Open-access Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Tibicinidae) on coffee plants: distribution, hosts and key to species

The geographical distribution of 10 species of cicadas associated to coffee (Coffea arabica) plants, in Minas Gerais, São Paulo e Paraná States (Brazil) is reported. Informations on geographical distribution of these species of cicadas in the New World, except Brazil, were based on the existing literature. For Brazil, the occurrence of species were based on the literature survey, on entomological collections and on specimens captured. Seven other hosts, besides coffee were recorded: sponge tree (Acacia farnesiana), false brazilian wood (Caesalpinia peltophoroides), Cassia spp., mulberry tree (Morus alba), avocado pear tree (Persea americana), angico (Piptadenia sp.) and cação tree (Theobroma cacao). Identification keys based on external morphology and on male genitalia are presented.

Insecta; cicada; hosts; survey; identification

Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil Caixa postal 481 - CEP 86001-970, Londrina - PR - Brasil, Fone:(43) 3376 2262, Fax: (43) 3342 3987 - Londrina - PR - Brazil
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