Open-access Resolution of syringomyelia in ten cases of "up-and-down Chiari malformation" after posterior fossa decompression

Resolução de siringomielia em dez casos de malformação de Chiari observada apenas com o paciente em posição sentada durante a descompressão da fossa posterior

The authors describe ten cases of syringomyelia without hindbrain herniation depicted by preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in supine position. However, the herniation was observed in all cases during the operation with the patient in sitting position. The postoperative MRI revealed an intense reduction of the syrinx in all patients, as well as it was also observed a clinical amelioration in all cases. The surgical treatment was based on a large craniectomy with the patient in sitting position, tonsillectomy, large opening of the fourth ventricle and duraplasty with creation of a large cisterna magna.

Chiari malformation; syringomyelia; craniovertebral decompression

Academia Brasileira de Neurologia - ABNEURO R. Vergueiro, 1353 sl.1404 - Ed. Top Towers Offices Torre Norte, 04101-000 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 11 5084-9463 | +55 11 5083-3876 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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