Open-access Control of caterpillar of tomato by means of bunch's bagging

The present experiment aimed to reduce the application of insecticides during the cultivation of tomatoes, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., by protecting the fruits with paper bags. The efficiency of the use of paper bags was evaluated in combination with insect repellents effective against Neoleucinodes elegantalis (Guenée), Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) and Tuta absoluta (Meyrick). Paper bags made of wax paper were chosen, due to their specific characteristics, like resistance, permeability, flexibility, availability in the market and low cost. Two types of repellents were used: deodorant tablets and garlic cloves, which were cut in approximately 90 mm³ pieces. Three assays of the experiment were run, designed in blocks at random. In the first and second assays tomato plants belonged to the commercial variety Santa Clara and in the third to the hybrid Carmen. Five treatments were tested: paper bags containing deodorant tablets, paper bags with garlic cloves, empty paper bags, control without repellent and control with the insecticide metamidophos. Efficiency of the use of wax-paper bags was evaluated by the average number of caterpillars found per treatment. The use of paper bags decreased the number of both species of caterpillars per fruit whether or not associated with repellents. However, the method was not efficient to protect from losses caused by T. absoluta. Therefore, some applications of insecticides will be required for periods of high infestation, even when the fruits are protected inside the bags.

Insecta; Neoleucinodes elegantalis; Helicoverpa zea; Tuta absoluta; insect repellent; fruit protection

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