Open-access Temperature and diet effects on the biology of Eriopis connexa (Germar) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)

Eriopis connexa (Germar) is an important aphidophagous coccinelid, widely distributed in several South American countries. The influence of different feeding and temperature conditions on biological features of the immature and adult stages, were studied. Cohorts of cocinelids larvae were reared on the combinations of four constant temperatures (9, 15, 19 and 27ºC) and six diets based on Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris and Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) aphid species with, respectively, four and two different initial numbers and increasing rates. Tested temperatures above 15ºC did not affect the number of eggs/cluster and their viability. Incubation time varied from 2.5 days and a 92% of hatched eggs at 27ºC, to 13 days with a 71% of viability at 15ºC. At 9ºC, neither oviposition nor births were observed, although development until adult stage could be achieved at four experimental temperatures. The combination of food supply and temperature affected both aphid ingestion and immature developmental times, but not adult sizes. The number of A. pisum and S. graminum consumed varied approximately from 57 to 256 and from 104 to 641, respectively. Developmental times, from larval to adult stage, ranged from ca. 84 days at 9ºC to ca. 12 days at 27ºC. Larger adult sizes were observed at 19ºC. Body weight of adults increased when they were offered greater numbers of aphids. Pronotum widths and femur lengths were slightly influenced by prey species but these dimensions were independent on larvae ingestion of food.

Insecta; Acyrthosiphon pisum; Schizaphis graminum; predation; development

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