original articles that answered the research question, with no distinction of language or time limitation. The exclusion criteria were: animal research, articles in which the phototherapy was used for static structures of the head and neck, literature reviews, case studies, theses, dissertations, and books.


From the selected articles, the following variables were chosen for analysis: Author, year of publication and country where the research was conducted; main objective of the study; number of participants, their respective health conditions and allocation into groups; the evaluations carried out to achieve the objectives; photobiomodulation parameters referring to the specifications of the device used and its settings, such as wavelength, power, fluence; the treatment protocol: areas of irradiation, number of points, frequency of application, irradiation time and total number of sessions; and main results obtained. For methodological analysis of the included articles, the PEDro scale(9) was used.


It was found 2857 articles in the databases, 2182 of which were excluded after reading the title and abstract. Of the remaining 675 articles, 573 were repeated, and 102 were selected for complete reading, of which 52 were excluded during this stage, giving a total of 50 articles included in the study. At all stages, the exclusion criteria were animal studies, literature reviews, case studies, use of high-intensity laser for surgery, and application in static structures, such as jaw and teeth. To achieve the proposed objectives, the obtained results were systemized in a table (Table 1).

Table 1
Summary of the studies included for analysis

The first work with the use of PBM applied to the head and neck muscles was published in 2003, and from 2003 to 2009, nine articles were published on the topic; in the last ten years (from 2010 to 2021), this number increased to 41, the last article included in the study is from 2020.

Brazil is the country that most published on the subject, with 28 articles (56%), most of which were published in international journals. Iran comes after Brazil with seven publications (14%) and Turkey with six publications (12%), Bulgaria with two (4%), and the other countries with one article each.

With regard to the objectives, 82% of the studies (n = 41) aimed to research the analgesic effect of phototherapy, and of these, 50% (n = 25) were related to articular or muscular TMD. Out of 50, five studies (10%) compared the LED and laser, two (4%) used only LED, and the rest (86%, n = 43) used low-intensity laser for intervention.

The application protocols and the dosage parameters varied between studies, from the equipment and to the final dose used. As for the application sites, 38% of the studies (n= 19) irradiated the masseter and temporal muscles, including or not the temporomandibular joint (TMJ); in eight studies (16%), only the masseter muscle was irradiated. The masticatory muscles were also treated in ten studies (masseter, temporal, and pterygoid muscles). The next most common locations for irradiation were the trigger points in different locations (n= 6, 12%), and the superior trapezius muscle (n = 3). Two studies reported irradiation of the face without specifying the involved muscles, one study performed irradiation of the cervical muscles, and one of the larynx.

The most used wavelength was infrared, it was used in 68% (n = 34) of the studies. Red wavelength was used in eight studies, and the combination of the two was also used in eight studies (16% each). One study (45) did not specified the laser wavelength.

Overall, PBM showed positive results for the improvement of conditions related to pain (n= 34, 68%), increased mouth opening (n = 12), and decreased electrical activity of muscles (n = 4).


The use of red and infrared light, either by means of low intensity laser or LED, has been studied since the decade of 1960 when its PBM effects were accidentally discovered (58). The work published by Tina Karu, in the decade of 1980, about the effects of light on biological tissues, increased the knowledge on the use potential of this technology for scientific purposes (59,60).

In 1989 it was suggested that the mechanism of PBM at the cellular level was based on the absorption of red and near infrared radiation by the components of the cellular respiratory chain. The topic has become increasingly relevant in recent years, and nowadays systematic reviews with meta-analysis on the use of LLLT in human muscles are available (3,4,61).

Nevertheless, the application of PBM to the head and neck muscle groups is still an area that has received little scientific attention, as there are only 50 studies available over the last 18 years. Yet, it is noticeable the significant increase in the number of studies published since 2010: 41 out of the 50 included studies. Brazil has emerged as a research hub in the topic of PBM applied to the head and neck muscles and has given the scientific community 56% of the published works.

We chose to group together the findings of the studies by the objective of the treatment; the objectives were analgesia, fatigue reduction, and, finally, blood circulation, electrical activity, mandibular mobility, temperature, biting force, and muscle thickness.


Most of the studies included in this integrative review presented positive results for pain management in the head and neck muscles (1,6,11,13,15,17-19,23-30,32-35,38-40,42,44,46,50-57). For pain, there is evidence that PBM blocks the axonal transport of thin nerves, resulting in decreased mitochondrial membrane potential with a consequent decrease in the available ATP necessary for nerve function (11,62).

It is discussed that the analgesic mechanisms of PBM act by increasing the serotonin production and the synthesis of beta-endorphins, and improving the synaptic activity of acetylcholinesterase; in addition, it reduces the speed of action potentials and increase the latency of medial and sural nerves (11).

The doses used to achieve analgesia differed between studies, with 25 (50%) studies using the infrared wavelength, power between 20 and 500 mW, and fluence from 2 to 321J/cm2.

The infrared wavelength with point contact and slight compression has a higher degree of penetration into the tissues, allowing irradiation of deeper muscle layers, which enhances the reach of the treatment. Besides, red and infrared wavelengths have a greater affinity with cellular mitochondria, the organelle responsible for cellular respiration. There is evidence that red and infrared light interacts with Cytochrome C-Oxidase, a chromophore present in the mitochondrial membrane, leading to increased oxygen consumption, the potential of the mitochondrial membrane, and ATP synthesis (63).

Regarding the pain related to masticatory performance, only one study(28) assessed it in individuals with myofascial pain. The results found an increase in the pressure pain threshold, improvement of pain, and consequent improvement in masticatory performance. The masticatory performance and the performance of other orofacial muscles, such as the orbicularis oris, responsible for lip sealing, and the suprahyoid muscles, directly related to the efficiency of swallowing, laryngeal elevation and anteriorization, should also be assessed in individuals without pain complaints. In addition, the investigation of the irradiation of the tongue would be interesting, as it is a muscle essential for stomatognathic functions such as speech, mastication and swallow.

One study (20) evaluated the electromyographic signal of the masseter and anterior temporal muscles in a group of women with pain in these muscles; the authors applied an infrared laser with fluence equal to 3J/cm2 to three points of the masseter muscle and found a reduction in its electrical activity and a significant relaxation. Though pain was not directly assessed in this study, we can hypothesize that the muscle relaxation could have been caused by the analgesic effect of PBM.

Another study on the analgesic effect (12) evaluated the biting force of individuals with pain in the masseter muscle; after 14.3 minutes long irradiation with red laser in scanning mode with a fluence of 25J/cm2. The authors found an increase in force from 2.51 to 3.01 KgF. It is believed that this effect also resulted from the decrease in pain, even though this variable has not been assessed.


Four articles addressed muscle fatigue and showed divergent results. Two studies (14,31) sought to evaluate the effect of laser on the prevention of induced fatigue of the masticatory muscles (masseter and temporal) in healthy individuals, however, neither of the two studies demonstrated a positive effect for fatigue prevention. It is important to take into account the doses used in both studies, as these may have been insufficient to trigger a cellular effect. In the first study (14), the researchers applied the laser to eight points of the masseter muscle for 5 seconds/point with the fluence of 4 J/cm2, whereas in the second (31) irradiated three points of the masseter muscle and one point of the temporal muscle, with 1 J/point and fluence of 25 J/cm2.

Also assessing the induced fatigue in healthy individuals, a study (22) used PBM with red LED applied to eight points of the masseter muscle and found a positive effect on fatigue resistance for the group that was treated with 2.088 J/point. Randomized clinical studies with a larger number of participants and defined methodology are needed to allow the consolidation of the findings and their further generalization for clinical application.

There is a notable scarcity of studies on the application of PBM to the larynx muscles; currently, only one study has been published (41). In clinical practice, therapy with laser has been used to improve vocal performance, especially in voice professionals, with a significant positive and immediate effect, but studies that systematize the use of this device and in fact prove its benefits for this application are still lacking.

This study (41) demonstrated a positive effect of the use of infrared LED light in case of an induced vocal fatigue and initiated the research in this area that is necessary for the elaboration of a protocol with defined doses and wavelengths, the application in phonotraumas, the preferred moment of intervention (pre-, post-, or both), and application in singers and other voice professionals.

Blood circulation, muscle electrical conductivity, mouth opening, temperature, biting force, and muscle thickness

Two studies sought to assess the effect of laser on blood circulation (10,36) associated also with analgesia. The infrared wavelength (10) was used at 8.9 J per point at the most painful point of the masseter muscle of individuals with chronic orofacial pain and found no significant changes in pain intensity and blood circulation. In another study (36), who used 3.4 J per point with the fluence of 110 J/cm2 on the painful points of the masseter and temporal muscles, observed a significant reduction in pain and a reduction in the blood circulation speed. The authors explain the decrease in blood circulation speed by an increase of the temporal artery diameter.

With regard to the difference in the results found in the two studies, the number of irradiated points should be taken into account. In the second study (36), the exact number of irradiated points is not mentioned, but apparently all the painful points of the two muscles were treated, whereas in the first study (10) only one point in one muscle was irradiated, therefore, even with a higher applied energy value, it may have been insufficient for the desired effect.

One study (48) used the surface electromyography to evaluate the speed of conduction of the muscle fiber, applying an infrared laser at nine points of the upper trapezius muscle of healthy individuals at 2 J/point and fluence of 72 J/cm2. The authors did not find differences in the analyzed variable, however, the laser treatment significantly reduced the amplitude of the EMG signal.

Two studies carried out with individuals with spastic cerebral palsy (37,43) found positive effects of IR laser irradiation applied to one point of the masseter muscle at the fluence of 3 J/cm2, it resulted in the decreased biting force and increase mouth opening and masseter muscle thickness. These variables directly impact oral ingestion as well as the oral hygiene of these patients.

Two studies (16,49) evaluated mouth opening in patients with TMD (49) and acute trismus (16) and found an increase in this variable. Several other studies (13,17,23-27,29,32,39,40,46,51) that mainly focused on pain, also considered the mouth opening, and only five of them did not find a significant improvement in this parameter (25,26,39,45).

Finally, only one study (25) evaluated the effect of PBM on skin temperature of healthy subjects, finding a decrease in temperature for the LED group in comparison with the laser group, five minutes after irradiation; this temperature drop was not detectable after 30 minutes. The authors justify the temperature drop due to the vasodilation resulted from LED, which promoted a cooling of the tissue.

It is important to note that there are no published studies carried out by speech therapists. Speech therapists are professionals responsible for the assessment, diagnosis, and rehabilitation of orofacial myofunctional disorders, such as chewing, speech, and swallowing. Therefore, despite the fact that PBM is used in clinical practice, it requires robust scientific evidence to prove the benefits already observed in practice.

Although we did not use a MeSH term for muscular temporomandibular disorder on the research strategy, the majority of the studies found focused on the treatment of this disorder using the photobiomodulation. Perhaps if we had included a term related to it, more studies with this purpouse could have been found.

The heterogeneity of the studies turns it impossible to define the dose protocols. The first articles on the topic bring incomplete information about the parameters used, missing important parameters such as fluence, but the most recent articles are concerned with displaying all relevant information about the parameters and doses, as the next objective to be achieved is the definition of the optimal irradiation doses for each type of tissue and each wanted result. The fact that light has a biological interaction with tissues has already been proven, now it is necessary to understand the mechanisms at the cellular and molecular level and how does it change the tissue function.


Photobiomodulation has been applied to the head and neck muscles mainly for the treatment of pain caused by temporomandibular disorders. There is no application protocol that defines the doses to be used, due to the heterogeneity of the methodologies and results found. It is necessary to diversify the objects of research to consolidate knowledge in the area and finally define protocols for the clinical application of this tool.


Nothing to declare

  • Study conducted at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE – Recife (PE), Brasil.
  • Funding: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – (CAPES) Brasil– Finance code 001; Fundação de Amparo à Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de Pernambuco (FACEPE) – Brasil.


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  • 37 Santos MTBR, Nascimento KS, Carazzato S, Barros AO, Mendes FM, Diniz MB. Efficacy of photobiomodulation therapy on masseter thickness and oral health-related quality of life in children with spastic cerebral palsy. Lasers Med Sci. 2017;32(6):1279-88. PMid:28536904.
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  • 41 Kagan LS, Heaton JT. The effectiveness of Low-Level Light Therapy in attenuating vocal fatigue. J Voice. 2017;31(3):384-23. PMid:27839705.
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    05 Jan 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    26 July 2021
  • Accepted
    12 Nov 2021
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