Open-access New species in the genus Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Brazil

Nova espécie do gênero Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) no Brasil


Anastrepha morvasi n. sp. is described based on female specimens collected in McPhail traps in a fruit fly survey conducted in Vacaria, State of Rio Grande do Sul. Description, diagnosis and illustrations are provided and a diagnostic key to the species of the punctata group, including A. morvasi n. sp., is also presented.

Insecta; fruit fly; description; punctata group; morvasi

Anastrepha morvasi n. sp. é descrita com base em exemplares fêmeas coletados em armadilhas tipo McPhail em levantamentos das espécies de moscas-das-frutas conduzidos em Vacaria, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Descrição, diagnose e ilustrações dessa nova espécie são elaboradas, e uma chave de identificação para as espécies do grupo punctata, incluindo A. morvasi n. sp., é apresentada.

Insecta; mosca-das-frutas; descrição; grupo punctata; morvasi


New species in the genus Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Brazil

Nova espécie do gênero Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) no Brasil

Keiko UramotoI; Roberto A. ZucchiII

IDepto. Biologia, Inst. de Biociências, Univ. de São Paulo, Caixa postal 11461, 05422-970, São Paulo, SP

IIDepto. Entomologia, Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Univ. de São Paulo, Caixa postal 9, 13418-900, Piracicaba, SP


Anastrepha morvasi n. sp. is described based on female specimens collected in McPhail traps in a fruit fly survey conducted in Vacaria, State of Rio Grande do Sul. Description, diagnosis and illustrations are provided and a diagnostic key to the species of the punctata group, including A. morvasi n. sp., is also presented.

Palavras-chave: Insecta, fruit fly, description, punctata group, morvasi.


Anastrepha morvasi n. sp. é descrita com base em exemplares fêmeas coletados em armadilhas tipo McPhail em levantamentos das espécies de moscas-das-frutas conduzidos em Vacaria, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Descrição, diagnose e ilustrações dessa nova espécie são elaboradas, e uma chave de identificação para as espécies do grupo punctata, incluindo A. morvasi n. sp., é apresentada.

Palavras-chave: Insecta, mosca-das-frutas, descrição, grupo punctata, morvasi.

Anastrepha morvasi Uramoto & Zucchi n. sp.

Anastrepha n. sp.; Kovaleski et al. 1996:32; Kovaleski 1997:31, 33.

Description. Female. Mostly yellowish, bristles golden, microtrichia yellowish. Head: yellowish except for blackish ocellar tubercle; ocellar bristles small; orbital bristles developed; three pairs of frontal bristles. Thorax (Fig. 1): Mesonotum 2.10-2.35 mm long; scutum 1.6-1.8 mm long, entirely covered by yellowish microtrichia; mostly yellowish with a pair of dark brown circular spots close to the posterior margin of scutum; pleura uniformly yellowish; katepisternal bristles much more slender than outer vertical bristles; subscutellum and mediotergite totally yellowish. Wings (Fig. 2): Length 5.4 mm; bands yellow to light brown; C-band completely separated from S-band; V-band complete and connected to S-band; vein R2+3 slightly sinuous; vein M slightly curved apically, not reaching S-band ; section of vein M between bm-cu and r-m veins 2.38 times as long as section between r-m and dm-cu; cell bm hyaline. Abdomen: tergites uniformly yellowish, 2.02 mm long; syntergosternite 7 1.42 mm long and 0.75 mm wide at the level of spiracles. Terminalia (Figs. 3a, 3b): aculeus 0.79 mm long and 0.066-0.067 mm wide; aculeus tip 0.085-0.088 mm long ; serrate part of aculeus 0.076-0.079 mm long with teeth almost imperceptible in more than half of the length of tip.

Diagnosis. Anastrephamorvasi is characterized mainly by the length of the aculeus (< 1mm) and by the presence of circular brown spots on the posterior margin of scutum. It is distinct from species of the punctata group, which also have a pair of posterior brown spots on the scutum (Norrbom 1985), for presenting a shorter and wider aculeus (approx. 0.07 mm wide in this species and less than 0.04 in the species of the punctata group).

Material examined: Holotype. Female Brasil, Rio Grande do Sul: Vacaria (28º 30' S / 50º 56' W, 950 m), Embrapa, McPhail trap, 3.iv.1997, A. Kovaleski (Museu de Zoologia/USP, São Paulo, SP). Paratypes: 2Female, same data as holotype, but 19.iv.1995 (ESALQ, Piracicaba, SP) and 15.ii.1996 (USNM, Washington, D.C.).

Host. Unknown

Male. Unknown

Distribution. Known only from the type locality

Etymology. The species is named after Prof. João Stenghel Morgante and Prof. Aldo Malavasi (Instituto de Biociências/Universidade de São Paulo) in recognition of their invaluable contributions to the study of fruit flies in Brazil. The specific name is a noun in apposition based on their surnames.

Discussion. The specimens of A. morvasi were collected in traps in native vegetation and in an apple orchard in Vacaria, RS. Only three females of A. morvasi were collected out of more than 9,000 individuals of Anastrepha spp. examined in a three year survey using plastic McPhail traps. This species can be easily distinguished from other species collected in the study area (Kovaleski et al. 1996), including the species of the punctata group. Probably A. morvasi n. sp. belongs to punctata group, which is characterized by having male genitalia with surstyli obliquely oriented, strongly curved and blunt in lateral view (Norrbom 1985). However, as males are unknown, this new species cannot be assigned to punctata group reliably. The diagnostic key of Norrbom (1985) that includes the species related to A. morvasi, can be modified as follows:

1- Mesonotum less than 3.5 mm long ............................................................... 2

1'- Mesonotum more than 3.5 mm long ..................................... sp. nr. luederwaldti

2 - Posterior scutal spots dark brown; syntergosternite 7 less than 2.8 mm long ...... 3

2'- Posterior scutal spots faint brown; syntergosternite 7 about 3.0 mm long ............. ........................................................................................... luederwaldti Lima

3 - Syntergosternite 7 more than 2.3 mm long ............................... aczeli Blanchard

3'- Syntergosternite 7 less than 2.0 mm long ..................................................... 4

4 - Aculeus longer than 1.3 mm, V-band and S-band separated ........ punctata Hendel

4' - Aculeus shorter than 1 mm, V-band and S-band fused ................. morvasi n. sp.


We are grateful to A. Kovaleski for collecting the study material, J.G. Silva for translating the manuscript and J. Tannús Neto for producing the illustrations.

Received 15/VII/98. Accepted 3/II/99.


  • Kovaleski, A. 1997. Processos adaptativos na colonização da maçã (Malus domestica L.) por Anastrepha fraterculus (Wied.) (Diptera: Tephritidae) na região de Vacaria, RS. Ph.D. Thesis, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 122 p.
  • Kovaleski, A., K. Uramoto, R.L. Sugayama, N.A. Canal & A. Malavasi. 1996. A survey of Anastrepha species in apple growing area from Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil. 2nd Meeting of the Working Group on Fruit Flies of the Western Hemisphere, Viña del Mar, Chile, Abstracts, p. 32.
  • Norrbom, A.L. 1985. Phylogenetic analysis and taxonomy of the cryptostrepha, daciformis, robusta and schausi species groups of Anastrepha Schiner (Diptera: Tephritidae). Ph. D. Thesis, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, 350 p.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 May 2006
  • Date of issue
    Mar 1999


  • Received
    15 Aug 1998
  • Accepted
    03 Feb 1999
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