Open-access Estimate of the external growth of nests of Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel and Atta laevigata (F.Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in eucalypt plantations

Due to the need of improvements in the management of leaf-cutting ants, this work aimed at the development a mathematical model to predict the external growth of nests of Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel and Atta laevigata (F. Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in eucalypt plantations. Equations to describe the growth of the ant nests were formulated with regard to total area (AT), stratified area (AE), number of loose land nests (NM) and active holes (NO), which may serve as a basis for integrated management programs of leaf-cutting ants. For A. laevigata the equations are AT = 123,0428/(1+1065,40 e-0,2410 Idade), AE = 17,8941/(1+518,00 e-0,2580 Idade), NM = 29,3423/(1+67,64 e-0,1136 Idade), and NO = 14,7735/(1+38,15 e-0,1356 Idade). For A. sexdens rubropilosa the equations are AT = 55,7545/(1+120919,49 e-0,5794 Idade), AE = 25,8845/(1+9005,85 e-0,4184 Idade), NM = 11,8174/ (1+22,32 e-0,1254 Idade), and NO = 98,0222/(1+1237,83 e-0,2499 Idade).

Attini; leaf-cutting ant; simulation model

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