Open-access Geochemistry and U-Pb geochronology of columbite of the Cachoeirinha Deposit, Rondônia Tin Province, Brazil


The Cachoeirinha Sn ± (Nb-Ta) deposit is an important producer of the Rondônia Tin Province. It is inserted in the regional unit named Rondônia Intrusive Suite (995–956 Ma) and hosts granular accumulations of columbite group minerals (CGM) embedded in thick Cenozoic colluvial-alluvial covers. Cachoeirinha CGM have subrounded to angular grains, with irregular to regular internal zoning, micro-inclusion, and exsolution features. They have columbite-(Fe) as the dominant mineral phase, with variation in the Ta/(Ta+Nb) ratio and with Sn, Ti, W, U, Ba, Cr, REE, and V as chemical impurities. It has high total REE content (LREEN depleted, HREEN enriched, Ce and Eu anomalies), δ18O = 2.78‰, and with two U-Pb age groups: 1052 ± 6 and 909 ± 7 Ma. This information indicates that physicochemical oscillations favored the ionic substitutions and resorption mechanisms between Nb ↔ Ta, as well as coupled substitutions with the entry of geochemical impurities, according to the equation: 3(Sn, Ti, U, Si)4+ + (W, Cr)6+ ↔ 2(V, Nb, Ta)5+ + 2(Al, REE)3+ + (Fe, Mn, Ba)2+, at the temperature range between 400° and 500°C. Finally, the Cachoeirinha Sn ± (Nb-Ta) alluvial deposit host ore is related to at least two Neo-Mesoproterozoic magmatic pulses.

KEYWORDS: Cachoeirinha Sn ± (Nb-Ta) deposit; Rondônia Tin Province; mineral chemistry; oxygen isotope; columbite U-Pb geochronology


The Rondônia Tin Province is located in the southwestern portion of the Amazonian craton, northern region of Brazil (Fig. 1). It is formed by Meso- to Neoproterozoic A-type rapakivi magmatic association, showing within-plate to post-collisional geochemical signature, and emplaced during successive episodes occurred between 1606 and 956 Ma (Kloosterman 1968, Priem et al. 1971, Leal et al. 1978, Isotta et al. 1978, Bettencourt et al. 1999, CPRM 2007). However, the most significant metal concentrations (Sn, W, Nb, and Ta), as well as F and some gems, are associated with the last three magmatic episodes that occurred between 1314 and 956 Ma. These primary ore concentrations are associated with the granitic cupolas, typically encapsulated in greisen, veins-veinlet, breccia, and small pegmatite bodies (Leite Jr. 2002, Bettencourt et al. 2005, Souza 2003, Sparrenberg 2003, Nascimento & Souza 2017). Nevertheless, voluminous secondary ore concentrations also occur in Plio-Pleistocene colluvial-alluvial covers, formed from the erosive disaggregation of the granitic cupolas (Veiga 1990, Souza 2003, CPRM 2007). Cassiterite, wolframite, and columbite-tantalite are the main ore minerals exploited in the Rondônia Tin Province, often using an artisanal mining method called "garimpo" in Brazil (Dall’Igna 1996, Dall’Igna & Adamy 2010).

Figure 1
Simplified geological setting of the central-northern portion of the Rondônia Tin Province. Note the location indication of the Sn ± (Nb-Ta) Cachoeirinha deposit.

Cassiterite, wolframite, and columbite-tantalite typically exhibit chemical variations, internal zoning, intergrowths, exsolution, and mineral micro-inclusions as a result of changes in physicochemical parameters (pH, Eh, fO2, temperature, and pressure) during nucleation and mineral growth in the magmatic-hydrothermal system (Jackson & Helgeson 1985, Černý et al. 1986, Möller et al. 1988, Černý & Ercit 1989, Heinrich 1990, Heinrich et al. 1996, Abdalla et al. 1998). Studies on variations in chemical and isotopic compositions of ore minerals of the Rondônia Tin Province are still insufficient or non-existent (e.g., Souza & Botelho 2009, Nascimento & Souza 2017). In this paper, we present unprecedented data on mineralogical features (zonation, exsolution, and mineral intergrowth), mineral chemistry, oxygen isotope (δ18O), and U-Pb geochronology data of columbite group minerals (CGM) of the Cachoeirinha Sn ± (Nb-Ta) alluvial deposit. This set of information will assist in the mineralogical characterization of the CGM and contribute to determining the age and fingerprint of the Nb-Ta mineralization in the Rondônia Tin Province.


The Meso- to Neoproterozoic A-type rapakivi magmatism at the Rondônia Tin Province occur intruded in the Paleoproterozoic basement rocks, represented by the regional unit named Jamari Complex (Fig. 1). This basement unit brings together a variety of polydeformed medium to high-grade ortho- and paragneisses, migmatites, and charnoenderbitic associations, marked by successive tectonometamorphic events at 1.33–1.32 and 1.2–1.1 Ga (Isotta et al. 1978, Payolla et al. 2002, Souza et al. 2006, CPRM 2007, Santos et al. 2008, Bettencourt et al. 2010, Scandolara et al. 2013). On the contrary, the A-type rapakivi magmatism is formed by regional geological units to follow: Serra da Providência (1606–1532 Ma), Santo Antônio (1406 Ma), Teotônio (1387 Ma), Alto Candeias (1346–1338 Ma), São Lourenço–Caripunas (1314–1309 Ma), Santa Clara (1082–1074 Ma), and Rondônia (995–956 Ma) intrusive suites. These magmatic suites are polyphasic stocks and batholiths, composed of medium to coarse rapakivi granites (pyterlites and wiborgites), inequigranular syenogranites, monzogranites, and alkali-feldspar granites, with a smaller volume of porphyritic subvolcanic and volcanic rocks (microgranite, albite granite, syenite, rhyolite, trachyte, and others). In general, these magmatic suites have alkaline to subalkaline, metaluminous to peraluminous composition, and within-plate to post-collisional geochemical signatures (Souza et al. 1975, Isotta et al. 1978, Leal et al. 1978, Bettencourt et al. 1999, 2010, CPRM 2007, Santos et al. 2008). However, the most significant polymetallic concentrations are associated with the last three magmatic pulses, which occurred between 1314 and 974 Ma, represented by the regional units São Lourenço-Caripunas, Santa Clara, and Rondônia intrusive suites (Kloosterman 1966, 1967, Priem et al. 1971, Bettencourt et al. 1999, CPRM 2007).

The Cachoeirinha Sn ± (Nb-Ta) deposit is inserted in the Rondônia Intrusive Suite, which occurs mainly in the north-central portion of the State of Rondônia (Fig. 1). This regional unit often hosts ring-fault structures related to the polyphasic nature of the volcano-plutonic systems. The Rondônia Intrusive Suite encompasses a variety of lithologies: amphibole–biotite and alkali–feldspar syenogranite, syenite, and microsyenite, as well as rhyolite, trachyte, and rare rocks such as topaz Li–mica albite granite and topaz-quartz-feldspar porphyry granite (Priem et al. 1971, Bettencourt et al. 1999, 2005, Leite Jr. 2002, Souza 2003, Sparrenberger 2003, CPRM 2007). The primary mineralization sites are related to late magmatic to magmatic-hydrothermal stages, developed at the granitic cupola zones and surrounding wall rocks, with ore minerals normally encapsulated in endo- and exogreisen, vein-veinlet, breccia, and small pegmatite bodies (Yokoi et al. 1987, Leite Jr. 2002, Souza 2003, Sparrenberger 2003, Bettencourt et al. 2005, Nascimento & Souza 2017). Furthermore, the Plio-Pleistocene to Holocene erosive process on the granitic cupola zone favored the formation of important secondary metal concentrations along the alluvial or paleo-placer deposits (Bettencourt et al. 1988, Veiga et al. 1988, Veiga 1990, Oliveira & Valente 1993, Souza 2003).

Greisen and vein-veinlet are the most prominent mineralization sites. Greisen has an isotropic fabric with inequigranular medium- to coarse-grained, composed mainly of quartz, topaz, Li-F mica, fluorite, and phengite distributed in various proportions. Cassiterite, wolframite, columbite-tantalite, siderite, monazite, xenotime, thorite, titanite, scheelite, ilmenite, hematite, hollandite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, pyrrhotite, galena, bismuthinite, and molybdenite are some of the most common accessory minerals, as well as rare and exotic Ag and Bi-Te sulfides (Yokoi et al. 1987, Leite Jr. 2002, Souza 2003, Sparrenberger 2003, Nascimento & Souza 2017). Vein-veinlet usually form an interlaced set of subvertical tensile fractures extending from across the greisenized granitic cupola to the basement rocks. They present varied thicknesses, inequigranular medium- to coarse-grained textures and have quartz, topaz, and Li-F mica as main minerals. Cassiterite, wolframite, columbite-tantalite, fluorite, siderite, hematite, barite, sphalerite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, and pyrite are the main accessory minerals (Souza 2003, Sparrenberger 2003, Santos Jr. 2015, Nascimento & Souza 2017). The alluvial or paleo-placer deposits are distributed around or directly above the primary mineralization sites (Figs. 2A and 2B), usually marked by planar to trough cross-stratification type sedimentary structures.

Figure 2
(A and B) Overview of the open pit mining of the alluvial Cachoeirinha deposit. (C) Ore concentration equipment gravitational used in Cachoeirinha open pit mining. (D) Bag with ore concentrate for subsequent transport and trade steps.

The geochemical and isotopic data presented in this paper come from columbite-tantalite concentrates from the open pit mining of the Cachoeirinha deposit (Figs. 2C and 2D). These concentrates are associated with thick alluvial or paleo-placer deposits, which are found near or overlay the primary mineralization sites. This deposit has been responsible for a significant portion of Nb-Ta production in the Rondônia Tin Province, which amounted to approximately 9,000 tons/ore in the year 2020 (ANM 2020).


The conventional petrography and scanning electron microscopy, mineral-chemistry, and U-Pb geochronology analytical procedures were carried out at the Geoscience Institute, Universidade de Brasilia (IG-UnB), Brazil. Oxygen isotope (δ18O) analysis was carried out at Queens University, applying the purest possible mineral samples previously separated in Brazil.

Conventional petrography and electron microscopy investigations were performed on four polished sections containing columbite-tantalite granular concentrates. A FEI QUANTA 450 model, with Chroma C2L cathodoluminescence imaging system and EDAX DigiView electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) camera, was used. A focal distance of 10 mm for 10–20 s of clock time, with a probe between 0.1 and 0.2 nm, beam current of 400–500 pA, and an accelerating voltage of 20 kV were the analytical conditions applied. For electron-probe microanalyses (EPMA), a JEOL JXA-8230 model microanalyzer with five coupled wavelength dispersive spectrometers (WDS) was used. The analytical conditions consisted of an accelerating voltage of 20 kV, a beam current of 40 nA, a beam diameter of 1–2 μm, and counting times of 15 and 10 s for peak and background positions, respectively. The data reduction was performed with the ZAF program applying the specific standards of CGM.

Some trace elements and rare earth element (REE) compositions, as well as the U-Pb isotopic ratios, were measured using a Thermo Finnigan Element XR high-resolution single-collector sector field ICP-MS coupled to a 193-nm Iridia laser ablation system. The laser ablation system is equipped with a Cobalt tube cell chamber. The following masses were analyzed: 139La, 140Ce, 141Pr, 143Nd, 147Sm, 151Eu, 157Gd, 159Tb, 163Dy, 165Ho, 166Er, 169Tm, 172Yb, 175Lu, 177Hf, 206Pb, 232Th, and 238U. The laser parameters included an ablation spot size of 40 μm, a laser fluence of 2.0 J/cm², and a laser repetition rate of 20 Hz. Each spot analysis consisted of 20 s sample ablation and 10 s of background measurement. Each spot was placed next to or on top of the U-Pb spot analysis. The primary reference material was the NIST-612 glass (Jochum et al. 2016), and the reference materials used for quality control were the NIST-610 glass (Jochum et al. 2016) and Diamantina monazite (Gonçalves et al. 2018). The results were processed on Iolite 4.0 (Paton et al. 2011) as time-resolved signals and individual signal inspection was done with the assistance of the VizualAge (Petrus & Kamber 2012). The internal reference value used for calibration was a mean concentration of Ta2O5 previously measured by EPMA (10 wt%; Table 1). The precision of multiple analyses of quality control reference material is better than 5% for most elements and agrees with uncertainty with published data from Gonçalves et al. (2018) and Jochum et al. (2016). We also used a matrix-unmatched approach, i.e., using zircon as a calibrant. Therefore, data were normalized to the GJ-1 zircon (Jackson et al. 2004, Horstwood et al. 2016), and the 91500 (Wiedenbeck et al. 1995) and Plešovice zircon (Sláma et al. 2008, Horstwood et al. 2016) were used for quality control. The results obtained for the 91500 and Plešovice zircons are 1058 ± 5 Ma (2 s, n = 12, MSWD = 1.3) and 338 ± 1 Ma (2 s, n = 12, MSWD = 1.5), respectively. These results are within uncertainty of their reference values and attest to the accuracy and precision of the analytical round. Systematic uncertainty of ca. 1% is propagated on each final age. No common lead correction was applied and the ages are quoted at 2 s.

Table 1
EPMA results of the Cachoeirinha CGM grains (cation formula on the basis of six oxygen atoms).

The isotopic δ18O analysis was performed at Queen's Facility for Isotope Research (QFIR) in Kingston (Canada). The mineral sample preparation (columbite-tantalite) followed the method of Clayton and Mayeda (1963), utilizing bromine pentafluoride (BrF5) and 5 mg of each sample in a silicate line for CO2 extraction. After purging the line with Ar, BrF5 was added to each sample in individual steel bombs, heated at 550–600°C for 8 h. This liberated the oxygen from the crystalline structure of minerals as gas that was then converted to CO2 by a carbon electrode. The CO2 from each sample was then analyzed by a Thermo-Finnigan DELTAplusXP Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS) dual inlet (for quartz and standards) or single inlet (ore samples) with a voltage of 3 kV, 180-mm analyzer, and Universal CNOSH detector. Analytical precision based on sample duplicates was 0.4‰ and accuracy based on standards was 0.12‰. Values were reported to the delta notation (δ) in units permil related to the international Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW).


CGM have orthorhombic crystallography, with sites octahedrally coordinated, and forming a solid solution with the general formula AB2O6. Fe2+ and Mn2+ can occupy the A-site, while Nb5+ and Ta5+ occupy the B-site. In addition, some chemical impurities such as Fe3+, Sc3+, Ti4+, Sn4+, U4+, W6+, and REE can also be present. The columbite end-member (Nb > Ta) varies from columbite-(Fe) (ixiolite-(Fe2+)) to columbite-Mn (ixiolite-(Mn2+)), according to Fe2+ and Mg2+ contents in the A-site (Černý & Ercit 1989, Neiva 1996, Abdalla et al. 1998).

The CGM grains from the Cachoeirinha alluvial deposit display a subhedral to euhedral prismatic habit (Fig. 3A) and are typically found in association with cassiterite and wolframite. The Cachoeirinha CGM grains have gray with brown hue in color, low birefringence, and reflectance with occasional red internal reflections. Most grains exhibit from irregular to regular internal zoning patterns, as well as micro-inclusion or exsolution, observed by backscattered scanning electronic microscope (BSE-SEM) imaging (Figs. 3B–3D). These patterns are marked by increasing Ta/Nb and Mn/Fe ratios from core to rim or in isolated Ta-rich patches.

Figure 3
Petrographic images of CGM grains of the Cachoeirinha alluvial deposit. (A) Plane-polarized photomicrography by reflected lights. (B–D) SEM images of CGM grains with irregular and normal zoning (images obtained from combined BSE and secondary electrons).

EPMA confirmed the initial SEM qualitative analyses, indicating that the Ta content varies according to the internal zoning pattern in CGM grains (Table 1): lighter areas observed by BSE imaging hold higher Ta concentrations (Figs. 4A and 4B). Normally, CGM grains with a regular or normal zoning have Ta contents increase from core to rim. In contrast, CGM grains with irregular or heterogeneous zoning do not display a continuous rise in Ta or Nb contents. This chemical variation has been expected because Ta2O5 and Nb2O5 contents in CGM are inversely proportional (Figs. 4C and 4D). However, some crystals have different zoning styles (e.g., discontinuous, curved, and oscillatory) along the boundaries between Ta-rich and Nb-rich phases. This suggests that there is some reabsorption of columbite by a posterior Ta-rich phase or even Ta-rich nuclei within a homogeneous Nb-rich crystal (e.g., Tindle & Breaks 2000, Chevychelov et al. 2010, Neiva et al. 2015).

Figure 4
EPMA analyzed spots on the Cachoeirinha CGM grains. (A and B) SEM images of CGM grains with spots location. (C–F) Profiles showing the respective variation of Nb2O5, Ta2O5, TiO2, and SnO2 contents.

Unlike the inverse correlation observed between Nb and Ta contents in CGM grains, the Sn and Ti contents show a tendency toward a direct proportional correlation (Figs. 4E and 4F). These chemical data suggest the occurrence of coupled ionic substitutions into the octahedral A- and B-sites, involving Fe and Mn, according to the following equation: 3(Sn, Ti)4+ ↔ 2(Nb, Ta)5+ + (Fe, Mn)2+. These substitutions favor the zoning and chemical variation in the CGM grains (Möller et al. 1988, Černý & Ercit 1989, Neiva 2008, Neiva et al. 2015). These substitutions can also be observed by a negative pattern of apfu correlation diagrams between Nb vs Ta, Sn+Ti vs Nb+Ta, and Sn+Ti vs Fe+Mn+Nb+Ta (Figs. 5A–5C). On the contrary, the variable contents identified for Si, Al, Ba, Cr, V, W, REE, and U (Table 2) reveal the occurrence of other complex types of coupled ionic substitution mechanisms during the nucleation and mineral growth, which also occurred into the octahedral A- and B-sites. These mechanisms can be represented by the following general equation: 3(Sn, Ti, U, Si)4+ + (W, Cr)6+ ↔ 2(V, Nb, Ta)5+ + 2(Al, REE)3+ + (Fe, Mn, Ba)2+ (adapted from Wenger et al. 1991, Wise et al. 1998, Neiva et al. 2015). Despite the apparent complexity of coupled ionic substitutions, the main mechanism involves substitutions of an octahedral single site (B-site = Nb ↔ Ta).

Figure 5
Chemical correlation diagrams applied to the Cachoeirinha CGM grains. (A) Nb vs Ta apfu diagram with a negative correlation. (B and C) Sn+Ti vs Nb+Ta and Sn+Ti vs Fe+Mn+Nb+Ta apfu diagrams also with negative proportional correlation. (D) (Sn,W,Ti)-(Fe, Mn)-(Nb, Ta) triangular diagram with samples plots between columbite-ixiolite fields (adapted from Neiva et al. 2015). (E) Composition diagram indicating the dominant presence of columbite-(Fe). A steep vertical trend is noticeable with Ta/(Nb+Ta) varying from 0.02 to 0.41 (immiscibility gap as defined by Černý and Ercit 1989).
Table 2
REE content obtained by the LA-ICP-MS analysis using polished section of the Cachoeirinha CGM grains.

In the (Sn, Ti, W)-(Nb, Ta)-(Fe, Mn) triangular diagram, the Cachoeirinha CGM grains plot in clusters between columbite-ixiolite fields distributed along the alignment (Sn, Ti, W)-(Fe, Mn)(Nb, Ta)2 join (Fig. 5D). This chemical feature suggests that Sn+Ti are mainly partitioned into the B-site, favoring the generation of a molecular mineral phase named pseudo-ixiolite ((Ta, Nb, Sn, Ti, Fe, Mn)4O8), probably associated with some degree of disordered in the CGM crystalline structure at higher temperatures (Tindle & Breaks 2000, Bartels et al. 2010, Wise & Brown 2011, Badanina et al. 2015). On the quadrilateral compositional diagram, the EPMA data plot mostly in the columbite-(Fe) field, but there are a few rare data points plotted close to the intermediate field (Fig. 5E). The vertical trend observed is the result of the orientation EPMA spots from core to rim of the columbite-(Fe) grains. This orientation generated different Ta/(Nb+Ta) ratios, which are a response to internal zoning diagnosed by BSE-SEM imaging. On the contrary, some individual grains show the central portion enriched in Nb and rims enriched in Ta. In general, the EPMA data pointed to columbite-(Fe) as the dominant phase, represented by the (apfu)-general formula: A(Fe0.552–0.979 – Mn0.095–0.414) B(Ta0.042–0.551 – Nb1.305–1.871)2O6, with ionic impurities mainly in the octahedral B-site.

The LA-ICP-MS analysis on the Cachoeirinha CGM grains revealed a high total REE content (Table 2). In general, the chondrite-normalized REE patterns show that ∑REEN is above 1, indicating depleted light rare earth elements (LREEN), with strong negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.02–0.15), and enriched heavy rare earth element (HREEN) patterns (Fig. 6). The LRREN patterns are variable, but most samples have a positive anomaly in Ce. Heavy REEN (Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) predominate over middle REEN (Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho), with (Gd/Lu)N ratios = 0.01–0.04. However, it is possible to observe two groups of samples (CGM1 and CGM2) that differ mainly in relation to MREEN and HREEN, suggesting different generations of Cachoeirinha CGM grains. CGM1 have MREEN = 2067–6543, HREEN = 24369–67016, with (HREE/MREE)N ≥ 10, while CGM2 have MREEN = 506–640, HREEN = 3200–6400, with (HREE/MREE)N ≤ 10. According to Graupner et al. (2010), modification of the (HREE/MREE)N ratios can indicate an increasing degree of fractionation.

Figure 6
Chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the Cachoeirinha CGM grains (after McDonough & Sun 1995). Note the two sets of samples with different MREEN and HREEN contents.

In addition, the wide UO2 content, from 0.01 to 2.38 wt.% in Cachoeirinha CGM grains, allowed us to perform in situ U-Pb isotopic dating by LA-ICP-MS, following the method presented by Che et al. (2015) and Legros et al. (2019).


Oxygen isotopic (δ18O) data have been widely used to characterize the nature of fluids and geothermometric conditions during ore formation (Alderton 1989, Zheng 1991, Zhang et al. 1994, Moon et al. 1996, Chen et al. 2018, Vho et al. 2019). Oxygen isotopic analyses on the Cachoeirinha CGM grains revealed δ18O = 2.78‰ value. These isotopic data are consistent with available data on cassiterite (δ18O = 1.6–3.3‰) and wolframite (δ18O = 0.6–1.6‰) associated with the evolved/fractionated hydrothermal-magmatic system from the Rondônia Intrusive Suite (e.g., Souza & Botelho 2009, Nascimento & Souza 2017). Normally, cassiterite, wolframite, and columbite-tantalite linked to hydrothermal-magmatic system show δ18O < 5‰ due to their greater susceptibility to isotopic fractionation during temperature drop (Zhang et al. 1994, Li et al. 2022). However, the chemical variations, zoning, intergrowth, and micro-inclusions commonly found in these ore minerals may also interfere, to some degree, with the accuracy of oxygen isotopic measurements.


The U-Pb geochronology data are presented in Table 3, and the results are discussed below. In general, on back-scattered electron (BSE) images, the Cachoeirinha CGM grains analyzed have subhedral to euhedral prismatic shapes, with lengths exceeding 1 mm. These grains also display slight internal zoning and minimal fracturing (Fig. 7A).

Table 3
U-Pb geochronology results of the Cachoeirinha CGM grains.
Figure 7
(A) Backscattered electron images of the Cachoeirinha CGM grains showing spots analyzed for U-Pb geochronology. (B) Tera-Wasserburg diagram. Free regression to a lower intercept age of older domains. (C) Selection of the most concordant and common-Pb free spots to produce a concordia age of 1052 ± 6 Ma. (D) The lower intercept younger age obtained from the same samples is 909 ± 7 Ma.

The U-Pb data produced two different age sets (Fig. 7B). The older component showed a lower intercept of 1059 ± 10 Ma on a Tera Wasserburg diagram. However, within uncertainty of the same data on a concordia diagram if 5 of the 11 spots that have higher common Pb are excluded, resulting in an age of 1052 ± 6 Ma (Fig. 7C). The younger component, composed by mostly subconcordant to discordant data, yielded a lower intercept age of 909 ± 7 Ma on a Tera Wasserburg diagram (Fig. 7D).

In general, depleted U (ca. 100–250 ppm) relative to the younger population (ca. 400–690 ppm U) marks the older age cluster. Th/U shows an opposite behavior, with typically higher values observed in older age domains (> 0.15) compared with younger ages (< 0.15), although there are a few exceptions. In addition, the older age cluster has an initial 207Pb/206Pb ratio = 0.354 ± 0.024, while the younger population has an initial 207Pb/206Pb ratio = 0.613 ± 0.079 (see supplement with analytical data in On the contrary, we observe that the set of Cachoeirinha CGM grains with younger ages tends to have high MREEN and HREEN, therefore with some affinity to the CGM1 type. However, further complementary LA-ICP-MS analyses are still necessary to statistically prove this geochemical affinity.


The orthorhombic CGM form a solid solution between (Nb, Ta)-(Fe, Mn) end-members common in LCT (Li, Cs, Ta) and NYF (Nb, Y, F) fractionated granite-pegmatite systems, normally associated with cassiterite, wolframite, and others metallic minerals (Černý & Ercit 1989, Černý et al. 2005, Graupner et al. 2010). In these magmatic or hydrothermal-magmatic systems, physicochemical oscillations (e.g., temperature, pressure, fO2, and pH) interfere with the degree of order-disorder in the CMG crystalline structure (Wang et al. 1982, Linnen & Keppler 1997, Lichtervelde et al. 2007, Wise et al. 2012). This process can favor Nb/Ta and Fe/Mn substitution, as well as the entry of certain chemical impurities (Sn, Ti, W, U, and others) through coupled substitutions when the temperature drops within deposition sites (Černý et al. 1986, Hannah & Stein 1990, Uher et al. 1998, Černý & Ercit 1989, Wise et al. 2012, Neiva et al. 2015). As a result, CGM ± (cassiterite and wolframite) typically exhibit chemical variations, zoning, and mineral intergrowth (Raimbault et al. 1995, Breiter et al. 2017, González et al. 2017, Wu et al. 2020, Yin et al. 2020).

The chemical variations and internal zoning observed in the Cachoeirinha CGM are the results of variation in the Ta/(Nb+Ta) ratio from the core to the rim of the grains. These are common characteristics also observed in other CGM occurrences worldwide (e.g., Tindle & Breaks 2000, Anderson et al. 2013, Melcher et al. 2015, Siachoque et al. 2020). However, the mechanisms proposed to explain the chemical variation and the different zoning types in CGM are still debatable. In general, various mechanisms of simultaneous and/or cyclic substitution have been proposed, including (a) fluctuation in the Nb/Ta ratio during the hydrothermal-magmatic phase, leading to resorption mechanisms from the rim to the core of primary mineral grains; (b) substitution or partial reabsorption of columbite by a Ta-rich later phase during the final stages of crystallization; (c) cyclic interactions between melt and fluids during crystal growth and temperature reduction; and (d) Ta exsolution during a rapid temperature drop, due to tantalum's affinity for lower temperatures during crystallization (Wang et al. 1982, Černý et al. 1985, Lahti 1987, Černý and Ercit 1989, Abdalla et al. 1998, Neiva et al. 2015).

The different zoning types (regular, irregular, and isolated Ta-rich patches) identified in the Cachoeirinha CGM grains indicate that various mineral substitution mechanisms occurred concomitantly and/or cyclically during the temperature drops. The mineral chemistry data point to columbite-(Fe) as the dominant phase, but with a wide variation in the Ta/(Ta+Nb) ratio, indicating oscillations between the (Nb, Ta) end-members from the core to the rim. The occasional Ta-rich patches may be linked to the exsolution process, while the rare variation in the Mn/(Mn+Fe) ratio identified at the core portion may be related to oscillations in the oxidation state of the hydrothermal-magmatic system or caused by CGM in different generations (Chudík et al. 2008, Melcher et al. 2017, Yin et al. 2020).

Under a specific range of temperature and pressure, the variation in the Mn/(Mn+Fe) ratio may allow coupled ionic substitutions that favor the entry of chemical impurities (Sn, Ti, Ta, Si, Al, Ba, Cr, V, W, REE, and U). These types of substitutions can be represented according to the following equation: 3(Sn, Ti, U, Si)4+ + (W, Cr)6+ ↔ 2(V, Nb, Ta)5+ + 2(Al, REE)3+ + (Fe, Mn, Ba)2+ (adapted from Neiva et al. 2015, Siachoque et al. 2020). The EPMA chemical results point to the following (apfu)-general formula of Cachoeirinha columbite-(Fe): (Fe0.552–0.979 – Mn0.095–0.414)(Ta0.042–0.551 – Nb1.305–1.871)2O6, with ionic impurities mainly in the octahedral B-site. In addition, the LA-ICP-MS analysis revealed a high total REE concentration, mainly in MREEN and HREEN, which would also enter as impurities in site B-site.

Oxygen isotope studies in cassiterite and wolframite from Rondônia Tin Province indicate significant isotopic fractionation during the rise of the hydrothermal-magmatic system. This fractionation is typically associated with the presence of mixed fluid phases (NaCl-H2O + NaCl-H2O-CO2-CH4-N2 + CO2 + CO2-CH4) trapped at temperatures between 480 and 300°C (Leite Jr. 2002, Souza & Botelho 2002, 2009, Souza 2003, Sparrenberger 2003, Bettencourt et al. 2005, Nascimento & Souza 2017). The Cachoeirinha columbite-(Fe) presents lowered δ18O value (δ18O = 2.78‰), which falls within the range of available δ18O data in cassiterite (δ18O = 1.6–3.3‰) and wolframite (δ 18O = 0.6–1.6‰) from Rondônia Intrusive Suite (e.g., Souza & Botelho 2009, Nascimento & Souza 2017). Lowered δ18O values (δ18O < 5‰) in cassiterite and wolframite have been attributed to their greater susceptibility to isotopic fractionation during the rise of the hydrothermal-magmatic system and temperature drop (Kelly & Rye 1979, Sun & Eadington 1987, Zhang et al. 1994, Macey & Harris 2006, Li et al. 2022). However, the chemical variations, zoning, intergrowth, and micro-inclusions commonly found in these minerals may also interfere, to some degree, with the accuracy of isotopic measurements. In contrast, the available δ18O data in quartz from the Rondônia Intrusive Suite often record higher δ18O values (δ18O = 9.3–11.8‰; e.g., Sparrenberger 2003, Souza & Botelho 2009; Santos Jr. 2015, Nascimento & Souza 2017). These higher values have been attributed to the low sensitivity of quartz to isotopic fractionation in the hydrothermal-magmatic system (Clayton et al. 1972, Taylor Jr. 1997, Sharp et al. 2016).

As the isotopic fractionation is temperature-dependent (Faure 1986, Hoefs 1997), δ18O data obtained in cassiterite-quartz-wolframite mineral pairs with paragenetic association have been commonly used as geothermometric parameters (e.g., Zhang et al. 1994, Hu et al. 2005, Polyakov et al. 2005, Li et al. 2022). Geothermometric studies applying δ18O data from Rondônia Intrusive Suite point to the following isotopic equilibrium temperature ranges: cassiterite-quartz = 495–415°C and wolframite-quartz = 433–309°C (Souza & Botelho 2009; Nascimento & Souza 2017). Although there is no reference curve for δ18O isotopic fractionation of the quartz-columbite mineral pair, the similar δ18O values between Cachoeirinha columbite-(Fe) and cassiterite may be used as geothermometric reference. Furthermore, the columbite-(Fe) + cassiterite association is commonly found in the primary ore sites of the Rondônia Intrusive Suite. Therefore, we consider the range between 400 and 500°C as reasonable for the isotopic fractionation temperature of the Cachoeirinha columbite-(Fe).

The geochronology of the polymetallic deposits of the Rondônia Tin Province indicates that the mineralization is related to late to post-magmatic hydrothermal phase with timing very close to magmatic crystallization ages (e.g., Priem et al. 1971, Leite Jr. et al. 2001, Bettencourt et al. 2005, Souza et al. 2005, Santos Jr. 2015, Nascimento & Souza 2017). The Cachoeirinha Sn ± (Nb-Ta) alluvial deposit is inserted in the Rondônia Intrusive Suite (995–956 Ma), which hosts the main primary polymetallic deposits of the Rondônia Tin Province (Bettencourt et al. 1999, CPRM 2007). The U-Pb analytical results on Cachoeirinha CGM grains indicate the existence of two magmatic pulses that are responsible for the formation of ore deposits found in the alluvial sites—an older magmatic pulse with age 1052 ± 6 Ma followed by a younger magmatic pulse with age 909 ± 7 Ma. However, no particular petrographic features of these grains (e.g., size, internal zoning, intergrowths, and micro-inclusions) were observed in an attempt to separate them. It is important to state that both ages might be slightly underestimated due to matrix effects related to the matrix-unmatched approach used. In addition, the LA-ICP-MS analysis also points to two generations of Cachoeirinha CGM grains, mainly marked by variations in MREEN and HREEN content. Despite some uncertainty, the results suggest that the younger magmatic pulse is relatively enriched in MREEN and HREEN, indicating a greater degree of fractionation during the final stages of magmatic evolution (Graupner et al. 2010).

The Meso- to Neoproterozoic late-stage rapakivi magmatism in the Rondônia Tin Province has polyphasic characteristics, which incorporate various Sn ± (W, Nb-Ta)-specialized pulses (Bettencourt et al. 1999, 2005). Therefore, it is reasonable to propose that at least two magmatic pulses can be suggested as the sources of ore for the alluvial deposits of the polyphasic Cachoeirinha massif.


The Cachoeirinha CGM have mainly columbite-(Fe) composition, whose the (apfu)-general formula is A(Fe0.552–0.979 – Mn0.095–0.414) B(Ta0.042–0.551 – Nb1.305–1.871)2O6. It still exhibits diverse internal zoning from the edges to the core, which is caused by ionic substitutions and resorption mechanisms between Nb-rich and Ta-rich phases (Nb ↔ Ta) in the B-site. This mechanism is primarily controlled by oscillations in pH and fO2 conditions during the temperature decreases. At the same time, complex coupled substitutions also occurred in the octahedral A- and B-sites, which allowed the entry of Sn and Ti ions, as well as other geochemical impurities (Ba, Cr, V, W, and U). The coupled substitution mechanisms can be represented by the following general equation: 3(Sn, Ti, U, Si)4+ + (W, Cr)6+ ↔ 2(V, Nb, Ta)5+ + 2(Al, REE)3+ + (Fe, Mn, Ba)2+.

The Cachoeirinha CGM has a low oxygen isotope value (δ18O = 2.78 ‰), which is consistent with the isotopic data available on cassiterite (δ18O = 1.6–3.3‰) and wolframite (δ18O = 0.6–1.6‰) from magmatic pulse related to the Rondônia Intrusive Suite. This isotopic characteristic confirms the greater susceptibility of these ore minerals to isotopic fractionation during temperature drop linked to a hybrid hydrothermal-magmatic system with low oxygen isotope value (δ18O < 5‰). The columbite-(Fe) + cassiterite paragenetic association is common in the primary ores of the Rondônia Intrusive Suite, which have a crystallization temperature range between 400 and 500°C.

The Cachoeirinha CGM U-Pb geochronological investigation revealed that the Cachoeirinha alluvial deposit hosts mineralization (columbite-(Fe) + cassiterite) related to at least two Neo-Mesoproterozoic magmatic pulses. An older magmatic pulse occurred approximately 1052 ± 6 Ma, followed by a younger magmatic pulse around 909 ± 7 Ma. The Cachoeirinha CGM grains related to younger magmatic pulse tend to be relatively enriched in MREEN and HREEN, indicating a greater degree of fractionation.


This paper is the result of Silva R.G. (first author) master's thesis presented to the Post-Graduate Program in Geology of the Universidade de Brasília (UnB). This research had financial support from the Brazilian National Council of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq—Project no. 443603/2014–6) and Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel—Brazil (CAPES)—Finance Code 001. The authors are grateful for all the support provided by technical staff from the Geoscience Institute of the Universidade de Brasilia (IG-UnB) and the Laboratory of Stable Isotopes at Queen's University (QFIR). This research is also linked to the study group named "Granites and Associated Mineralization" (UnB-CNPq).


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    19 Aug 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    08 Nov 2023
  • Accepted
    24 Apr 2024
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