Open-access Mini review: immunologic functions of dual oxidases in mucosal systems of vertebrates

Minirrevisão: funções imunológicas de oxidases duplas em sistemas mucosos de vertebrados


Mucosal epithelial cells act as the first immunologic barrier of organisms, and contact directly with pathogens. Therefore, hosts must have differential strategies to combat pathogens efficiently. Reactive oxygen species (ROS), as a kind of oxidizing agents, participates in the early stage of killing pathogens quickly. Recent reports have revealed that dual oxidase (DUOX) plays a key role in mucosal immunity. And the DUOX is a transmembrane protein which produces ROS as their primary enzymatic products. This process is an important pattern for eliminating pathogens. In this review, we highlight the DUOX immunologic functions in the respiratory and digestive tract of vertebrates.

Keywords:  NADPH oxidases; dual oxidase; innate immunity; mucosal immunity

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