Open-access New distribution record of Epipompilus aztecus (Cresson, 1869) (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) in the Brazilian Pantanal

Expansão da distribuição de registros de Epipompilus aztecus (Cresson, 1869) (Pompilidae) para o Pantanal brasileiro


Epipompilus aztecus (Cresson, 1869) was registered in South America in 2010. The aim of this paper is to report the first record of E. aztecus in the Brazilian Pantanal. Two female individuals of E. aztecus were collected in the northern portion of the Brazilian Pantanal in Mato Grosso State during November 2015. This new record of E. aztecus represents a range extension for the species.

Keywords:  Mato Grosso; range extension; wasp; wetland

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