Logomarca do periódico: Brazilian Journal of Geology

Open-access Brazilian Journal of Geology

Publicação de: Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia
Área: Ciências Exatas E Da Terra Versão impressa ISSN: 2317-4889
Versão on-line ISSN: 2317-4692
Título anterior: Revista Brasileira de Geociências


Brazilian Journal of Geology, Volume: 48, Número: 1, Publicado: 2018

Brazilian Journal of Geology, Volume: 48, Número: 1, Publicado: 2018

Document list
Petrography, geochemistry and geochronology of the potassic granitoids of the Rio Itacambiruçu Supersuite: implications for the Meso- to Neoarchean evolution of the Itacambira-Monte Azul block Bersan, Samuel Moreira Danderfer Filho, André Abreu, Francisco Robério de Lana, Cristiano

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: In the Itacambira-Monte Azul block (BIMA) the Archean rocks are represented by tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTGs) of the Porteirinha Complex and by potassic granitoids of the Rio Itacambiruçu Suite that crop out at the Pedra do Urubu (PUp), Rio Gorutuba (RGp), Barrocão (BAp) and Lagoa Nova (LNp) plutons. This work presents new data for the PUp, RGp and BAp. The petrographic and lithochemical analyses allowed the subdivision of the Rio Itacambiruçu Suite in two groups of granitoids: a medium potassium group, represented by the PUp and RGp, and a high potassium group, in which the BAp rocks are inserted. The geochronological data showed different ages for the medium and high potassium groups, with crystallization ages at ca. 2.92 Ga and 2.65 Ga, respectively. Despite the differences observed between these two groups, the chemical signatures of these rocks are compatible with the signature of biotite-granites generated by the reworking of ancient continental crust. Thereby, the data obtained in this work, added to some previously published results, allowed to the identification of two Archean crustal stabilization events recorded in BIMA, one of Mesoarchean age and the other of Neoarchean age. In addition, we propose the lithodemic reclassification of the Rio Itacambiruçu Suite to Rio Itacambiruçu Supersuite.
The Rio Pardo salient, northern Araçuaí orogen: an example of a complex basin-controlled fold-thrust belt curve Peixoto, Eliza Alkmim, Fernando Flecha de Pedrosa-Soares, Antônio Carlos

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: The Rio Pardo salient, the large antitaxial curve described by the Araçuaí fold-and-thrust belt along the southeastern edge of the São Francisco craton, is one of the most prominent and one of the least studied features of the Brasiliano Araçuaí-West Congo orogenic system (AWCO). In addition to the Archean/Paleoproterozoic basement, the salient is comprised of metasedimentary rocks mainly from the Neoproterozoic Macaúbas Group and the Salinas Formation. Its western limb occupies a portion of the Espinhaço ridge, where the NS-trending structures of the Araçuaí belt progressively curve NE and E, thereby defining the hinge zone along the Serra Geral on the Minas-Bahia boundary. The eastern limb is NW-trending and marked by a major shear zone. In models postulated to generate the AWCO through the closure of the Neoproterozoic Macaúbas basin, this large curve plays a critical kinematic role. Yet, in spite of this, its development is still not fully understood. How did this curve originate? Which factors controlled its generation? Our field study performed in the northern Araçuaí orogen characterized the kinematic picture of the salient, and led to a model that addresses these questions. The results we obtained indicate that the Rio Pardo salient developed in response to four deformation phases. The contractional D1 and D2 phases are coaxial and responsible for a craton-directed tectonic transport along the salient’s outer arc, which is coupled with an overall southward motion of the inner arc, thereby giving rise to a rather complex kinematic picture. Furthermore, structures of the D1/D2 phases define a zigzag pattern with alternating NE- and NW-trending segments along the salient’s leading edge. Along the NE-trending segments, the metasedimentary rocks are thrust northwestwards on top of the craton basement, while along the NW-trending segments, the supracrustal rocks are displaced along dextral to reverse-dextral transpressional shear zones located on the basement/cover contact. Structures of the D3 phase, which are well developed in the hinge zone, record a final WSW-ENE contraction, which was responsible for rotation of the preexistent fabric elements around NNW-trending axes and the enhancement of the salient curvature. The D4 phase is extensional and is recorded by two large-scale structures, the Chapada Acauã and Tingui normal shear zones, as well as by the normal-sinistral reactivation of the Itapebi strike-slip shear zone that marks the salient eastern limb. We interpret the initiation of the Rio Pardo salient during the collisional 565-575 Ma D1/D2 phases essentially as a primary arc that is mainly controlled by the geometry of the Macaúbas precursor basin. The thickened internal portion of the Rio Pardo salient was affected by extensional tectonism at c. 530 Ma, and is recorded by the D4 deformation phase, which is currently ascribed to the extensional collapse of the Araçuaí-West Congo orogen.
Sedimentary provenance in the southern sector of the São Francisco Basin, SE Brazil Paula-Santos, Gustavo Macedo de Babinski, Marly

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: We present new Sm-Nd, U-Pb and Hf isotope geochronological data for the siliciclastic rocks in the southern sector of the São Francisco Basin. An abrupt change in the Sm-Nd data is observed from the Carrancas Formation’s oligomitic conglomerates (TDM ages between 2.7 and 3.3 Ga; εNd(550 Ma) values between -25.09 and -17.98), its finer facies, and the finer facies of the the Moema Laminite (TDM ages from 1.4 to 2.1 Ga; εNd(550 Ma) values between -9.46 and -5.59). No further significant changes in the Sm-Nd data occur farther upwards in the Bambuí Group (Sm-Nd TDM ages within the 1.3-2.0 Ga interval; εNd(550 Ma) values from -9.53 to -4.09), showing a lack of reorganization in the source areas throughout the deposition of the basin. This is yet another argument to dismiss an unconformity within the Bambuí Group. The presence of the index fossil Cloudina sp. in the lower Sete Lagoas Formation makes the glaciation probably Late Ediacaran in age. U-Pb ages for detrital zircons of the Bambuí Group range from the Archean to the early Ediacaran, but the current data is insufficient to distinguish between the contribution from sources in the Brasília and Araçuaí belts.
Sedimentology and stratigraphy of Neoproterozoic-lower Paleozoic carbonate-siliciclastic succession of the southwesternmost Amazon Craton, state of Rondônia, Brazil Afonso, Jhon Willy Lopes Nogueira, Afonso César Rodrigues

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: Facies and stratigraphic analysis were carried out in Neoproterozoic-Lower Paleozoic carbonate-siliciclastic deposits of Cacoal and Pimenta Bueno formations exposed on basement rocks and into the Pimenta Bueno Graben, northwestern portion of Parecis Basin, southwesternmost Amazon Craton. The redescription and redefinion of this succession confirmed the previous interpretation for the Cacoal Formation as a Marinoan (~ 635 Ma) cap carbonate. The Cacoal Formation is subdivided here in two units separate by sharp contact found exclusively overlying Mesoproterozoic crystalline basement rocks: 1) a homonymous formation characterized by diamictites, sandstones and siltstones with dropstones interpreted as glacio-marine deposits; and 2) the Espigão d’Oeste Formation that consists of dolostone, dolomitic stromatolites, dolostone-siltstone rhythmite and siltstone interpreted as shallow to moderately deep platform deposits. The Ordovician to Silurian Pimenta Bueno Formation is a filling of Pimenta Bueno graben and overlies locally the Meso and Neoproterozoic rocks. This unit consists in diamictites, sandstones, siltstones and pelites interpreted as glacial-marine and tide- to storm-influenced platform deposits, recording a glacio-eustatic regressive-transgressive event. This new stratigraphic proposal modify the current stratigraphy for the Parecis Basin and suggest, at least, two levels of glaciation exposed in the sothwesternmost Amazon Craton related to the Marinoan and Late Ordovician-Early Silurian events.
Low-temperature metamorphism in the Capiru Formation, Morro Grande Synform, Southern Ribeira Belt Santos, Larissa da Rocha Leandro, Renato Bahniuk, Anelize Cury, Leonardo Fadel

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: The Capiru Formation consists of a low-grade meta-sedimentary succession of slates, phyllites, quartzites and marbles, disposed in blocks delimited by thrust and strike-slip faults in the Curitiba Terrane, Southern Ribeira Belt, Southern Brazil. The metamorphic and deformation records are heterogeneous, with deformed zones tectonically interbedded by domains with preserved sedimentary features. The present work aims to understand the development of mineral paragenesis based on geochemical and petrographic analysis. We selected samples of metasandstones, slates, phyllites and rhythmic phyllites, with different metamorphic and deformation records to be analysed. We selected samples with different metamorphic records to be analysed. The petrographic characterization of foliations was made through field studies supported by microtectonic analysis. The mineralogical and chemical compositions were determined by X-ray diffractometry and X-ray fluorescence, respectively. The results show a preserved sedimentary bedding (S0), defined by sedimentary structures with top-and-bottom indicators. The S1 foliation is related to a thrust tectonics, and it is characterized by a continuous slaty cleavage. The S1 slaty cleavage is crenulated and cut by a millimetric S2 cleavage. The mineral assemblage is composed by quartz, sericite, magnetite/goethite and carbonaceous material. The metamorphism was developed under low-temperature conditions (between 250-350ºC) and low pressure gradients (2.5-4.5 kbar). The geotectonic environment is considered as a thrust-and-fold-belt system, with structures developed in superior crust levels.
Pb isotope geochemistry and reappraisal of Sr-Nd isotopes of the Cerro Morado basic magmatism (Ischigualasto-Villa Union Triassic basin, NW Argentina): Implications for the mantle sources Sommer, Carlos Augusto Barreto, Carla Joana S. Lafon, Jean Michel Lima, Evandro Fernandes de Alexandre, Felipe Marcelo Chemale Jr., Farid Koester, Edinei

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic signatures were determined for silica-undersaturated hypabyssal alkaline basic rocks of the Los Baldecitos Formation in the Cerro Morado area, situated in the Ischigualasto - Vale de la Luna Provincial Park (northernmost San Juan Province, Argentina). The basic rocks show slight variations of the Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes and similar behavior of whole-rock geochemistry, which suggest a single source for the Cerro Morado volcanic rocks. The present-day Pb isotopic data show moderately radiogenic Pb compositions (206Pb/204Pb = 18.31 - 18.35), in addition to low values of 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios of 0.70314 - 0.70386 and highly radiogenic Nd initial isotopic compositions (+7.1 < εNd (228 Ma) < +9.3), which point to a PREMA mantle reservoir signature for the alkaline basalts with little evidence of crustal contamination. The involvement of a HIMU component in the source, previously suggested for the Cerro Morado volcanics, should be disregarded in the light of the Pb isotopic signature. The Sr-Nd signature together with Nd-TDM model ages not older than 295 Ma does not support the involvement of an ancient crust.
New plant fossils from the Lower Cretaceous of the Parnaíba Basin, Northeastern Brazil: Southern Laurasia links Lindoso, Rafael Matos Dutra, Tânia Lindner Carvalho, Ismar de Souza Medeiros, Manuel Alfredo

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: This study reports on the presence of a diverse set of gymnosperm and angiosperm macrofossils from the Codó Formation, Parnaíba Basin, whose assemblage was previously known only by the occurrence of pollen grains, spores, wood fragments, leaves and roots associated with Nympheaceae. In the Brejo municipality, northeastern Maranhão State, marl levels attest a transitional to marginal lacustrine environment, with occasional marine ingressions, demonstrated by the presence of crustaceans, gastropods and fishes. The plant fossils are preserved exclusively by molds and impressions, and its diversity is represented by few specimens, suggesting taphonomic processes of selection and transportation. The taphoflora is composed of Gnetales (?Drewria), conifers (Cupressinocladus and Brachyphyllum), and basal angiosperms (Nympheales, Magnollids, and/or basal Eudicots), which support an upper Aptian - ?Albian age. It displays affinities with both the well-known flora of the Araripe Basin (Santana Formation) as well as those ones identified in deposits from the south of North America (Potomac Group), suggesting that terrestrial links persisted in the equatorial areas of the Pangea at the end of the Early Cretaceous.
Processing of large offset data: experimental seismic line from Tenerife Field, Colombia Ortega, Francisco Gamboa Bassrei, Amin Gomes, Ellen de Nazaré Souza Silva, Michelângelo Gomes da Oliveira, Andrei Gomes de

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: Exploration seismology provides the main source of information about the Earth’s subsurface, which in many cases can be presented as a simple model of horizontal or near-horizontal layers. After the seismic acquisition step, conventional seismic processing of reflection data provides an image of the subsurface by using information about the reflections of these layers. The traveltime from a source to different receivers is adjusted using a hyperbolic function. This expression is used in the case involving an isotropic medium, which is a simplification of nature, whereas geologically complex media are generally anisotropic. A subsurface model that more closely resembles reality is the vertical transverse isotropy, which defines two parameters that are required to correct the traveltimes: the NMO velocity and the anellipticity parameter. In this paper, we reviewed the literature and methodology for velocity analysis of seismic data acquired from anisotropic media. A model with horizontal layers and anisotropic behavior was developed and evaluated. The anisotropic velocity was compared to the isotropic velocity, and the results were analyzed. Finally, the methodology was applied to real seismic data, i.e. an experimental landline from Tenerife Field, Colombia. The results show the importance of the anellipticity parameter in models with anisotropic layers.
A cathodoluminescence-assisted LA-ICP-MS study of topaz from different geological settings Gauzzi, Teodoro Graça, Leonardo Martins

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: In this study, the crystallization dynamics and the fingerprints of two topaz crystals from the Ouro Preto region (Brazil), two from the Eastern Brazilian Pegmatite Province (EBPP), one from the Western part of the United States (US) and one from Pakistan were characterized. The combination of scanning electron microscope-cathodoluminescence (SEM-CL) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) data allowed for the characterization of these samples. Samples from the Ouro Preto region showed primary crystallization and recrystallization processes, which were demonstrated by a CL-heterogeneous core and CL-homogeneous rims in the SEM-CL images. Their fingerprint was composed of Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn. Samples from the EBPP showed both dark and CL-homogeneous SEM-CL images, implying slow and late-stage crystallization, typical of pegmatites. Their fingerprints were composed of Li, Nb, LREE, Ta and W, and of Ti, Nb and HREE. A sample from a Western part of the US displayed CL-heterogeneity with growth and resorption events and well-preserved growth zones, which were noticeable through the SEM-CL images. Its fingerprint was composed of Li, Ti, V, Mn, Nb, LREE, Ta and W. A sample from Pakistan showed an evident metamorphic recrystallization process, which was visible by the incipient and CL-homogeneous luminescence given by the SEM-CL images. Its fingerprint was composed of Ca, Cr, V, Zn, LREE, HREE and W.
Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia R. do Lago, 562 - Cidade Universitária, 05466-040 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3459-5940 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
E-mail: sbgeol@uol.com.br
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