Open-access Signs and symptoms of oropharyngeal dysphagia in institutionalized older adults: an integrative review


Purpose  To identify the most prevalent signs and symptoms of oropharyngeal dysphagia in elderly adults who live in old folks' home.

Research strategy  Integrative review carried out in four databases: Embase, Lilacs, MEDLINE/Pubmed, and Web of Science using English terms and filters for language and age.

Selection criteria  Studies available in the full-text form in English, Portuguese or Spanish, with no publication time restrictions, related to elderly people living in care homes who reported oropharyngeal dysphagia. Studies related to elderly people in the community or in hospitals and with other health issuesthat were not related to swallowing disorders were excluded.

Results  Of 389 studies, 16 were included in this review, published between 1986 and 2020. There was a predominance of female participants whose minimum mean age was 71 and maximum, 87. The most frequent signs and symptoms of oropharyngeal dysphagia were the presence of coughing and choking, in addition to other relevant ones, such as diminished tongue pressure, wet voice, weight loss, and slow swallowing.

Conclusion  According to the reviewed studies, the most frequent signs and symptoms related to oropharyngeal dysphagia in elderly people living in care homes were (the) presence of coughing and choking, before, during or after swallowing.

Keywords:  Homes for the Aged; Signs and Symptoms; Deglutition disorders; Elderly; Review


Objetivo  identificar quais são os sinais e sintomas de disfagia orofaríngea mais presentes nos idosos residentes em Instituições de Longa Permanência.

Estratégia de pesquisa  revisão integrativa realizada em quatro bases de dados: Embase, LILACS, MEDLINE/PubMed e Web of Science, com uso de termos na língua inglesa e aplicação de filtros por idioma e idade.

Critérios de seleção  estudos disponíveis na forma de texto completo em inglês, português ou espanhol, sem restrição de tempo de publicação, relacionados a idosos residentes em Instituições de Longa Permanência que referiram disfagia orofaríngea. Foram excluídos estudos relacionados a idosos da comunidade ou que estavam em hospitais, e com outras condições de saúde não relacionadas aos problemas de deglutição.

Resultados  de 389 estudos, 16 foram incluídos nesta revisão, publicados entre os anos de 1986 e 2020. Houve predomínio de participantes do sexo feminino, com média mínima de idade de 71 anos e máxima de 87 anos. Os sinais e sintomas mais frequentes de disfagia orofaríngea foram presença de tosse e engasgo, além de outros relevantes, como pressão de língua diminuída, voz molhada, perda de peso e deglutição lenta.

Conclusão  de acordo com os estudos revisados, os sinais e sintomas mais frequentes relacionados à disfagia orofaríngea nos idosos institucionalizados foram presença de tosse e engasgo, antes, durante ou após a deglutição.

Palavras-chave:  Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos; Sinais e sintomas; Transtornos de Deglutição; Idoso; Revisão


The greater longevity in the population has been making it grow increasingly older, which requires attention to the care provided to older adults and their needs. The family is the main responsible for assisting them in their difficulties, although changes in family routine have been shifting this responsibility(1). An alternative they or even the older adults themselves have found are the nursing homes (NH), either public or private ones(2), where their health and socioeconomic needs are met and external circumstances, such as loneliness and fear of urban violence, are solved(3).

NHs are either governmental or non-governmental institutions characterized by common housing for people aged 60 years or older, with or without family support, where they can enjoy their freedom, dignity, and citizenship(4). They welcome both independent and dependent older adults, who need help in their activities of daily living(2).

Older adults who live in an institution may develop eating problems, often caused by their attitude towards food, inadequate food consistencies imposed by the NH, posture and position difficulties when eating, the caregiver’s manner of serving the food, dental changes, and food refusal(5).

Moreover, institutionalized older adults are usually more fragile and oftentimes cannot compensate for the changes inherent to the aging process – which is characterized by a set of biological events that change the stomatognathic structures and functions(6). They are accompanied by health impairments associated with eating, in which swallowing may not be compensated, leading to dysphagia(7).

Dysphagia in older adults can impair the anticipatory and esophageal phases. Also, a focus on the outcomes of oropharyngeal dysphagia (OD) reveals it as a swallowing disorder in the preparatory, oral, and pharyngeal phases, characterized by a set of signs and symptoms that compromise the efficiency and safety when taking food from the oral cavity to the esophagus(8). It mainly involves difficulties with mastication, bolus management, food escape and oral residues after eating, coughs, chokes, wet voice, frequent phlegm, a need for swallowing the food several times, swallowing pain, taking longer to finish meals, uncommon head or neck posture when swallowing, and weight loss(9,10).

This disorder can be potentialized when the person lives in a NH, where the signs and symptoms may be overlooked by the institution and/or the older adult themselves. It may also pose risks of malnutrition, dehydration, and aspiration, causing pneumonia, which helps increase the mortality rates among older adults(11). Furthermore, it can significantly impact their quality of life, sleep, willingness to eat, social interaction, and mental health(12).

Hence, the signs and symptoms related to these population’s swallowing changes must be identified early. They can point to the importance of systematizing OD tracking as a standard procedure to be performed by any duly calibrated health professional. Thus, institutionalized older adults with possible changes in swallowing efficiency and/or safety can be identified, and protocols can be implemented to follow up the evolution of dysphagic conditions that have been tracked. These conditions must be confirmed with speech-language-hearing assessments to define, among other things, dysphagia management and intervention procedures.


The objective of this literature review is to identify the signs and symptoms of OD most present in older adults who live in NHs.


The integrative review was conducted in the following stages: development of the research question; definition of the inclusion and exclusion criteria; search in databases using keywords; selection of studies; extraction of relevant data, such as the objective, methodology, sample size, and main outcomes(13).

The following research question was developed to ground the study: “What are the signs and symptoms of OD in institutionalized older adults?”. Then, the literature was surveyed to select studies that answered the question in Embase, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS), MEDLINE/PubMed, and Web of Science (Chart 1). The search was conducted using terms in English, selected from descriptors surveyed in MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), from PubMed, algorithms from Embase, and health descriptors (“Deglutition Disorders” [MeSH], “Nursing Homes” [MeSH], “Homes for the Aged” [MeSH], Dysphagia, Institutionalized elderly), to which language (English, Portuguese, and Spanish) and age (60 years or older) filters were applied, with no restriction of time of publication.

Chart 1
Database search strategy


The inclusion criteria were as follows: original studies electronically available in full-text, published in any period, in English, Portuguese, or Spanish, approaching older adults who lived in NHs, answering the research question, and reporting measures related to OD. Congress abstracts, research approaching older adults who lived in the community or were hospitalized, and/or addressing other health conditions unrelated to swallowing disorders were excluded.


The screened articles were analyzed in three stages. Initially, a quantitative analysis of the studies was made based on the search strategies, using the Mendeley software to retrieve studies and remove duplicates(14). Then, all studies were entered into Rayyan(15), which is an application that does the initial screening for the analysis of titles and abstracts of the studies that will be selected for the subsequent stage, following the eligibility criteria. In the third stage, all the selected articles were fully read, and their introduction, methodology, results, and discussion were analyzed, applying the eligibility criteria for the selection of the studies that would comprise this review. The second and third stages were conducted by two independent evaluators; after the articles had been read, a consensus meeting was held, in which a third reviewer would make the final decision in case there were any disagreements.

The studies included in the review were assessed regarding the risk of bias with the Meta-Analysis of Statistics: Assessment and Review Instrument (MASTARI) for Observational Studies from the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI)(16). Two reviewers separately assessed the risk of bias and judged the included articles, checking “yes”, “no”, “unclear” or “not applicable” in each assessment criteria. The risk of bias was classified as high when 49% of the criteria analyzed in the study were checked “yes”; moderate, when 50% to 69% were checked “yes”; and low, when more than 70% were checked “yes”. When necessary, the disagreements were solved by a discussion with the third reviewer.

After the three stages, the studies included in the review were organized and summarized in a chart with concise information on the authors of the studies, year of publication, country of origin, characteristics of the sample (number of participants, distribution per sex, and mean age), objective, type of study, level of evidence(17), method, and main outcomes.


A total of 389 records were found; most of the studies were retrieved from Embase (n = 157), followed by MEDLINE/PubMed (n = 124), and Web of Science (n = 104); there were fewer in LILACS (n = 4). After removing the duplicates, 304 studies were selected to have their titles and abstracts read.

After all the stages in the process of constructing this integrative review, 16 studies were included, following the eligibility criteria (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Flowchart of the stages in the integrative review process

The studies included in the review were in English, whereas only one was in Portuguese(18). Only two of them were Brazilian studies, one from the South Region(19) and the other from the Northeast Region(18). The years of publication ranged from 1986(20) to 2020(21). There was a predominance of older women in the study populations; the lowest mean age was 71 years and the highest, 87 years. The study sample size ranged from a few (n = 12)(22) to a quite large number of participants (n = 6,349)(23). Concerning the characteristics of the NHs, some were subdivided according to the level of care the older adults needed and/or their health status, whereas some were women-only homes.

The most frequent signs and symptoms of OD were coughs(18,20-31) and chokes(22-24,26-28,30) before, during, or after swallowing. Other signs and symptoms were also found, namely: decreased tongue pressure(21,27,31,32), wet voice(18,20,28,29), weight loss(24,25,29,33), slow swallowing(20,24,29,30), taking longer to finish meals(18,25,30,32), anterior saliva loss(20,29,30), mastication difficulties(20,24,29), spitting out the food(20,25,30), decrease in daily food intake(18,32), drinking liquids during meals(24,28), and presence of food residue after swallowing(18,30).

The less frequent symptoms were xerostomia(19), throat discomfort(24), food sticking in the throat(24), discomfort sensation when ingesting solid foods(24), lip and tongue dysfunction, nasal regurgitation(20), and posterior oral food escape(20).

The description of the articles included in the review is presented in Chart 2, which details the main information on the topic, regarding the objectives, the methodology employed, and main outcomes concerning the signs and symptoms of OD.

Chart 2
Characterization of the studies included in the integrative review

Concerning the risk of bias, eight studies were judged as high risk(18,19,21-25,28), four as moderate risk(20,26,32,33), and four as low risk(27,29-31). The methodological limitations in all studies included in this review were related to deficient reports of the sample inclusion and exclusion criteria, description of the study subjects, confounding factors, and strategy to control these factors. Most studies were classified as low risk of bias in the items related to reliable outcome measures and appropriate statistical analyses. Tables 1 and 2 summarize the assessments obtained with JBI-MASTARI(17).

Table 1
Assessment of the risks of bias of the cross-sectional studies
Table 2
Assessment of the risk of bias of the cohort study


A predominance of older females living in NHs was observed in the selected studies. This tendency is present in studies with older adults, in which more women than men participate, with a mean age above 70 years(34,35).

In general terms, many older adults frequently complain of OD, especially regarding coughs and chokes before, during, or after meals. These symptoms presuppose a change between the oral and pharyngeal phases of swallowing(29,36) and can indicate difficulties with the ability to swallow safely. Such difficulties result from a cognitive decline or an impairment in the oral motor function, caused by stroke or neurodegenerative diseases – which are significant indicators associated with OD in institutionalized older adults(11,20,28,37).

When the swallowing difficulty is in the pharyngeal phase, the older adults choke and cough; they may also bronchoaspirate while or after swallowing and develop pneumonia(38). Coughs are a classic sign of the presence of OD-related penetration/aspiration and an indicator of the existence of sensitivity in the laryngeal region, which stimulates the reflex act to protect the airways(39). Moreover, many older adults in NHs often have their meals in bed, which helps trigger coughs and chokes and causes asphyxia and aspiration(25).

The perception of choking is common among institutionalized older adults, and they mainly view this symptom as caused by aging(40,41), associated with the presence of negative feelings/sensations, relating them to death, shortness of breath, fear, or denial of the symptom(40).

It must be pointed out that the presence of wet voice in older adults may be related to the risk of penetration (as a sign indicative of stasis of secretions, liquids, or food in the laryngeal vestibule) and aspiration(18,42). In older adults, the onset of pharyngeal and laryngeal events, including airway closure, is significantly slower than in adults(43). Hence, when the functioning of this swallowing mechanism is changed, the risk of penetration into the airways may be even greater(44).

Slow swallowing may indicate a disorder at the beginning of the process of transferring the bolus to the pharyngeal region. This is possibly due to aging, which interferes with the triggering of the pharyngeal reflex(43) and the efficiency of mastication, which in turn may be significantly more delayed in older adults than in those under 45 years old(44). This changed process may lead to the presence of residues in the oral cavity, requiring multiple swallows because of the difficulty in oral propulsion(45).

The low frequency of nasal regurgitation of foods and liquids is justified, as this is one of the least common symptoms in older adults(46).

The literature indicates that the tongue pressure peak moderately decreases with advancing age, observing also that those classified with extremely weak tongue pressure were significantly the oldest ones(46-48). Moreover, the pattern of tongue movement was unstable in people who had lost occlusal support due to tooth loss – which may contribute to the lower mean pressure peak and consequently to the deficient retention and manipulation of the bolus and its propulsion from the oral cavity to the pharynx(48,49).

Anterior oral food or liquid escape following bolus uptake(42) may be caused by insufficient lip closure. This dysfunction, when accompanied by tongue dysfunction, varies according to the person’s characteristics(47) and may also favor extraoral saliva escape. Additionally, over time, it may make laryngeal contraction and elevation more difficult in spontaneous swallowing of saliva(42,50).

Although only one study in this literature review presented results related to xerostomia, when dry mouth sensation is present, it may be caused by an increased number of medications being taken, especially the antipsychotics, antidepressants, antiparkinsonians, and anticholinergics, which are necessary to the health conditions that occur in the aging process. This symptom, when accompanied by cognitive hypofunction and extrapyramidal symptoms, may help develop dysphagia(48,51-53).

Mastication difficulties may result from changes in the older adults’ structure and function, such as decreased mastication force and muscle fatigue caused by mastication muscle hypotonia. These lead to a slower bolus preparation and may cause discomfort in the masticatory process(53), besides making the ingestion of solid foods more difficult, which requires the ingestion of liquids to help the passage of the food bolus(47). Other conditions also complicate masticatory efficiency, of which dental changes and/or poorly fitted dentures stand out(53), as dental support is necessary to maintain adequate oral-motor function(54). However, older adults, even with complaints of mastication difficulties, may make personal adjustments and maintain the performance in the masticatory process and subsequent swallowing(55).

The signs and symptoms discussed above show that it is difficult for older adults to perceive these outcomes because they believe they are part of the aging process. On the other hand, health professionals, caregivers, and speech-language-hearing therapists must be attentive to any red flags for a likely swallowing disorder that might compromise their overall health status – not only because of the consequences it brings to the maintenance of their nutritional and hydration status and pulmonary health but also because it poses a risk of death and loss of quality of life. Therefore, the teams in NHs must be necessarily calibrated, which is a reality in other areas(56) and scenarios(26).

In the interpretability of the risks of bias, the studies revealed deficiencies in some aspects that indicated the presence of confounding factors regarding age, distribution per sex, perception of the disease, and health condition. These may distort the results concerning the frequency of the signs and symptoms of OD. This methodological flaw could have been solved if the studies presented clearer and more cohesive analysis criteria to answer their research questions.

The limitations of the study include that the articles focused only on the outcomes of the prevalence of OD and associated risk factors, without further analysis of the details of the signs and symptoms that could result in a swallowing disorder in older adults who live in NHs. Furthermore, some pieces of research had small samples, which hindered a better characterization of the signs and symptoms of OD, with methodologies that lacked comparison groups to control the results and confounding factors in relation to the presence of underlying diseases or the absence of diseases in older adults who maintained a good health status. Therefore, given the lack of differentiation of signs and symptoms of swallowing disorders, either associated or not with underlying diseases, the small samples, and the methodological flaws, the interpretation of the findings must be carefully analyzed because the outcomes found cannot be generalized.


The reviewed studies show that the most frequent OD-related signs and symptoms in institutionalized older adults were coughs and chokes before, during, and after swallowing, followed by decreased tongue pressure, wet voice, weight loss, slow swallowing, drooling, mastication difficulties, and taking longer to finish meals. Most pieces of research had a medium or high risk of bias.

  • Trabalho realizado na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN – Natal (RN), Brasil.
  • Funding: This work was carried out with the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – Brazil (CAPES) – Financing Code 001.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    25 Feb 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    19 Mar 2021
  • Accepted
    16 Dec 2021
Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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