Open-access Internal consistency and latent factors in the variability of syntactic competence in elementary school students


Purpose  Present a study on the internal consistency and latent factors that promote response variability in an assessment task of syntactic competence applied to Elementary School students.

Methods  An oral sentence complementation task containing 30 main adverbial subordinate clauses was prepared. Participants were 113 students with typical development (55.7% girls), aged 9 years to 11 years and 1 month (M=9.5; SD=0.6), regularly enrolled in the 4th (59.3%) and 5th (40.7%) grades of a public Elementary School. The schoolchildren were evaluated with respect to auditory discrimination and processing (simplified assessment), phonological short-term and working memory, expressive vocabulary, and oral sentence complementation. Data were analyzed using the Fleiss’ Kappa (α=0.6) and Cronbach's Alpha (α=0.4) coefficients. Phi coefficient (α=0.7) factor analysis with the principal components method was also performed.

Results  Inter-rater concordance between the three judges was α=0.61<x>1 for six clauses. Concordance between the two speech-language pathologists was perfect for two clauses and k=0.69<x>0.89 for 23 clauses. In the internal consistency analysis, the condition and purpose subordinate clause categories showed α=0.43 and α=0.47, respectively. Of the 13 latent factors identified, only one (12%) promoted total response variance.

Conclusion  Inter-rater concordance between the speech-language pathologists was significant, task items were not correlated within the same grammatical category, and the use of the subjunctive mood in the complementation response to the main clause seems to be a latent factor promoting the response variability of students.

Keywords:  Language; Linguistics; Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences; Validation studies; Statistical analysis

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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