Logomarca do periódico: Brazilian Journal of Geology

Open-access Brazilian Journal of Geology

Publicação de: Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia
Área: Ciências Exatas E Da Terra Versão impressa ISSN: 2317-4889
Versão on-line ISSN: 2317-4692
Título anterior: Revista Brasileira de Geociências


Brazilian Journal of Geology, Volume: 49, Número: 1, Publicado: 2019

Brazilian Journal of Geology, Volume: 49, Número: 1, Publicado: 2019

Document list
Stratigraphy and tectonic setting of the Barriga Negra Formation in Uruguay: an update Demarco, Pablo Núñez Masquelin, Henri Peel, Elena Bettucci, Leda Sánchez

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The aim of this work is to propose a new stratigraphic scheme of the Barriga Negra Formation, in order to solve the controversies in one of the most discussed units of Uruguay. Here, we introduce a new map (unmodified since 1984) and amend the stratigraphic profile for the Barriga Negra Formation, establishing the correct sequence, order and thickness, dividing it in four members (Volcaniclastic, Arkosic Conglomerate, Calcareous Conglomerate and Petromictic Conglomerate Member). We describe by first time the presence of basal volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks that implies a tectonic active environment. Volcaniclastic rock dating yield an U-Pb concordia age of 633 ± 3.4 Ma. Moreover, we show that this unit has no stratigraphic continuity with other units that previously were used to constrain its stratigraphic position, age and paleoenvironment. We confirm unequivocally that the unit is as a continental conglomeratic sequence deposited in arid and active tectonic conditions, and not transitional passive margin deposits as some works claim. ­Finally, we revisit the metamorphism, deformation, stratigraphy, structural relationships of this unit and identify new basement units. As consequence of this new evidence, we reexamine its correlation with other regional units. This work is also a key to understand the chaotic stratigraphic proposals of Uruguay..
The Vazante and Canastra groups revisited: Sm-Nd and Sr isotopes - evidence for contribution from Tonian intraplate magmatism during passive margin development along the SW São Francisco margin, Brazil Carvalho, Manuela de Oliveira Valeriano, Claudio de Morisson Aguiar Neto, Carla Cristine Oliveira, Gustavo Diniz Heilbron, Monica

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Combined Sm-Nd isotope studies and U-Pb ages of detrital zircons have shown significant differences between the provenance patterns of Neoproterozoic metasedimentary successions in the Southern Brasília belt. The Vazante and Canastra groups are passive margin deposits with source areas in the Archean/Paleoproterozoic São Francisco Craton basement and Mesoproterozoic cover units. In literature, the younging trend of Nd model ages observed in the Vazante Group is interpreted as resulting from the contribution of the Neoproterozoic Goiás Magmatic Arc. Also, detrital zircons younger than 0.90 Ga were not recorded in the Vazante or Canastra groups, which zircon populations are older than 0.93 Ga. This work presents new Sm-Nd and Sr isotope data of metasedimentary rocks from the Vazante and Canastra groups, collected in a 400 km2 area in northwest Minas Gerais, Brazil. The improved database of previously published and new data corroborates with the younging pattern of TDM along the Vazante Group. Isochronic diagrams show that samples from Vazante and Canastra groups scatter along mixing lines between the fields defined by the older cratonic rocks and the more juvenile ones. Here we present the Tonian Intraplate Magmatism within the São Francisco Craton as the juvenile source.
Reappraisal of the Sumé Complex: geochemistry and geochronology of metaigneous rocks and implications for Paleoproteorozoic subduction-accretion events in the Borborema Province, NE Brazil Santos, Edilton José dos Santos, Lauro Cézar Montefalco de Lira

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The Alto Moxotó Terrane represents the largest exposure of Paleoproterozoic rocks in the central Borborema Province. Several medium- to high-grade metamorphic units are described in the terrane, however geochronological data are still scarce, and the main periods of crust build-up and recycling are poorly known. In this study, we investigate the nature and age of metagranitic and metamafic-ultramafic rocks in the type area of the Sumé Complex. U-Pb zircon data from a metasyenogranite yields a concordant age of 1.97 Ga, which is in contrast with the previously published age of the complex (c. 640 Ma). In addition, Sm-Nd isotope signature indicates Paleoproterozoic to Mesoarchean sources that coupled with negative εNd(t) values suggest reworking of a preexisting crust. Whole-rock geochemical data indicate that metamafic rocks are similar to those already described in the terrane, corresponding to island-arc tholeiites, whereas the metagranitic rocks share similarities with magmas that were generated in an evolved stage of an orogenic setting. The obtained results are coherent with a long-lived Paleoproterozoic accretionary-collisional event (c. 2.1 - 1.9 Ga) described in the Borborema Province, which is correlative with Paleoproterozoic (c. 2.2 - 2.0 Ga) basement inliers/terranes from Pan-African Fold belts..
Microfacies and diagenetic evolution of the limestones of the upper part of the Crato Formation, Araripe Basin, northeastern Brazil Cabral, Flávia Araújo de Arruda Silveira, Ana Claúdia da Ramos, Germano Mário Silva Miranda, Tiago Siqueira de Barbosa, José Antonio Neumann, Virgínio Henrique de Miranda Lopes

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract This paper presents the results of a petrographic and diagenetic study of the laminated limestones of the upper part of the Aptian to Albian Crato Formation, northeast of Brazil. The applied techniques were optical microscopy, cathodoluminescence and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled to a wavelength-dispersive spectrometer (WDS). Petrographic analysis has revealed that most of the laminated limestones are calcilutites with a dominance of a micritic matrix, indicating a low-energy depositional environment. Microstructures such as microfaults, microfractures, microslumps, and loop bedding were observed. Based on textural, structural and paleontological features, seven microfacies were recognized: massive limestone, limestone with parallel laminations, limestone with undulated laminations, limestone with slumps, limestone with loop bedding, limestone with ostracods and limestone with peloids. In addition, the processes of cementation, dissolution, replacement, recrystallization and compaction, which are related to different diagenetic stages, were also recognized. The diagenetic constituents found in the sections include calcite, pyrite, silica and sulfates. We can conclude that a large part of the microstructures (microfaults, microfractures, microslumps and loop bedding) can be related to local seismicity, probably due to the reactivation of the Patos Shear Zone. The diagenetic constituents indicate an early to late diagenesis (eogenetic, mesogenetic and telogenetic stage).
Evaluation of the contributions of possible sources to the leucosome of the diatexite of Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe, in the Alfenas Region, MG, Brazil Tasco, Lizeth Hernandez Moraes, Renato

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The Socorro-Guaxupé Nappe crops out in southern Minas Gerais and it has an intermediate unit called Metaxite Unit, dominated by diatexites at its base, with large volumes of leucosome and schollen of stromatic garnet-biotite metatexite. Leucosome within the schollen crystallized via fractional crystallization and is dominated by plagioclase and quartz, although K-feldspar might be present. However, the larger volume of the coarse-grained leucosome, that dominates the unit, has granite, sometimes close to minimum granite composition. So, its formation, after partial melting, involved, segregation, fractional crystallization and accumulation. Proportions of leucosome / residue and leucosome / residue / peritectic phases indicate that the leucosome crystallized from more melt than a pelite source could produce, and probably diatexite worked as a pre-magmatic chamber and stocked melt produced from the granulites sitting at its bottom. Large proportion of biotite crystallized in the residue was formed due to equalization of water chemical potential between residue and leucosome.
Petrography and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology of sedimentary rocks of the Campo Alegre Basin, Southern Brazil: implications for Gondwana assembly Quiroz-Valle, Francy Roxana Basei, Miguel Ângelo Stipp Lino, Lucas Martins

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The Campo Alegre Basin is a volcano-sedimentary sequence covering an area of about 500 km2 , located at the northeast portion of Santa Catarina state (Brazil), and formed during the late stages of the Neoproterozoic era. Three main stratigraphic units compose this basin, the lowermost of which is the Bateias Formation, corresponding to the pre-volcanic stage. It is characterized by the fanglomeratic sediments at the basin’s northern boundary, which were deposited in a fluvial environment and progressively replaced by fluvial sandstones towards the south. Poorly sorted conglomerates and breccias compound the fanglomeratic facies, which comprises angular to subrounded fragments in a matrix ranging from sand fractions to fragments larger than gravel. The ubiquitous presence of volcanogenic and metamorphic fragments in the fanglomeratic facies strongly suggests that the Piên Magmatic Arc and a volcanic manifestation coeval with the earlier stages of the basin formation were important source areas, as well as the basin basement (the Luís Alves Terrane). In this sense, geological, petrographic, and detrital zircon geochronology data are combined in order to interpret the mechanisms that had acted during the deposition of these sedimentary rocks and to constraint the maximum depositional ages of Bateias Formation at ca. ~606 Ma.
Calibration of high-temperature furnace assemblies for experiments between 200 and 600 MPa with end-loaded piston-cylinder apparatuses Vlach, Silvio Roberto Farias Salazar-Naranjo, Andrés Fabián Torres-Corredor, Johan Santiago Carvalho, Paulo Rafael de Mallmann, Guilherme

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract We present pressure calibration results for piston-cylinder –” and 1” high temperature furnace assemblies in the 200-600 MPa range aiming to expand its applicability to simulate upper crustal conditions. The furnace assemblies were made up by crushable MgO, graphite heater, pyrex glass spacer, and NaCl sleeve. Twenty-one experiments were carried out over a range of pressures (200-600 MPa) and temperatures (870-945°C) to determine the liquidus curve of NaCl. The obtained curve slope fits that given by Siewert et al. (1998), but offsets by ~ -55 MPa, implying the need of a constant P upward correction in the 300-600 MPa and ca. 300-400 MPa pressure ranges for the 3/4” and 1” assemblies, respectively. However, if the NaCl melting points (918-920°C) obtained by Bohlen (1984) at 500 MPa are used as reference, no pressure correction is needed. Larger offsets (to -120 MPa) were obtained under pressure conditions around and lower than 300 MPa with the 1” assembly. Our results confirm the applicability of Bristol-type end-loaded piston-cylinders coupled with appropriate furnace assemblies in assessing relatively low-pressure conditions (down to ~ 200 MPa, ~ 7 km depth) found in the Earth’s upper crust, where important magmatic, hydrothermal and metamorphic processes occur.
Stratigraphy, petrography and tectonics of the manganese-bearing Buritirama Formation, Northern Carajás Domain, Amazon Craton Salgado, Silas Santos Caxito, Fabrício de Andrade Queiroga, Glaucia Nascimento Castro, Marco Paulo de

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The Buritirama Formation (BF) occurs at the extreme north of the Carajás Province, close to the contact with the Bacajá domain, in the southeastern portion of the Amazon Craton (Brazil). The BF consists of a 40 km long, ca. 3 km wide NW-SE trending structure arranged in four imbricated thrusts that individualize three main stratigraphic units. The lower unit is composed of orthoquartzite followed by carbonate-silicate rocks. The intermediate unit hosts a supergene manganese ore deposit formed by weathering of kutnohorite-rich marble. ­Quartzite/­mica-quartz schist followed by carbonate-silicate rocks make up the upper unit. The local basement is constituted by orthogneiss-migmatite (Xingu Complex) and the Buritirama metagranite. Mineral chemistry data and metamorphic textures record high consumption of carbonate and quartz to produce clinopyroxenes. The structural assemblage of the BF records mass transport from NE to SW and the following deformational phases: D1 (compressional ductile), D2 (compressional brittle) and D3 (extensional brittle). The BF is interpreted as part of a platformal depositional system positioned at the border of the Carajás domain, which was probably inverted, deformed and metamorphosed during the Transamazonian event (ca. 2.1 Ga), in a deformation belt related to the amalgamation between the Carajás and Bacajá domains.
The Cristalino IOCG deposit: an example of multi-stage events of hydrothermal alteration and copper mineralization Craveiro, Gustavo Souza Xavier, Roberto Perez Villas, Raimundo Netuno Nobre

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The Cristalino deposit is located 40 km east of Sossego mine, Carajás. The orebody lies along a NW-SE-striking shear zone and is mainly hosted by the Neoarchean bi-modal volcanics of the Grão Pará Group. Field work and petrographic data seconded by SEM-EDS analysis allowed recognizing an early sodic metasomatism that was followed by calcic-ferric, potassic and propylitic alterations, and finally by carbonatization. The volcanic rocks were altered under deformation regimes that changed from ductile-brittle to brittle. The deposit resulted from two mineralizing stages. The early stage took place at a greater depth and produced an ore association composed chiefly of chalcopyrite, pyrite, and magnetite as disseminations, breccia and veins particularly in Ca-Fe altered rocks. The later stage occurred at a shallower depth and formed a practically magnetite-free ore association, consisting essentially of chalcopyrite ± pyrite ± hematite in breccias and veins generated mostly during the potassic alteration. These ore associations indicate that the hydrothermal system evolved with temperature decrease and increase in fO2, Cu/Fe ratio and sulfur activity. Cristalino is conceived as a multi-stage IOCG deposit similar to others lying in the Carajás E-W corridor of IOCG systems.
Salt structures from inversion of residual gravity anomalies: application in Santos Basin, Brazil Constantino, Renata Regina Molina, Eder Cassola Souza, Iata Anderson de Vincentelli, Maria Gabriela Castillo

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The Santos Basin, with an area of about 350.000 km2 , is the largest salt basin of the South Atlantic, and due to its high economic hydrocarbon potential, it is a recurrent theme in scientific studies. The salt structures over the region present great importance for hydrocarbon accumulation and the geological/geophysical studies are performed from seismic reflection data, which requires time and efforts for acquisition and data processing. We identify salt structures using a new workflow based on inversion of residual gravity anomalies, where we use the Moho and basement depths obtained from gravity inversion, followed by the calculation of the gravity residual anomaly, assumed to be representative of the salt structures. This workflow is tested for a geological profile in the Santos Basin, and the results are evaluated along a 2D seismic section tied to well markers. The geometry of the stratified salt obtained from gravity inversion correlates with the seismic interpretation, with the advantage of estimating the entire salt package, including halite and stratified salt. With only seismic data, sometimes the stratified salt can be misinterpreted as sediments. The procedure can be applied to identify salt in sedimentary basins where seismic data is unavailable or of low quality.
Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia R. do Lago, 562 - Cidade Universitária, 05466-040 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3459-5940 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
E-mail: sbgeol@uol.com.br
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