Open-access Activity of sesame leaf extracts against the symbiotic fungus of Atta sexdens L.

Atividade de inibição de extratos de folha de gergelim no fungo Simbiótico de Atta sexdens L

The symbiotic fungus Leucoagaricus gongylophorus (Möller) Singer (syn. Rozites gongylophora Möller) cultivated by the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens L. had its development strongly inhibited by crude extracts obtained from leaves of sesame, Sesamum indicum L. (Pedaliaceae). With most of the fractions from these extracts total inhibition was observed at 2.5 mg/ml, whereas inhibition of 50% was observed with some fractions at 1.25 mg/ml. Chromatographic analysis of the hexane extract showed that it was composed by a mixture of fatty acids, of which tetradecanoic, hexadecanoic, octadecanoic, icosanoic, docosanoic and 9,12,15 octadecatrienoic acids were the major components. The separation of these compounds during the different steps of purification resulted in no or lower inhibitory effect for most of these fractions, indicating that the inhibitory activity observed could be due to the joint action of these compounds present in the leaf tissue, rather than to the action of a single substance.

Insecta; Hymenoptera; sesame; mutualistic fungus; leaf-cutting ants

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