Open-access Gyrodactylidae (Monogenea: Platyhelminthes) gill parasites of Tetragonopterinae (Characiformes: Characidae) from the upper Paraná River floodplain, Brazil

Gyrodactylidae (Monogenea: Platyhelminthes) parasitos branquiais de Tetragonopterinae (Characiformes: Characidae) na planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná


Abstract  Aim: This study records Gyrodactylus neotropicalis and Anacanthocotyle anacanthocotyle in new hosts: Astyanax lacustris and Moenkhausia forestii, on the upper Paraná river floodplain. Besides, ecological aspects of the parasites distribution are explored.

Methods  Both host species were collected between March and September 2014; monogeneans were removed from the gills using a stereo-microscope and mounted in Hoyer or stained with Gomori’s trichrome and mounted in Balsam of Canada. Illustrations were prepared on a phase contrast microscope. Monogeneans were identified using the appropriate literature. Prevalance, abundance, mean intensity and intensity range were calculated to parasite species in each host.

Results  Gyrodactylus neotropicalis and Anacanthocotyle anacanthocotyle are recorded in new geographic area, upper Paraná River floodplain, in new host species, A. lacustris and M. forestii and in new infection site, gills. A. anacanthocotyle occur in higher prevalence, abundance and intensity parasitizing A. lacustris, while G. neotropicalis presented higher prevalence, abundance and intensity in M. forestii.

Discussion  Gyrodactylus neotropicalis described by Kritsky & Fritts, 1970, parasite of Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier), presented a different shield position between anchors than the specimens studied here; A. anacanthocotyle also described by Kritsky & Fritts, 1970 presented spicules in the cephalic region, what was not observed in the specimens studied here. Plasticity in parasitism may explain the difference between monogenean in different hosts.

Conclusion  Until now, there was no record of this Gyrodactylidae species parasitizing Characidae fish in South America. Those parasites are the first Gyrodactylidae monogeneans described from A. lacustris and M. forestii.

Keywords:  taxonomy; parasitology; freshwater; Moenkhausia forestii; Astyanax lacustris

Resumo  Objetivo: Este estudo apresenta novos registros de ocorrência de Gyrodactylus neotropicalis e Anacanthocotyle anacanthocotyle parasitando Astyanax lacustris e Moenkhausia forestii, na planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná. Além disso, são discutidos aspectos ecológicos referentes à distribuição dos parasitos em seus hospedeiros.

Métodos  Ambos os hospedeiros foram coletados entre março e setembro de 2014; os monogenéticos foram removidos das brânquias sob estero-microscópio e preservadas em Hoyer ou corados com Tricrômio de Gomori e preservados em Bálsamo do Canadá. As ilustrações foram preparadas em microscópio de contraste de fases. Os monogenéticos foram identificados e descritos segundo a literatura pertinente. Foram calculadas a prevalência, a abundância, a intensidade média e a amplitude da intensidade para cada espécie de parasito em cada hospedeiro.

Resultados  Gyrodactylus neotropicalis e A. anacanthocotyle são registradas em nova região geográfica, planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná; em novos hospedeiros, A. lacustris e M. forestii e em novo sítio de infecção, brânquias. A. anacanthocotyle ocorreu em maior prevalência, abundância e intensidade parasitando A. lacustris, enquanto G. neotropicalis apresentou maior prevalência, abundância e intensidade em M. forestii.

Discussão  Gyrodactylus neotropicalis descrito por Kritsky & Fritts, 1970, parasito de Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier), apresenta o escudo do haptor em posição diferente do que os espécimes encontrados aqui; A. anacanthocotyle também descrito por Kritsky & Fritts, 1970 apresenta espículas na região cefálica, o que não foi encontrado nos espécimes estudados aqui. A plasticidade no parasitismo pode explicar a diferença na distribuição das espécies de monogenético entre os diferentes hospedeiros.

Conclusões  Até agora não havia registros de Gyrodactylidae parasitando Characidae na América do Sul. Essas espécies de parasitos são os primeiros monogenéticos girodactilídeos descritos para A. lacustris e M. forestii.

Palavras-chave:  taxonomia; parasito; água doce; Moenkhausia forestii; Astyanax lacustris

1. Introduction

The fish fauna of the Neotropical region is the most diversified of the world, and represent about 24% of the global marine and freshwater fish species (Vari & Malabarba, 1998). The upper Paraná River floodplain has 182 fish species; of these, around 40 species belongs to the family Characidae (Graça & Pavanelli, 2007). Some Characidae species are widely distributed in Brazil, as Astyanax lacustrisi (Lütken, 1875) and Moenkhausia forestii Benine, Mariguela & Oliveira, 2009, as known as “lambaris” or “piabas” (Benine et al., 2009). Although these fish species are not large commercially exploited, they present great ecological importance, as main items in the feeding of commercially valuable fish (Silva et al., 2012). They are also used as baits in sport fishing, ornamental fish, in fighting larvae of mosquitoes (Sato et al., 2006) and contribute to seeds dispersion (Andrian et al., 2001).

Kritsky & Fritts (1970) described two Gyrodactylidae species on the external surface of Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier) in Costa Rica: Anacanthocotyle anacanthocotyle and Gyrodactylus neotropicalis. Mendoza-Franco et al. (1999) registered those species in México, also parasitizing Astyanax fasciatus external surface. Salgado-Maldonado et al. (2005) registered A. anacanthocotyle parasitizing fins of Astyanax aenus in Mexico and Rodríguez-Ortíz et al. (2014) found G. neotropicalis in the external surface of Poecilia sphenops, in Costa Rica (Kohn et al., 2006).

In South America, Jara (1986) described a new occurrence of the Anacanthocotyle genus in Peru, parasite of Bryconamericus peruanus (Müller & Troschel, 1845). However, there is no identification at the specific level and the species is registered as Anacanthocotyle sp. Therefore, until now, Anacanthocotyle genus is composed exclusively by A. anacanthocotyle, the type species.

With more than 450 species, Gyrodactylus von Nordmann, 1832 is one of the most diverse genus within the Monogenea (Harris et al., 2004).The high diversity of Characiformes contrasts with the scarcity of described species of the genus Gyrodactylus infecting these fishes. Currently, only six nominal species of Gyrodactylus have been recorded in Characiformes from the Americas (Razo-Mendivil et al., 2016). Besides, there is no registration for Gyrodactylidae parasitizing Tetragonopterinae in South America (Thatcher, 2006; Cohen et al., 2013).

During a helminthological study on the freshwater fishes Astyanax lacustris and Moenkhausia forestii, from the upper Paraná River floodplain, Anacanthocotyle anacanthocotyle and Gyrodactylus neotropicalis were found and recorded from the gills.

2. Material and Methods

Specimens of Astyanax lacustris (n=28) and Moenkhausia forestii (n=20) were collected in the upper Paraná River floodplain (22º50’-22º70’S and 53º15-53º40’ W), southern Brazil (Figure 1), in partnership with the ILTER (International Long Term Ecological Research) /CNPq Project (site 6), between March and September 2014.

Figure 1
Map of the localization of the upper Paraná River floodplain.

Monogeneans were removed from the gills using a stereomicroscope, killed in a 1: 4000 formalin solution and preserved in 5% formalin. Some specimens were mounted unstained in Hoyer’s medium to study sclerotized structures. Other specimens, stained with Gomori’s trichrome, were used to observe internal organs (Eiras et al., 2006).

Measurements are in micrometers (µm), with means followed by the range and number (n) of specimens or structures measured in parentheses. Illustrations were prepared on a Nikon (Eclipse E200) phase contrast microscope. After that, drawings were scanned and assembled using InkScape 0.91. Voucher specimens were deposited in the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz Helminthological Collection (CHIOC), Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.

Monogenean population of each species were described as proposed by Bush et al. (1997), based on parasite prevalence (P%), mean intensity (MI), mean abundance (MA) and intensity range (IR).

3. Results and Discussion

Anacanthocotyle anacanthocotyle (n=56) was found parasitizing three specimens of Astyanax lacustris (SL: 2.2-9.0 cm) and two specimens of Moenkhausia forestii (SL: 2.6-3.3 cm). Considering the same hosts, two specimens of A. lacustris and two specimens of M. forestii were parasitized by Gyrodactylus neotropicalis (n = 5). Comparing the distribution of A. anacanthocotyle and G. neotropicalis in each host, it is possible to note that A. anacanthocotyle occur in higher prevalence, abundance and intensity parasitizing A. lacustris, while G. neotropicalis presented higher prevalence, abundance and intensity in M. forestii (Table 1).

Table 1
Gyrodactylidae parasites of Astyanax lacustris and Moenkhausia forestii, from the upper Paraná River floodplain.

The distribution of Anacanthocotyle anacanthocotyle and Gyrodactylus neotropicalis in each host species was similar (Table 1) and only mean intensity (MI) was higher for A. anacanthocotyle parasitizing Astyanax lacustris, what can be explained by the aggregation of monogenean distribution. The variability in abundance among populations of the same host species used to be as large as that among different host species. In this case, parasites distribution could be a reflection of the importance of local abiotic and biotic effects, independent of the identity of the host species (Poulin, 1998).

Taxonomic description

Monogenea (Van Beneden, 1858)

Gyrodactylidae (Van Beneden& Hesse, 1863)

Isancistrinae (Fuhrmann, 1928)

Anacanthocotyle anacanthocotyle Kritsky & Fritts, 1970 (Figure 2)

Figure 2
Anacanthocotyle anacanthocotyle Kritsky & Fritts, 1970. (A) Composite drawing of whole-mount (ventral view); (B) Hook; (C) Male Copulatory organ (MCO).

Hosts: Astyanax lacustris (Lütken, 1875) and Moenkhausia forestii Benine, Mariguela & Oliveira, 2009

Locality: upper Paraná River floodplain; Brazil (22º50’ – 22º70’S and 53º15’ – 53º40’W)

Site: gill filaments

Specimens deposited: Voucher specimens CHIOC 338870 and CHIOC 38873

Description. (Based on 28 specimens). Body elongeted, 269 (202-422; n=28) long; 90 (60-115; n=28) greater width, near midlength. Tegument thick. Cephalic lobes moderate to incipient, spicules not observed. Head organs well developed, longitudinally striated; cephalic glands moderate to well developed. Eyes absent. Pharynx muscular, ventral and anterior opening, 28 (23-34; n=26) length; 31 (24-44; n=26) width. Male copulatory organ (MCO) muscular and spherical, near pharynx region, spinelets radially arranged, MCO 12 (8-19; n=25) diameter. Confluent intestinal cecum, in half of trunk lenght. Peduncle moderate to broad. Haptor opening posteriorly or posteroventrally, 26 (19-35; n=27) length; 43 (35-59; n=27) width. Anchors and bars absent. Hooks 16, radially arranged and with similar size and shape. Hook shank with slight proximal enlargement; hooklet point open or slightly recurved, thumb with shelf and pointed tip; hook length 17 (15-23; n=27). FH loop extends more than half shank length, with one looping; 5 (3-6; n=21) length. Hooks SFH indistinct. Viviparous, with two embryo generation observed.

Remarks.Anacanthocotyle anacanthocotyle specimens were identified according to the morphologic characters presented by Kritsky & Fritts (1970); the species can be defined by the combination of the following characters: viviparous; two cephalic lobes; anchors and bars absent; 16 hooks, radially arranged. Anacanthocotyle anacanthocotyle is the only species described for the genus (Thatcher, 2006) and this is the first report from Brazil.

Kritsky & Fritts (1970) described spicules in the cephalic region, above each cephalic lobe. However, spicules were not observed in the specimens analyzed here. Mendoza-Franco et al. (1999) described A. anacanthocotyle in a new geographic locality, but they did not mention the presence of spicules and the illustrations did not show spicules. Therefore, we did not consider such single character relevant enough to justify a new Anacanthocotyle species.

Gyrodactylinae (Fuhrmann, 1928)

Gyrodactylus neotropicalis Kritsky & Fritts, 1970 (Figure 3)

Figure 3
Gyrodactylus neotropicalis Kritsky & Fritts, 1970. (A) Composite drawing of whole-mount (ventral view); (B): Hook; (C) Copulatory organ (MCO); (D) Anchors, bars and shield on haptor; ventral view.

Hosts: Astyanax lacustris (Lütken, 1875) and Moenkhausia forestii Benine, Mariguela & Oliveira, 2009

Locality: upper Paraná River floodplain; Brazil (22º50’ – 22º70’S and 53º15’ – 53º40’W)

Site: gill filaments

Specimens deposited: Voucher specimens CHIOC 38872 and CHIOC 38873

Description. (Based on 6 specimens). Body elongeted; 368 (324-427; n=6) long; 128 (89-142; n=6) greater width, near midlength. Tegument thick. Two cephalic lobes moderate to well developed, spicules absent. Head organs and cephalic glands conspicuous. Eyes absent. Pharynx muscular, ventral and anterior opening, 30 (23-34; n=5) long; 43 (38-54; n=5) width. MCO muscular and spherical, near pharynx region, with 17 spinelets radially arranged; 16 (15-17; n=2) diameter. Intestinal cecum confluent, extending to approximately two-thirds of total body length. Peduncle conspicuous. Haptor opening posteriorly or posteroventrally; 73 (64-83; n=6) long; 72 (68-89; n=6); width. Single pair of anchors; 40 (26-44; n=6) length; 30 (24-34; n=6) width. Anchors connected from the root by a shield, 15 (13-17; n=5) width; 12 (11-16; n=4) length; and two bars: superficial bar, 12 (11-13; n=5) length; deep bar, 10 (9-13; n-5) length. Hooks 16, radially arranged and with similar size and shape. Proximal hook shanks uniform; hooklet shaft and point evenly recurved; base with rounded proximal margin, shelf prominent, 26 (24-29; n=6) length. FH loop extends about half shank length, with one looping; 6 (5-8; n=6) length. Hooks SFH not observed. Viviparous, with two embryo generation observed.

Remarks. Species that belongs to the genus Gyrodactylus (Nordmann, 1832) are viviparous and presents: peduncle conspicuous; copulatory organ muscular, bulbous, with spines, represented only by the MCO; ventral anchor present; superficial bar present, rod-shaped, with or without a shield; parasites of gills and external surfaces of species of Clupeiformes, Cyprinodontiformes, Perciformes, Siluriformes and Characiformes (Thatcher, 2006).

Gyrodactylus neotropicalis Kritsky & Fritts, 1970 can be defined by the combination of the following characters: spherical and ventral MCO, near the pharynx, with spinelets radially arranged; single pair of anchors, without filament, connected at their roots to each other by a shield and two bars; 16 hooks with similar size and shape, radially arranged (Kritsky & Fritts, 1970).

However, there is a difference between the Gyrodactylus neotropicalis from Kritsky & Fritts, (1970), parasite of Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier), and the specimens observed here: shield position between anchors in haptor. Kritsky & Fritts (1970) described the shield connecting anchor at the middle, with shield situated below the deep root; but we observed the shield above the deep root (Figure 3). Secondary filament hook (SFH) was not observed, like expected according to the species description. Mendoza-Franco et al. (1999) illustrated shield above the deep root, and hooks without SFH, as we describe here.

Even though there are morphological differences between Gyrodactylus neotropicalis specimens, we did not consider these characters relevant enough to justify a new Gyrodactylus species. Since Astyanax lacustris and Moenkhausia forestii were not exclusive hosts for A. anacanthocotyle and G. neotropicalis, plasticity in parasitism may explain the difference between monogenean in different hosts (Poulin, 1998).

Anacanthocotyle anacanthocotyle and Gyrodactylus neotropicalis was first described parasitizing the external surface of Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier) by Kritsky & Fritts (1970), in Costa Rica. Mendoza-Franco et al. (1999) described these parasite species in a new geographical locality, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, for the same host, but parasitizing fins.

Jara (1986), made the only register until now for Anacanthocotyle genus in South America, parasitizing Bryconamericus peruanus on Peru. There are registers of Gyrodactylus from South America, including Tetragonopterinae or Characidae fishes (Thatcher, 2006) but they are not specified, they are identified as Gyrodactylus sp. Rodríguez-Ortíz et al. (2014) described the occurrence of G. neotropicalis parasitizing the external surface of Poecilia sphenops (Valenciennes, 1846) in Costa Rica.

Anacanthocotyle anacanthocotyle and G. neotropicalis are the first Gyrodactylidae monogeneans parasites described from Astyanax lacustris and Moenkhausia forestii. This occurrence in the upper Paraná river floodplain, southern Brazil, expands the parasites species geographical distribution and infection sites.

Although the present study provided new data on host spectrum and distribution of Gyrodactylidae species, the information about the fauna of monogeneans in south Brazil, specially related with small fishes, like Tetragonopterinae, is still limited. This information, together with data on the occurrence of monogeneans in South America, is necessary for better understanding the species composition, distribution, history and phylogeny of these parasites of freshwater fishes.


The authors wish to thank Nupélia/UEM (Núcleo de Pesquisas em Limnologia, Ictiologia e Aquicultura), and PELD/CNPq – site 6 project, for logistic and financial support. Eloiza Muniz Capparros and Ricardo Massato Takemoto were supported by a research fellowship from CNPq.

  • i
    Previously described as Astyanax altiparanae (Garutti & Bristki, 2000), redescribed by Lucena & Soares (2016).
  • Cite as: Capparros, E.M. and Takemoto, R.M. Gyrodactylidae (Monogenea: Platyhelminthes) gill parasites of Tetragonopterinae (Characiformes: Characidae) from the upper Paraná river floodplain, Brazil. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 2017, vol. 29, e105.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection


  • Received
    30 Mar 2017
  • Accepted
    15 Sept 2017
Associação Brasileira de Limnologia Av. 24 A, 1515, CEP: 13506-900 , Tel.:+55 (19) 3526-4225 - Rio Claro - SP - Brazil
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