Open-access Family participation in the care of children with speech sound disorder


Purpose  To investigate the understanding of parents or caregivers of children undergoing speech therapy regarding the importance of family involvement in the therapeutic project.

Methods  Through clinical-qualitative study, the thematic content of thirteen interviews with parents or caregivers of children with Speech Sound Disorder (SSD) was analyzed using the references of Humanization of Health Care, Person-Centered Care and Family-Centered Care.

Results  Some interviewees considered family involvement to be important and participated actively in care. Others, however, stressed that contextual factors (environmental and personal) hindered their participation in the therapeutic project outside the outpatient setting. Some did not understand the need for family involvement and focused their criticism on assistance.

Conclusion  The therapeutic project of children with SSD needs to include caregivers and family in the care plan, as well as the child being treated. In this project, the perceptions of these caregivers and family members related to SSD should be considered and contextualized in their existential and functional contingencies.

Keywords:  Public health; Caregivers; Patient-centered care; Speech sound disorder; Qualitative research

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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