Open-access Garcin's syndrome caused by a giant aneurysm of the internal carotid artery: a case report

A case of a large supra-clinoideal aneurysm of the left internal carotid artery involving from the second up to twelveth cranial nerves is reported. The patient, a 55-years-old white female, died 4 days after the angiographic study. The necropsy showed a giant aneurysm originated of the supraclinoideal left internal carotid artery, and an aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery.

Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO R. Vergueiro, 1353 sl.1404 - Ed. Top Towers Offices Torre Norte, 04101-000 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 5084-9463 | +55 11 5083-3876 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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