Open-access Resistance of cotton genotypes to Anthonomus grandis Boh., Frankliniella sp. and Aphis gossypii Glover

Resistance to boll weevil Anthonomus grandis, Frankliniella sp. and Aphis gossypii on five genotypes of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) was evaluated. Four evaluations for boll weevil were conducted observing punctured buds. Resistance to thrips and greenbug was evaluated 32 days after emergence, observing dead or damaged plants. First evaluation showed 4.6 % attacked buds in Sicot 3 and 48.1 % in IAC-20; 130 days after emergence, buds of all genotypes were equally damaged. Oklahoma Red showed only 3.0 % of dead or damaged plants due to thrips and greenbug attack, while IAC-20 presented 21.0 % of damaged plants.

Insecta; non-preference; boll weevil; thrips; greenbug

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