Logomarca do periódico: Brazilian Journal of Geology

Open-access Brazilian Journal of Geology

Publicação de: Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia
Área: Ciências Exatas E Da Terra Versão impressa ISSN: 2317-4889
Versão on-line ISSN: 2317-4692
Título anterior: Revista Brasileira de Geociências


Brazilian Journal of Geology, Volume: 48, Número: 3, Publicado: 2018

Brazilian Journal of Geology, Volume: 48, Número: 3, Publicado: 2018

Document list
Chromium, iron, gold and manganese in Amapá and northern Pará, Brazil Scarpelli, Wilson Horikava, Elio Hiromi

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: Information is presented on the geology and mineral deposits in greenstone belts and mafic-ultramafic complexes in Amapá and northern Pará, with the emphasis in iron, gold, manganese, and chromium. At Santa Maria, the Vila Nova Group presents deposits of iron and gold, the latter in carbonatic metasediments crossed by a north-south shear. The group is intruded by the Bacuri Mafic-Ultramafic Complex, with mineable deposits of chromite and magnetite. The overlaying 21 Grande Formation presents minor gold mineralization. At Serra das Coambas there is a significant show of iron formation, and, at its flank, the 21 Grande Formation presents extensive areas exploited by gold miners for gold. Serra do Ipitinga, in Pará, contains the greatest units of iron formation of the area, accompanied by frequent shows of alluvial and primary gold mineralization. The distribution of manganesiferous metasediments identified by mining companies indicate that they were deposited in an about 90 km long narrow basin oriented to northwest, with Serra do Navio near its center. The exposures of iron formation indicate that they were deposited on a belt greater than 350 km long and 100 km wide, oriented and still open to northeast, covering areas of different ages of metamorphism and tectonical stabilization.
The Mata Azul pegmatitic field, Tocantins/Goiás, central Brazil: geology, genesis and mineralization Queiroz, Hudson de Almeida Botelho, Nilson Francisquini

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: In Goiás and Tocantins States, Central Brazil, several granitic pegmatites were characterized and grouped for the first time. These pegmatites had been intensely explored by hand in the past, producing mainly gemstone varieties of tourmaline and beryl. Barren, beryl- and tourmaline-bearing pegmatites occur across an area of 2,000 km2 where they intrude regional metasedimentary rocks and peraluminous granites. K-feldspar (mostly altered to kaolin), quartz and mica (mainly muscovite) are the major minerals. The main accessory minerals are beryl, tourmaline, garnet, albite, Fe-Mn phosphate aggregates, and trilithionite. The paragneiss surrounding the barren pegmatites was affected by thermal metamorphism and later hydrothermal alteration, producing Ca-silicates, Ti-Nb-Y oxides and sulfides. Leucogranites of the Mata Azul Suite are peraluminous and syn- to post-orogenic with geochemical characteristics of the LCT granite-pegmatite group. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology in monazite yields an age of 519 ± 2.8 Ma. ­Additionally, U-Th-Pb chemical dating of uraninite reveals a maximum age between 500 and 560 Ma. These ages, the field relationships, the mineralogy and the geochemical data suggest that the granites of the Mata Azul Suite are the probable sources of the studied pegmatites. The mineral associations and the mineral chemistry are used to define the degree of fractionation of the pegmatites. We propose that the group of studied pegmatites represents a pegmatitic field, called the Mata Azul Suite Pegmatitic Field.
Emerald from the Fazenda Bonfim Deposit, northeastern Brazil: chemical, fluid inclusions and oxygen isotope data Santiago, Judiron Santos Souza, Valmir da Silva Filgueiras, Bernardo de Carvalho Jiménez, Federico Alberto Cuadros

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: The Fazenda Bonfim emerald deposit, State of Rio Grande do Norte, is within the regional geological domain known as Seridó Mobile Belt, Borborema Tectonic Province. It was formed from metasomatic fluids interaction at along lithological contacts between Be-rich albite-granite intrusions and Cr (±V)-rich mafic-ultramafic host-rocks, enclosed in the lens-shaped “hornfels” phlogopite schist. Emerald crystals display relatively high contents of Mg and Na, as well as trace amounts of Ca, K, Cs, Li, P, Sc, Ti, Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, Ga and Rb. Cr is the main chromophore element, followed by Fe and some V. Display also concentric growth zones and randomly-oriented mineral micro-inclusions, indicative for static growth. This zoning is linked to cationic substitution of alkalis accompanied by Cr loss, which favors irregular coloration of crystals. Metasomatic fluids contemporaneous with emerald growth are aqueous (H 2 O+NaCl), with low to moderate salinity and low density, although trace amounts of CO 2 ± CH 4 were also observed. These fluids showed a field-trapped between 375-430ºC and 200-600 bars, based on combination of fluid inclusions isochores. In addition, oxygen isotope data (δ18 O = 6.9-7.4‰) suggest an igneous-metasomatic source for fluids and emerald components.
The Belterra Clay on the bauxite deposits of Rondon do Pará, Eastern Amazon Negrão, Leonardo Boiadeiro Ayres Costa, Marcondes Lima da Pöllmann, Herbert

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: Bauxite deposits in the Amazon region are commonly covered by yellowish clays which can reach up to 25m thick, known as Belterra Clay (BTC). In Rondon do Pará, Eastern Amazon, BTC is 13m thick and covers world-class bauxite reserves. Three pilot bauxite mines were investigated in Rondon do Pará for an initial characterization of the local BTC. In discordant contact with the lateritic profile, the BTC has reddish brown colors at its base to ocher tones towards the top. It has a massive structure with silt-clayey texture and nodular bauxitic fragments at its base. Rietveld mineral quantification of the material attests that it is dominated by kaolinite, with goethite, gibbsite, hematite, anatase and residual quartz. The thermal behavior of the material also confirms its mineralogical composition. Kaolinite is of low structural order, which was considered the main difficulty in the application of the Rietveld method. Goethite has up to 33 mol% of Al. As observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the minerals represent pseudo-hexagonal crystals measuring from 150 to 700 nm. The BTC in the studied area is correlated to BTC on others bauxitic deposits of the Amazon region, suggesting this material experienced the same genesis and geological evolution, probably during the Pliocene.
Exploratory plays of Pará-Maranhão and Barreirinhas basins in deep and ultra-deep waters, Brazilian Equatorial Margin Pellegrini, Bruna da Silva Ribeiro, Hélio Jorge Portugal Severiano

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: The Pará-Maranhão and Barreirinhas are exploratory frontier basins. After the discoveries in deep/ultra-deep water turbidites at the correlated African equatorial margin and French Guiana (Jubilee and Zaedyus plays), the exploratory interest was retaked for those basins. Using 2D seismic interpretation, it was search to identify hydrocarbon accumulations potential focusing on turbiditic reservoirs. Three plays types linked to three margin distinct segments were identified: shallow waters, faulted shelf border and deep/ultra-deep waters. The shallow waters and faulted shelf border plays are related to two petroleum systems: Caju-Travosas and Travosas-Travosas. The Caju Group (Late Albian-Early Cenomanian) and Travosas Formation (Cenomanian-Turonian) source rocks occur between 2,400 and 3,700 m below sea water bottom for shallow waters play, and between 1,300 and 4,800 m for faulted shelf border play. The deep/ultra-deep waters play is related to three petroleum systems: Codó-Travosas, Caju-Travosas and Travosas-Travosas. The source rocks from Codó Formation (Aptian) occur between 2,860 and 4,550 m, from Caju Group (Late Albian-Early Cenomanian) between 2,200 and 3,800 m and from Travosas Formation (Cenomanian-Turonian) between 1,430 and 2,860 m. In the African equatorial margin, the oil window top is located around 2,700 m below sea water bottom. Thus, it can be concluded that Pará-Maranhão and Barreirinhas source rocks would also be able to generate oil/gas in the specified depths.
Study on the gravitational flow directions of the Maracangalha Formation (Early Cretaceous), Bom Despacho, NNE area of Itaparica Island, Bahia, Brazil Santos, Nelize Lima Correa-Gomes, Luiz César

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: The objective of the present study was to interpret the direction of gravitational sedimentary flows in the turbidite deposits of the Maracangalha Formation (Recôncavo Basin), indicating their source areas. Thus, the indicative deformational structures existing in the formation were analyzed. The structures observed ranged from brittle to highly ductile and viscous states, with a diversity of deformational styles. A total of 284 planar and linear measurements was collected in three distinct subareas, separated according to their degree of deformation. The structures found were separated into four groups according to their formation process: (i) pre-deformation structures; (ii) plastic deformation structures; (iii) intrusion structures (fluidization), related to either early or syn-sedimentation events; and finally (iv) brittle deformation structures, with late sedimentation. Some structures were observed to be good indicators of apparent mass movement direction, which yielded predominantly SSW directions, suggesting a partially confined flow, parallel to the main axes of Recôncavo Basin, towards its depocenter.
Tafonomy of macroinvertebrates and Albian marine ingression as recorded by the Romualdo Formation (Cretaceous, Araripe Basin, Brazil) Prado, Ludmila Alves Cadeira do Fambrini, Gelson Luís Barreto, Alcina Magnólia Franca

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: The Romualdo Formation, Araripe Basin, crops out in the municipality of Exu, Pernambuco State, exposing coquinas. Fauna survey, taphonomic analysis of the macrobenthos, and identification of sedimentary facies of the outcrop were carried out to contribute to paleoenvironmental understanding of the Romualdo Formation. The association of molluscs (Cerithium sp., Tylostoma ranchariensis, Aguileria dissita, Brachidontes araripensis and unidentified cassiopids) and echinoids of the species Bothryopneustes araripensis suggests sedimentation in the marine environment. The taphonomic similarities made possible the grouping of coquinas into two types. Coquinas type 1 exhibit characteristics of transport and reworking of bioclast generated by storms in proximal setting. Coquinas type 2 demonstrates echinoids in situ and articulated with spines connected to shells, suggesting a fast sedimentation by distal tempestite. Regarding sedimentary facies, the concentrations of invertebrates would have been formed in the transitional offshore zone of siliclastic platform. The results presented here evidence a broader distribution of echinoids and expand the geographic limits of the shallow marine environment in the Romualdo Formation.
Incised valley paleoenvironments interpreted by seismic stratigraphic approach in Patos Lagoon, Southern Brazil Bortolin, Eduardo Calixto Weschenfelder, Jair Cooper, Andrew

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: The Rio Grande do Sul (RS) coastal plain area (33,000 km2 ) had its physiography modified several times through the Quaternary, responding to allogenic and autogenic forcings. The Patos Lagoon covers a significant area of RS coastal plain (10,000 km2 ), where incised valleys were identified in previous works. About 1,000 km of high resolution (3.5 kHz) seismic profiles, radiocarbon datings, Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and gravity cores were analyzed to interpret the paleoenvironmental evolution as preserved in incised valley infills. Seismic facies were recognized by seismic parameters. The sediment cores were used to ground-truth the seismic interpretations and help in the paleoenvironmental identification. Key surfaces were established to detail the stratigraphical framework, and seismic facies were grouped into four seismic units, which one classified in respective system tracts within three depositional sequences. The oldest preserved deposits are predominantly fluvial and estuarine facies, representing the falling stage and lowstand system tracts. The Holocene transgressive records are dominated by muddy material, mainly represented by estuarine facies with local variations. The transgression culminated in Late Holocene deposits of Patos Lagoon, representing the highstand system tract. The depositional pattern of the vertical succession was controlled by eustatic variations, while the autogenic forcing (paleogeography and sediment supply) modulated the local facies variation.
Reativation of Taxaquara Fault and its morphotectonic influence on the evolution of Jordão River catchment, Paraná, Brasil Peyerl, William Rudolf Lopes Salamuni, Eduardo Sanches, Emerson Nascimento, Edenilson Roberto do Santos, Jéssica Miranda Gimenez, Viviane Barbosa Silva, Clauzionor Lima da Farias, Taily Ferreira Santos

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: The Paraná basin is one of the major morphotectures of the South American continent. Although its tectono-sedimentary evolution has been widely studied and fairly well understood, this paper aims to fill a gap in knowledge comprising the tectonic evolution after the end of its last sedimentary cycle, in the Upper Cretaceous. In this context, the Jordan River watershed, situated in the surroundings of Guarapuava municipality, south central region of Paraná State, was selected for structural and morphometric analysis where the Cretaceous volcanic rocks of Serra Geral Formation are exposed. The Jordan River watershed was studied for the influence exerted by Taxaquara Fault Zone on its morphologic evolution, since Taxaquara Fault Zone is associated to the Brazilian cycle and extends eastwards to the Ribeira belt in the state of São Paulo. The morphometric analysis consisted in the interpretation of the Jordan River watershed drainage network and relief elements, considering the distribution of existing knickpoints in the water courses. Structural analysis was based on the calculation of the stress fields responsible for the activation of local fault zones, which were determined by their spatial arrangement and the statistical and mechanical treatments of structural data. During the Oligocene and Miocene, erosional processes developed a planing surface which marks the relief in the central region of the Jordan River watershed and serves as a stratigraphic marker for the associated deformational events. Three events that contributed to the morphological framework of the Jordan River watershed were defined: an oldest one, probably active before the development of the Jordan pediplane in the Paleogene, by a NE-SW maximum horizontal stress (SHmax); and two more recent ones, being one of Plio-Pleistocene age, with a N05W SHmax, and a still active event of transtensive nature showing a N75W SHmax. The paleostress analysis points to a similarity between the Cenozoic evolution of Paraná Basin and the tafrogenic basins of southeast Brazil, revealing the amplitude of the deformation events associated to the studied period and ensuring the importance of further studies on the morphotectonic evolutions of intracratonic regions of the South American plate and their correlation to the Andean tectonic cycle.
Mineral chemistry and crystallization parameters of the A-type Paleoproterozoic Bannach Granite, Carajás Province, Pará, Brazil Mesquita, Caio José Soares Dall’Agnol, Roberto Almeida, José de Arimatéia Costa de

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: The A-type Paleoproterozoic Bannach Granite belongs to the Jamon Suíte and cross-cut the Archean units of the Rio Maria Domain in the Carajás Province. It comprises eight facies with varied mafic content and texture: even-grained cumulate granite (CG), even coarse-grained biotite-amphibole monzogranite (cBAMz), even coarse-grained amphibole-biotite monzogranite (cABMz), porphyritic biotite monzogranite (pBMz), even coarse-grained leucomonzogranite (cLMz), early even medium-grained leucomonzogranite (EmLMz), late even medium-grained leucomonzogranite (LmLMz) and even fine-grained leucomonzogranite (fLMz). In the less evolved facies, the dominant amphibole is Fe-hornblende passing to Fe-edenite or hastingsite, with associated cummingtonite/grunerite originated from the destabilization of clinopyroxene. Biotite has ferroan composition and approaches annite in the late-emplaced leucomonzogranite. Plagioclase varies from andesine to oligoclase or from oligoclase to albite. Titanite, magnetite, and ilmenite are found in all granite facies showing magmatic origin. The near liquidus temperatures vary between 943ºC and 795ºC and the estimated emplacement pressure is 300 ± 50 MPa (~11.1 ± 1.9 km). Amphibole Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios together with magmatic magnetite and titanite indicate that these granites crystallized at moderately oxidizing conditions, similar to those admitted for the Jamon granite and magnetite series granites of Laurentia. However, the composition of biotite suggests a more reduced character close to NNO to NNO -0.5. The late leucomonzogranite facies is an exception because it displays high Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios in biotite and approaches to the reduced granites of Carajás, Laurentia and Fennoscandia in this regard. It derived from a more reduced source than the other facies of Bannach Granite.
Geology and petrology of the Salto do Céu Suite: tectonic and stratigraphic implications on the SW Amazonian Craton Lima, Gabrielle Aparecida de Macambira, Moacir José Buenano Sousa, Maria Zélia Aguiar de Ruiz, Amarildo Salina Batata, Maria Elisa Fróes Pierosan, Ronaldo

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: The basic rocks of the Salto do Céu Suite outcrop as sills and flows in the southwestern Amazon Craton, Rondonian-San Ignacio Province, with an age of about 1.44 Ga. Sills are 2 to 30 m thick being hosted by pelites of the Aguapei Group. The flows are up to 5 m thick and cover this unit. Typical textures of magma mingling are observed near the contact with granites of Rio Branco Suite. The Rio Branco Intrusive Suite is composed of basic and acid rocks, as well as hybrid rocks that indicate mixing processes between basic and acids magmas. U-Pb (TIMS zircon) results indicate ages around 1.4 Ga for both terms. The Salto do Céu Suite rocks have tholeiites affinity classified as subalkaline and iron-rich tholeiitic basalts, with mg# values between 0.30 and 0.51. They can be separated into two groups, based on LaN ; one is richer in ETR with LaN greater than 100, while the other one has LaN less than 100. Rocks of the Salto do Céu Suite and Rio Branco Suite are interpreted as a bimodal suites showing magma mingling features such as those developed in continental intraplate settings, extensional regime associated to the Columbia/Nuna breakup.
Comment on “A preserved early Ediacaran magmatic arc at the northernmost part of the transversal zone - central domain of the Borborema Province, Northeast of South America”, by B. B. de Brito Neves et al. (2016) Neves, Sérgio Pacheco

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: The recent proposition for a long-lived (635-580 Ma) magmatic arc in the central portion of the Borborema Province is critically evaluated. Evidence favoring subduction include: low-T, high-P metamorphism; local occurrence of retroeclogites; and the probable participation of juvenile material in the genesis of 630-620 Ma-old plutons. However, several factors argue against the existence of a large ocean separating the Northern and Central subprovinces. First, early Tonian detrital zircons (1.0-0.9 Ga) in the Northern Subprovince indicate derivation from the Central Subprovince, and thus a connection between them until the time of deposition (ca. 660 Ma). Second, the age of peak metamorphism in the Northern Subprovince implies concomitant deformation in the upper and lower plates at 630-610 Ma. Third, 630-620 Ma-old granites have characteristics (e.g., high δO 18 values, low magnetic susceptibility) unlike plutons emplaced in continental active margins. Fourth, 590-580 Ma-old granites are clearly ­syn-transcurrent, i.e., post-collisional. Finally, the Patos shear zone, proposed to be a boundary transform between the two plates, is younger than 570 Ma, and thus cannot represent a suture zone. Therefore, if a magmatic arc existed, it had short duration and was developed at the end of the Cryogenian.
On the crystallization conditions of the Neoproterozoic, high-K calc-alkaline, Bragança Paulista-type magmatism, southern Brasília Orogen, SE Brazil Salazar-Naranjo, Andrés Fabián Vlach, Silvio Roberto Farias

Resumo em Inglês:

ABSTRACT: Syn-orogenic Neoproterozoic granitic magmatism (ca. 630-600 Ma) in southern Brasília Orogen includes large batholiths of compositionally expanded high-K calc-alkaline granites (lato sensu) and small occurrences constituted by anatetic leuco-granites associated to the regional metamorphism. We present petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical data for a representative sample of the Bragança Paulista-type granite and estimates for magmatic crystallization conditions. The sample corresponds to a porphyritic hornblende-biotite monzogranite (CI ≈ 20) comprising perthitic microcline megacrysts within a medium-grained matrix with plagioclase (An 30 Ab70 ), quartz, microcline and mafic minerals. The main mafic minerals are biotite (0.51 ≤ mg# ≤ 0.57) and Ca-amphibole (potassic-magnesio-hastingsite, 0.47 ≤ mg# ≤ 0.52), with similar volumes; accessory phases (ca. 2 vol.%) are Fe-Ti oxides (ferrian ilmenite, titanohematite, hematite and magnetite), allanite, apatite, zircon, titanite and sulphides. Our results indicate crystallization at 510 ± 60 MPa and temperatures from ca. 970ºC (close-to-liquidus) to 755 ± 45ºC (close-to-solidus), under oxidizing conditions, compatible with 0 ≤ ΔNNO ≤ +1. Estimated water and halogen fugacity ratios are ƒH2O /ƒHF ≥ 10 5.8 , 103.5 ≤ ƒH2O /ƒHCl ≤ 10 3.8 and ƒHF /ƒHCl ≤ 10 -2.2 . The obtained pressure, integrated with available regional geobarometric data, suggests a relative uplift rate about 0.2-0.3 (km/Ma) from the main regional metamorphism to the post-orogenic magmatism in the area.
Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia R. do Lago, 562 - Cidade Universitária, 05466-040 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3459-5940 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
E-mail: sbgeol@uol.com.br
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