Open-access Clinical study of 84 epileptic patients with abnormal cerebrospinal fluid

Eighty four epileptic patients with impaired cerebrospinal fluid examination were studied. The neurological examination was normal in all patients and no sign of intracranial hypertension was present. All the cases and a sub-group with chronic specific meningoencephalitis (cysticercotic or syphilitic) were studied and compared with the epilepsies in general; the electroencephalographic findings, duration and age of onset of disease, frequency of seizures and evolution with antiepileptic drugs were enphasized. The results were analysed in percentual index and lead the authors to the following conclusions: 1) in 76 cases (90%) convulsive manifestations occurred; in 59 cases (70%) the convulsions were secondary; 2) only in three cases psychomotor seizures were found; 3) the diffuse electroencephalographic abnormalities were found mainly in the group studied regarding the epilepsies in general; 4) the late onset of epilepsy predominate in the group studied; 5) the duration of epilepsy was smaller in the group studied; 6) in 18% of cases with chronic specific meningoencephalitis the duration of epilepsy was 10 years or more; 7) the most severe types of epilepsy predominate in the patients with specific chronic meningoencephalitis; 8) the evolution was worse in the cases studied regarding the epilepsies in general. The abnormal cerebrospinal fluid examination, if considerad as an isolate data, did not exerce significative influence on prognosis of the epileptic syndrome; in these patients medical treatment lead to good results in about 80% of cases.

Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO R. Vergueiro, 1353 sl.1404 - Ed. Top Towers Offices Torre Norte, 04101-000 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 5084-9463 | +55 11 5083-3876 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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