Open-access Recovery of voluntary motion in upper extremity following hemiplegia in patients with cerebrovascular accident: contribution to the prognosis

The study aims the registration and analysis of the main facts which occur during recovery of the voluntary movements in the upper extremity, in patients with hemiplegia following cerebrovascular accident, and it also intends to evaluate the prognosis. Of particular interest was the comparative recognition of the spontaneous recovery of voluntary motricity in different segments of the upper extremity in 88 patients, not previously selected, with hemiplegia after cerebrovascular accident, admitted to the hospital at the acute stage. Of the 88 hemiplegic patients studied whose further evolution has been fairly followed 56 cases (group 1) experienced clinical improvement, either with partial or total remission of neurological manifestations and complete recovery of all voluntary movements in the different upper extremity joints, while 32 patients (group 2) with persistent neurological symptoms, particularly spasticity, showed a slighter clinical improvement, as well as only partial recovery of upper extremity movements. The clinical quantification of neurological signs applied in this study, has made possible to report the main significant changes developed during the 88 patients recovery. This criteria has allowed to enphasize the degree of the spontaneous remission of symptoms and the determination of the critical level of stabilization "plateau". The analysis of the data supplied by the two groups led to the following conclusions: a) the critical level of remission of symptoms and the spontaneous recovery of voluntary movements ocurred around the 70th day after the installation of hemiplegia; b) the 256 average score acquired 70 days after the onset of the hemiplegia represents the critical level stabilization (plateau); c) although the presence of early initial movements, immediately after the installation of hemiplegia, is a valuable data for the prognosis, the characterization of early movement patterns is of most important meaning; d) patients with hemiplegia after cerebrovascular acident who present the thumb flexion-extension and opposition movements showed a better prognosis than those whose initial movements were represented by the elbow flexion and/or arm flexion-adduction.

Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO R. Vergueiro, 1353 sl.1404 - Ed. Top Towers Offices Torre Norte, 04101-000 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 5084-9463 | +55 11 5083-3876 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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