Open-access Instruments for acoustic capture and analysis of cervical auscultation signals in speech-language pathology clinic practice: an integrative literature review


Purpose  Describe the instruments used to capture and analyze the acoustic signals obtained from cervical auscultation, and identify those with the greatest potential for application in the speech pathology clinic.

Research strategy  This is an integrative literature review. Searches were performed in the MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases in November 2020, using relevant keywords combined with Boolean operators.

Selection criteria  Scientific articles published in Portuguese, Spanish or English in the last five years (2016-2020) and that presented a study of cervical auscultation.

Results  Ninety-eight articles were found. After the application of selection criteria, 26 articles were selected for this review. Microphones were the most common instruments used to perform cervical auscultation, followed by high-resolution cervical auscultation techniques, which combine acoustic and vibrational signals recorded by a microphone and an accelerometer, respectively. Acoustic analysis was performed using different software packages and/or algorithms depending on the goals of each study.

Conclusion  The combination of high-resolution cervical auscultation and machine learning for acoustic analysis has great potential for utilization in the clinical assessment and monitoring of swallowing in speech pathology.

Keywords:  Deglutition; Auscultation; Critical pathways; Acoustics; Software; Review


Objetivo  Descrever os instrumentos utilizados para captação e análise acústica dos sinais de ausculta cervical e identificar aqueles com maior potencial para aplicação na clínica fonoaudiológica.

Estratégia de pesquisa  Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura. As buscas foram realizadas nas bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus e Web of Science, a partir da combinação de termos de relevância e operadores booleanos, durante o mês de novembro de 2020.

Critérios de seleção  Artigos científicos publicados nos idiomas português, espanhol ou inglês, nos últimos cinco anos (2016-2020) e que apresentassem estudo da ausculta cervical.

Resultados  Foram encontrados 98 artigos. Após a aplicação dos critérios de seleção, 26 artigos foram selecionados para esta revisão. Para captação dos sinais de ausculta cervical, o microfone foi o instrumento mais utilizado, seguido pela técnica de ausculta cervical de alta resolução, que combina sinais acústicos e vibratórios registrados por um microfone e um acelerômetro, respectivamente. Softwares e/ou algoritmos foram selecionados para análise acústica dos sinais, de acordo com o objetivo de cada estudo.

Conclusão  O método de ausculta cervical de alta resolução e a análise acústica por meio de algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina apresentaram grande potencial para utilização na prática clínica fonoaudiológica para avaliação e monitoramento da deglutição.

Palavras-chave:  Deglutição; Auscultação; Procedimentos clínicos; Acústica; Software; Revisão


Normal swallowing is a complex and dynamic neuromuscular activity that depends on a set of physiological behaviors, controlled by the central and peripheral nervous system. The integrity of these behaviors results in the transport of solid, liquid and saliva substances, efficiently and safely, from the mouth to the stomach(1-4).

The biomechanical movements of the different structures involved before, during and after the passage of the food bolus through the pharynx produce the sounds of swallowing(5).

These sounds are generally described as two or three distinct clicks, with two audible clicks, accompanied by an expiratory blow, which occurs immediately after swallowing apnea(6,7). For other authors, there are three components that comprise the sounds of normal swallowing: [1] a weak signal associated with laryngeal lifting and passage of the bolus through the pharynx; [2] a loud sound associated with cricopharyngeal opening and [3] a weak signal associated with laryngeal descent(8,9).

When coordination of movements is lost, causing changes in the dynamics of swallowing in one or more of its phases, there may be a picture of dysphagia(10). Dysphagia is not classified as a disease, but as a symptom of some underlying disease that has high morbidity and mortality, and can lead to numerous clinical complications, such as dehydration, malnutrition, pneumonia, among other problems(4,11).

Currently, there are many resources and technological methods available for the assessment, monitoring and biofeedback of swallowing(12), which provide consistent assistance in the treatment of individuals(13). For an accurate diagnosis, effective therapeutic planning and better definition of the prognosis, the swallowing clinical assessment associated with complementary instrumental tests, when necessary, is considered essential(14).

The swallowing clinical assessment consists of anamnesis, evaluation of the oral sensorimotor system, evaluation of masticatory function, swallowing function and speech articulation(15). The instrumental tests most used to complement swallowing clinical assessment are videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSS)(10) and swallowing videoendoscopy (FEES® - fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing)(16). Still, other available methods can be used as complementary resources for the evaluation of swallowing, such as surface electromyography (SEMG)(17), swallowing ultrasound (US)(18), pulse oximetry and cervical auscultation(14).

Despite all the advantages of an instrumental assessment, the main methods currently used may be difficult to access for some patients, due to their high operational cost. Furthermore, they may involve exposure to radiation and invasive procedures(2,19).

A low-cost, easy-access, reproducible and non-invasive option highlighted in the clinical practice of speech therapists for evaluation and monitoring of dysphagic patients is cervical auscultation. This method consists of listening to the swallowing sounds through a sound amplification instrument placed on the patient's neck(20). However, the accuracy of auscultation is debatable, as the interpretation of the signals is subjective, considering the risk of suffering interference, both from the characteristics of the instrument used, and from the experience of the evaluator(14,21).

The ability to digitize and record the signal offers numerous possibilities for processing and analyzing the acoustic characteristics of swallowing sounds. For this reason, the use of an additional device to the assessment, although not common in the clinical setting, has clear advantages compared to the subjective assessment based on cervical auscultation performed with a conventional stethoscope(22).

Different methods of digital cervical auscultation, which involve instruments such as accelerometer(23), electronic stethoscope(24), microphone(25), acoustic emission sensor(26), piezoelectric sensor(27) and Doppler sensor(28), have been studied in the last years. These methods allow the digitalization of the signal, enabling the analysis of swallowing sounds in a more objective way, based on parameters such as duration, signal frequency and wave amplitude, among other aspects(12,22,29).

The possibility of adding objective data in the analysis of swallowing sounds presents a potential that can increase the accuracy of assessments and favor the early detection of risks, before major complications arise, which can also provide significant savings to the healthcare sector, due to the low operating cost(22).


To conduct a literature review in order to describe the instruments used to capture and analyze the acoustic signals of cervical auscultation and identify those with the greatest potential for application in speech-language pathology clinic.


This study is characterized as an integrative literature review, which consists in the construction of a broad analysis of relevant research and synthesis of the state of knowledge of a given subject, enabling the discussion of research methods and results, support for the taking of decisions and advances in clinical practice, in addition to reflections on knowledge gaps and the performance of future studies(30).

In order to ensure the methodological accuracy of the study and the validation of its results, the six stages of construction of an integrative literature review(31) were followed, namely: identification of the topic and selection of the research question; establishment of inclusion and exclusion criteria; identification of pre-selected and selected studies; categorization of selected studies; analysis and interpretation of results and, finally, presentation of the review/synthesis of knowledge.

To guide the bibliographical research, the following research question was elaborated for this study: “Which instrument for capturing and analyzing acoustic signals from cervical auscultation has the greatest potential for implementation in speech-language pathology clinic practice?”

The search took place in November 2020. The MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science virtual databases were consulted (via Capes journal). The combination of relevance terms and Boolean operators used as a search strategy was: “deglutition” OR “deglutitions” OR “swallow ing” OR “swallowings” OR ''swallow” OR “swallows” AND “acoustic analysis” OR “acoustic analysis” ” OR “auscultation” OR “cervical auscultation” OR “swallowing sounds” OR “swallow sounds” OR “signal processing” OR “acoustics” OR “acoustic” OR “software” AND “accelerometry” OR “swallowing accelerometry signals” OR “stethoscope” OR “digital stethoscope” OR “electronic stethoscope” OR “doppler effect” OR “sonar doppler” OR “microphone”. The search strategy was chosen and adapted according to the coding and coherence of each database to be consulted (Appendix A Appendix A Database search strategy Scopus (TITLE-ABS-KEY (deglutition) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (deglutitions) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (swallowing) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (swallowings) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (swallow) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (swallows) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (“acoustic analysis”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“acoustical analysis”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (auscultation) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“cervical auscultation”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“swallowing sounds”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“swallow sounds”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“signal processing”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (acoustics) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (acoustic) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (software) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (accelerometry) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“swallowing accelerometry signals”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (stethoscope) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“digital stethoscope”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“electronic stethoscope”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“doppler effect”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“sonar doppler”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (microphone)) MEDLINE/Pubmed ((“deglutition”[Title/Abstract] OR “deglutitions”[Title/Abstract] OR “swallowing”[Title/Abstract] OR “swallowings”[Title/Abstract] OR “swallow”[Title/Abstract] OR “swallows”[Title/Abstract]) AND (“acoustic analysis”[Title/Abstract] OR “acoustical analysis”[Title/Abstract] OR “auscultation”[Title/Abstract] OR “cervical auscultation”[Title/Abstract] OR “swallowing sounds”[Title/Abstract] OR “swallow sounds”[Title/Abstract] OR “signal processing”[Title/Abstract] OR “acoustics”[Title/Abstract] OR “acoustic”[Title/Abstract] OR “software”[Title/Abstract])) AND (“accelerometry”[Title/Abstract] OR “swallowing accelerometry signals”[Title/Abstract] OR “stethoscope”[Title/Abstract] OR “digital stethoscope”[Title/Abstract] OR “electronic stethoscope”[Title/Abstract] OR “doppler effect”[Title/Abstract] OR “sonar doppler”[Title/Abstract] OR “microphone”[Title/Abstract]) Web of Science TS=(deglutition OR deglutitions OR swallowing OR swallowings OR swallow OR swallows) AND TS=(acoustic analysis OR acoustical analysis OR auscultation OR cervical auscultation OR swallowing sounds OR swallow sounds OR signal processing OR acoustics OR acoustic OR software) AND TS=(accelerometry OR swallowing accelerometry signals OR stethoscope OR digital stethoscope OR electronic stethoscope OR doppler effect OR sonar doppler OR microphone) ).


To refine the research, only scientific articles published in Portuguese, Spanish or English in the last five years (2016-2020) and that presented a study of cervical auscultation were included. The decision to cover only articles published in the last five years aimed to draw a more up-to-date profile on the subject, enabling a reflection on future studies.

Publications that had content incompatible with the theme of this review, duplicated or presented in books and book chapters, letters, ordinances, editorials, news, conference abstracts, dissertations and theses were considered as exclusion criteria.

Initially, the titles, abstracts and keywords of all publications found through the search strategy were carefully read. The adequacy of the works with the inclusion and exclusion criteria was verified, as well as the correspondence with the guiding question of the study. When the reading of titles, abstracts and keywords were not enough to define the selection of a work, publication in full was sought.

Data analysis

The systematization of the articles selected for this review was based on the extraction and analysis of the following variables: authors and year of publication, research objective, sample characteristics, evaluation and procedures performed, acoustic analysis methods, and main results and conclusions presented. This information was structured in a synthesis matrix (Chart 1) elaborated in the Microsoft Office – Excel® software, subdivided into nine analytical categories according to the assessment instruments used to capture cervical auscultation signals during swallowing: accelerometer; electronic stethoscope; microphone; microphone and accelerometer; microphone and acoustic emission sensor; microphone, Doppler sensor and stethoscope; Doppler sensor and microphone; Doppler sensor; and piezoelectric sensor.

Chart 1
Systematization of selected articles in the review

The steps of search, selection and initial systematization of articles were carried out by one of the authors. When this author had doubts about the adequacy of pre-selected articles to the study's inclusion and exclusion criteria, they were reread in full by both researchers, who evaluated and established a consensus on the selection.


98 articles were found through search strategies in the databases, 22 in MEDLINE/PubMed, 34 in Scopus and 42 in Web of Science. After analyzing and applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 26 articles were selected for the study (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Flowchart of article selection

From the selected articles, substantial information was extracted to highlight the aspects analyzed in this study (Chart 1).

As noted, the microphone was the most used instrument for capturing cervical auscultation signals, followed by its combination with the accelerometer. On the other hand, for the acoustic analysis of these signals, a variety of available resources, such as softwares and/or algorithms, were selected according to the objective of each study.


Instruments for capturing cervical auscultation signals

Cervical auscultation with a stethoscope is one of the non-invasive instrumental techniques most used by speech therapists to assess the pharyngeal phase of swallowing. Due to the subjective interpretation of this technique, digital cervical auscultation methods with different capturing instruments that enable an objective and/or automatic analysis of the signals are presented in the literature(21). However, for a new technique to obtain clinical acceptability, must meet criteria, such as being well researched, so that it provides information about its reliability; be easily applied in the clinical situation and present, preferably, low cost. Furthermore, the equipment used and its application must be standardized, so that the information is comparable among dysphagia clinics(50).

It was observed, in the selected studies, that the main instruments used to capture the swallowing signals were the microphone and its combination with the accelerometer, a technique defined as high-resolution cervical auscultation, which records sounds and vibrations of the swallowing function. As well as these methods, other instruments for recording cervical auscultation signals also presented important results in this area. This information will be described below, organized according to the main contributions they offer to speech-language pathology clinic practice.

The kinematic sources of the acoustic signs of swallowing have not been fully elucidated, despite all the possibilities involving digital cervical auscultation(44) and the importance of this interpretation. In view of this, some research based on different methodologies had this theme as the object of study.

The spectrographic profile of the pharyngeal phase of normal swallowing, for liquid and pureed consistencies, in healthy individuals, older than 18 years old, was structured by means of cervical auscultation signals obtained with an electronic stethoscope(24). The total time of the pharyngeal phase was less than 1 second and represented four swallowing events that can be analyzed from the times obtained in the digital analysis of the acoustic wave:

  • the pharyngeal transit time, which had an average of 0.409 seconds and, for the analysis of normal swallows, should last approximately half of the swallowing apnea time and be positioned in the center of the graph in the spectrographic study;

  • the swallowing apnea time, which had an average of 0.78 seconds and low intensity acoustic factors, and should be at the beginning (laryngeal protection activation) and at the end (opening of the glottic region) of the spectrographic representation and, therefore, its position on the graph will be higher;

  • temporal relationship between the activation of the protection mechanisms of the lower airways and the beginning of the passage of the food bolus through the pharyngeal phase, which averaged 0.134 seconds and will be represented at the beginning of the spectrography graph, right after the activation of laryngeal protection;

  • the time it took the larynx to return to its respiratory function after the complete passage of the food, which presented an approximate interval of 0.20 to 0.26 seconds and its position in the graph will be at the end.

A study that used cervical auscultation signals captured by a condenser microphone and images from the videofluoroscopy exam presented the division of the swallowing sound into three periods, associated with each phase of its movements: oral phase, which comprises the posterior movement of the tongue and the hyoid bone; pharyngeal phase, associated with laryngeal movement, elevation of the hyoid bone, closure of the epiglottis and passage of the bolus into the esophagus; phase of repositioning of the hyoid bone and larynx, with the reopening of the epiglottis(33).

Another study analyzed the association between high-resolution cervical auscultation signals, recorded by a contact microphone and a triaxial accelerometer, and the kinematic events of swallowing during the pharyngeal phase, assessed by images from the videofluoroscopy exam. Time and frequency domain characteristics were calculated and the maximum values of each variable, such as standard deviation, asymmetry, kurtosis, centroid frequency, bandwidth and wave entropy, were associated with hyoid elevation, laryngeal vestibule closure, opening of the superior esophageal sphincter, tongue base contact and pharyngeal posterior wall(44). Furthermore, other researchers have shown that the horizontal and vertical movements of the anterior and posterior part of the hyoid bone are also related to the sounds and vibrations of swallowing(43).

In the investigation of normal and altered swallowing in children, cervical auscultation signals were obtained by an electret condenser microphone and compared to videofluoroscopy. A first study highlighted acoustic and perceptual signs, indicative of aspiration in the presence of noisy breathing and of one or more of the following sounds after swallowing: coughing, wheezing, rales, hawking and stridor. Health professionals were encouraged to refer the patient for an additional instrumental assessment, when these signs were present on auscultation. The authors describe as a pattern indicative of normality the presence of a glottic release sound together with normal respiratory sounds after swallowing(25) Another study presented the possibility of identifying aspiration through the spectral density curve, which is a parameter capable of verifying changes in respiratory sound signals immediately after swallowing. The curve for swallowing with aspiration showed an ascending pattern, while the curve for normal swallowing was flat(37).

In a study developed with high-resolution cervical auscultation signals, the authors observed that, in order to differentiate normal from altered swallowing, a series of statistical resources should be used to analyze the characteristics of the acoustic signal(42). When the characteristics of the high-resolution cervical auscultation signal were combined with statistical methods and machine learning techniques, they could predict whether the swallows were from healthy people or from patients with neurodegenerative diseases and suspected dysphagia, with a high degree of accuracy (99%), sensitivity (100%) and specificity (99%)(46).

Finally, when using a piezoelectric sensor to record the swallowing sounds and images from the videofluoroscopy exam, a study highlighted that the elevation delay time and the laryngeal elevation time were significantly prolonged in patients with dysphagia, especially in food with higher viscosity. In addition, the occurrence rate of the inspiration-swallowing pattern increased significantly in the group of these patients(27).

When analyzing the variations in the results obtained in relation to the characteristics of the food ingested, it could be verified, in the studies, that the larynx performs complex movements for swallowing food bolus with higher viscosity(38); the combined use of an acoustic emission sensor and probability distribution plots (Q-Q plots) allows distinguishing viscosity differences(26); peak amplitude measurements and energy significantly decrease with the viscosity of the food bolus, the time interval, peak to peak, and duration increase with the volume of the bolus(49); the acoustic pattern of swallowing changes in relation to the consistency and volume of the food bolus over the years, and, in the elderly, it presents a curve with smaller amplitude and longer time than in adults(13).

To analyze the characteristics of the food, the following instruments were used: bidirectional electret condenser microphone(38); throat condenser microphone and acoustic emission sensor(26); Doppler sensor and omnidirectional electret condenser microphone(49); Doppler sensor(13). A great methodological diversity was observed in the analyzed studies. Although other devices such as electronic stethoscope, acoustic emission sensor, Doppler sensor and piezoelectric sensor have also shown important clinical results, the microphone and its combination with the accelerometer stood out. However, even when selecting these two instruments, there is a variety of models available for each one, which allow for different signal recordings.

Although the acoustic signals obtained with the microphone and the accelerometer have the same physiological sources, differences in the domains of time and frequency are observed, demonstrating that the data provided by these instruments are not interchangeable(41). Both the sounds and vibrations of swallowing provide useful information about the function. In view of this, the combined use of the microphone and the accelerometer to obtain cervical auscultation signals may be promising for researchers in the field. They believe that the high-resolution cervical auscultation system can be a valuable contributor to dysphagia screening and, in the future, a non-invasive and adjuvant method in the diagnosis of swallowing disorders(45).

Based on the analyzed studies, it is highlighted that the selection of the most adequate instrument for capturing digital cervical auscultation signals is an essential step to be standardized for the use of this technique in speech-language pathology clinic practice. However, for these signs to provide substantial information for swallowing assessment, the analysis methodology must be carefully selected. Therefore, it is worth considering that an analysis using objective parameters also depends on the examiner's prior knowledge to interpret them, and that the greatest contribution would be if this analysis could be done automatically.

Acoustic analysis methods

Acoustic analysis of cervical auscultation signals can be performed with a variety of available resources. In the studies included in this research, LabView, Matlab, Adobe Audition, VoxMetria and Audacity softwares were identified as the most used, in addition to selected algorithms and machine learning, algorithms and signal processing program developed by authors, smartphone application and role generator. The selection of the best method is guided by the objective of each study, that is, by the characteristics to be extracted and analyzed. In addition, the possibility of creating new analysis methods has been motivating some researchers not only in the health area, but also in engineering and information technology.

Among the analysis methods, a study developed and evaluated three algorithms to detect disorder and three to detect swallowing efficiency(23). Other researchers sought to monitor daily food intake through a smartphone application, developed and programmed with specific algorithms, to recognize and classify different food(32). In a third study, a signal processing program was created to monitor and quantitatively assess swallowing(49). The results of this research characterized such analysis methods developed with potential for screening and monitoring of swallowing through further research.

When combined the use of statistical resources with the acoustic analysis of cervical auscultation signals, many parameters can be obtained. However, no single statistical resource is able to differentiate safe from unsafe swallowing(40) Accordingly, researchers carried out a new study, using a wide selection of statistical parameters to characterize healthy and disturbed swallows. They observed that normal swallows in a healthy control group and in patients with dysphagia have different patterns, despite the absence of aspiration(42).

In order to collaborate with the analysis methods, machine learning algorithms, defined as an iterative process to determine accuracy from a gold standard, presented important results in the research area discussed. This resource is cited in the literature as useful for detection, recognition and classification of swallowing events. When applied in one study, the method showed a global accuracy of 97.7% for detecting acoustic events and 91.7% for swallowing sounds by glottic closure, in the presence of other noise sources (pronunciation of a phoneme and hawking sound)(21). In another study, it produced results with maximum recognition rates of 78.4% for swallowing(28).

Machine learning use of high-resolution cervical auscultation signal resources demonstrated feasibility of accurate and automated tracking of hyoid bone displacement, without the use of videofluoroscopy exam of swallowing, with an accuracy level of 50.75%. Although this level does not seem significant, the structure of the hyoid bone is very small and, in view of this, the possibility of detecting its position in more than 50% of the swallowing segments without the use of images was considered quite remarkable(45).

As noted, machine learning algorithms proved to be a promising resource for the analysis of cervical auscultation signals in speech-language pathology clinic practice, through evidence of their high accuracy. Thus, they enabled the use of non-invasive methods of capture and automatic analysis for screening, assessment and monitoring of swallowing. However, further research is needed to standardize and validate these algorithms regarding the method used to capture the cervical auscultation signals and regarding variables such as normal swallowing and swallowing altered by different medical conditions, silent aspiration, age, gender, body mass index, food volume and consistency.

In general, different methods for capturing and analyzing signals from cervical auscultation were presented and described as to their potential for implementation in clinical practice. These methods evidenced the advances in research in partnerships between the areas of health, engineering and information technology, in search of resources that enable the recording and objective and/or automatic analysis of the signs of swallowing, with good accuracy and easy clinical applicability. In addition, the studies presented allow speech therapists to reflect on the use of technological resources in the clinic and their potential for improving the clinical assessment of oropharyngeal dysphagia.


This review revealed a current and potently growing research scenario on cervical auscultation and analysis of signs of swallowing.

The high-resolution cervical auscultation method, combined with machine learning algorithms, has shown great potential for use in speech-language pathology clinic practice for swallowing assessment and monitoring. New studies must be carried out in order to standardize and validate these methods.

Appendix A Database search strategy

Scopus (TITLE-ABS-KEY (deglutition) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (deglutitions) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (swallowing) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (swallowings) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (swallow) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (swallows) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (“acoustic analysis”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“acoustical analysis”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (auscultation) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“cervical auscultation”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“swallowing sounds”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“swallow sounds”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“signal processing”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (acoustics) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (acoustic) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (software) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (accelerometry) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“swallowing accelerometry signals”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (stethoscope) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“digital stethoscope”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“electronic stethoscope”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“doppler effect”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“sonar doppler”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (microphone))
MEDLINE/Pubmed ((“deglutition”[Title/Abstract] OR “deglutitions”[Title/Abstract] OR “swallowing”[Title/Abstract] OR “swallowings”[Title/Abstract] OR “swallow”[Title/Abstract] OR “swallows”[Title/Abstract]) AND (“acoustic analysis”[Title/Abstract] OR “acoustical analysis”[Title/Abstract] OR “auscultation”[Title/Abstract] OR “cervical auscultation”[Title/Abstract] OR “swallowing sounds”[Title/Abstract] OR “swallow sounds”[Title/Abstract] OR “signal processing”[Title/Abstract] OR “acoustics”[Title/Abstract] OR “acoustic”[Title/Abstract] OR “software”[Title/Abstract])) AND (“accelerometry”[Title/Abstract] OR “swallowing accelerometry signals”[Title/Abstract] OR “stethoscope”[Title/Abstract] OR “digital stethoscope”[Title/Abstract] OR “electronic stethoscope”[Title/Abstract] OR “doppler effect”[Title/Abstract] OR “sonar doppler”[Title/Abstract] OR “microphone”[Title/Abstract])
Web of Science TS=(deglutition OR deglutitions OR swallowing OR swallowings OR swallow OR swallows) AND TS=(acoustic analysis OR acoustical analysis OR auscultation OR cervical auscultation OR swallowing sounds OR swallow sounds OR signal processing OR acoustics OR acoustic OR software) AND TS=(accelerometry OR swallowing accelerometry signals OR stethoscope OR digital stethoscope OR electronic stethoscope OR doppler effect OR sonar doppler OR microphone)
  • Study carried out at Curso de Fonoaudiologia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM – Santa Maria (RS), Brasil.
  • Funding: None.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    06 Dec 2021
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    31 Mar 2021
  • Accepted
    05 May 2021
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