Open-access Agronomic efficiency and profitability of cotton on integrated use of phosphorus and plant microbes

Eficiência e rentabilidade agronômica do algodão no uso integrado de fósforo e micróbios vegetais


Cotton crop, plays a significant role in Pakistan’s economy by ruling a prominent place in edible oil and local textile industry. Phosphorus (P) inaccessibility and deficiency of soil organic matter are the key restraints for low crop productivity in cotton. Therefore, a two years field study was designed during 2014-15, to explore the influence of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB), farmyard manure (FYM), poultry manure (PM) and inanimate sources of P on various physiological, growth, yield and quality parameters of cotton crop at CCRI Multan. Field responses of seeds inoculated with two distinctive phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) strains viz. S0 = control, S1 =strain-1, S2 = strain-2 and eight organic, inorganic P sources viz., P0= control, P1 = 80 kg ha-1 P from inorganic source, P2 = 80 kg ha-1 P from FYM, P3 = 80 kg ha-1 P from PM, P4 = 40 kg ha-1 P from FYM + 40 kg ha-1 P from inorganic source, P5 = 40 kg ha-1 P from PM + 40 kg ha-1 P from inorganic source, P6 = 80 kg ha-1 P from FYM + 40 kg ha-1 P from inorganic source, P7 = 80 kg ha-1 P from PM + 40 kg ha-1 P from inorganic source and P8 = 40 kg ha-1 P from FYM + 40 kg ha-1 P from PM were evaluated. Results revealed that inoculation of seeds with PSB and collective use of inorganic and organic sources of P had considerably increased the yield contributing attributes in cotton. However, the treatment P7 (80 kg P ha-1 from PM + 40 kg P ha-1 from inorganic source) in coincidence with seeds inoculated with PSB (S1) produced taller plant, maximum boll weight, significantly higher LAI and CGR. Significantly higher seed cotton yield, lint yield, fiber length and maximum BCR of 1.95 and 1.81 was also obtained from the P7 treatment during both crop-growing seasons. In conclusion, combined use of 80 kg P ha-1 from PM + 40 kg P ha-1 from inorganic source and cotton seeds inoculated with strain-1 improved phosphorus uptake ensuing in greater consumption of photo-assimilates for maximum growth and yield.

Keywords:  seed cotton; poultry manure; farmyard manure; phosphate solubilizing bacteria; fiber quality

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