Open-access A New Maximum Size Record of the Shi Drum (Umbrina cirrosa Linnaeus, 1758) for Aegean Sea

Um novo registro de tamanho máximo do corvina (Umbrina cirrosa Linnaeus, 1758) para o Mar Egeu


The present study has been conducted to find out new findings on maximum length and weight values of Umbrina cirrosa in the Bay of Saros (Northern Aegean Sea, Turkey). On September, 11, 2016, a single specimen of Umbrina cirrosa with 68.8 cm total length and 2600.00 g total weight was caught by handline at a depth of 20 m. The provable size is the second largest length ever reported in the all seas of the world

Keywords:  Umbrina cirrosa; shi drum; maximum length; Aegean Sea

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