Open-access Molecular characterization and genetic relationships of seven piranha species of the genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus (Characiformes: Serrasalmidae) from Paraná-Paraguay, São Francisco and Tocantins River basins in Brazil

Caracterização molecular e relações genéticas de sete espécies de piranhas dos gêneros Serrasalmus e Pygocentrus (Characiformes: Serrasalmidae) das bacias hidrográficas Paraná-Paraguai, São Francisco e Tocantins, no Brasil


Genetic and phylogenetic relationships among seven piranha species of the genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus from the Paraná-Paraguay, São Francisco and Tocantins River basins were evaluated in the present study by partial sequences of two mitochondrial genes, Cytochrome b and Cytochrome c Oxidase I. Phylogenetic analysis of Maximum-Likelihood and Bayesian inference were performed. Results indicated, in general, greater genetic similarity between the two species of Pygocentrus (P. nattereri and P. piraya), between Serrasalmus rhombeus and S. marginatus and between S. maculatus, S. brandtii and S. eigenmanni. Pygocentrus nattereri, S. rhombeus and S. maculatus showed high intraspecific genetic variability. These species have each one, at least two different mitochondrial lineages that, currently, occur in sympatry (S. rhombeus) or in allopatry (P. nattereri and S. maculatus). Species delimitation analysis and the high values of genetic distances observed between populations of S. rhombeus and of S. maculatus indicated that each species may corresponds to a complex of cryptic species. The non-monophyletic condition of S. rhombeus and S. maculatus reinforces the hypothesis. The geographic distribution and the genetic differentiation pattern observed for the piranha species analyzed herein are discussed regarding the geological and hydrological events that occurred in the hydrographic basins.

Keywords:  mitochondrial DNA; Cytochrome b; Cytochrome c Oxidase subunit I; phylogeny; species complex

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