Open-access Technological potential of under-utilized starches from eight varieties of legumes grown in Cameroon

Potencial tecnológico de amidos subutilizados de oito variedades de leguminosas cultivadas nos Camarões


Starch samples from eight legumes cultivars instar of one variety of Vigna unguiculata L. (Cowpea), one variety of Vigna subterrenea V. (Bambara groundnut) and six varieties of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Common bean), grown in Cameroon were isolated, and their physicochemical and pasting properties were evaluated. The objectives of the study were to investigate the starch properties and processing characteristics of different bean varieties, and to establish the basic foundation of improving the functionality of beans and their starch grown in the region. The result revealed significant differences amongst the properties of the starches. The swelling power of the legume starch isolates put them in the category of highly restricted-swelling starch. This characteristic is desirable for the manufacture of value-added products such as noodles and composite blends with cereals. The pasting properties were determined using a rapid visco analyzer, and various legumes bean starches exhibited different pasting profiles. The high breakdown viscosity (BV) was founded for Cowpea and Bambara groundnut and confirmed their low. ability to resist heat and shear stress when compared to Common bean varieties studies. The factors which influence the pasting characteristics resulting to decrease in peak viscosity (PV), trough viscosity (TV) and final viscosity (FV) of starch are attributed to the interaction of starch with the protein, fat, etc. which depended to their variety.

Keywords:  common bean; Cowpea; Bambara groundnut; starch; physico-chemical properties; pasting properties; functional properties

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