Logomarca do periódico: Brazilian Journal of Geology

Open-access Brazilian Journal of Geology

Publicação de: Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia
Área: Ciências Exatas E Da Terra Versão impressa ISSN: 2317-4889
Versão on-line ISSN: 2317-4692
Título anterior: Revista Brasileira de Geociências


Brazilian Journal of Geology, Volume: 50, Número: 3, Publicado: 2020

Brazilian Journal of Geology, Volume: 50, Número: 3, Publicado: 2020

Document list
Geology, petrology and U-Pb geochronology of metavolcanic rocks in the Mundo Novo greenstone belt, eastern São Francisco Craton, NE Brazil: considerations about its tectonic setting Spreafico, Ricardo Ramos Barbosa, Johildo Salomão Figueiredo Moraes, Antônio Marcos Vitória de Souza Júnior, Francisco Dias de

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Field, petrological and LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronological data of metavolcanic rocks were used to interpret the petrological processes and to propose the tectonic setting for the Mundo Novo greenstone belt (MNGB) in the eastern São Francisco Craton. The metavolcanic rocks studied are metakomatiite, eastern and western metabasalts, and metadacite with subordinate metarhyolite, which host ocean floor hydrothermal alteration zones and are covered by ocean floor lithological associations composed of chemical metasedimentary rocks. Fractional crystallization and heterogeneous intraoceanic contaminations explain the mineralogical differences between the two metabasalts and the high (La/Yb)N ratio values of metakomatiite and metadacite. The metakomatiite and the eastern and western metabasalts feature a vector from the MORB-OIB array to the volcanic arc array in the Nb/Yb-Th/Yb diagram, similar to the Archean intraoceanic arc-basin systems. The geochemical pattern of the eastern and western metabasalts in the Zr-Zr/Y diagram suggests volcanism in nearby island arc and back-arc basin settings, respectively. The 2595 ± 21 Ma U-Pb zircon crystallization age of the metadacite allowed the determination of the timing of volcanism in the MNGB. Therefore, an intraoceanic provenance in an arc-basin system is proposed for the MNGB in the Neoarchean, which was later compressed between cratonic blocks during the Rhyacian-Orosirian event.
Paleoenvironmental characterization of a Lower Cretaceous section of the Recôncavo Basin, Bahia, Brazil Amaral, Diego Nery do Cerqueira, José Roberto Andrade, Consuelo Lima Navarro de Ribeiro, Hélio Jorge Portugal Severiano Garcia, Karina Santos Miranda, Flávia Lima e Cima Oliveira, Olívia Maria Queiroz, Antônio Fernando Santos, Luiz Carlos Lobato dos

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The objective of this work was to evaluate the paleodepositional conditions and potential for the hydrocarbons generation of the outcropping shales in the Southern Compartment of the Recôncavo Basin, indicative of the Candeias and Maracangalha Formations (Lower Cretaceous), from the organic geochemical characterization and analysis of palinofacies. For this, 23 samples of outcrops were collected near the cities of Santo Amaro, São Francisco do Conde and Simões Filho, State of Bahia, Brazil. All samples were analyzed for total organic carbon (TOC), total sulfur, insoluble residue, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, whole oil chromatography, stable isotopes of oxygen, organic and inorganic carbon, saturated biomarkers and palynofacies, performed at the Center of Excellence in Geochemistry of the Institute of Geosciences of the Universidade Federal da Bahia (Lepetro), Brazil. The parameters provided by the geochemical analyzes indicate significant differences between the outcrops under study, mainly regarding the quantity and the quality of the organic matter, thus configuring a difference in the conditions of production and preservation of the organic matter during the time of deposition of the shales. There are layers rich in organic carbon, containing well-preserved type I kerogen, indicating anoxic depositional conditions. In contrast, poor layers of organic content, containing residual kerogen (type IV), occur, reflecting oxidizing conditions of the depositional environment. The observed differences suggest that the variability of the geochemical properties of the organic matter reflects the climatic variations occurred during the deposition of the sediments of the Candeias and Maracangalha Formations. As a consequence, there are levels with potential for generation and levels with no potential for hydrocarbon generation.
Lithostratigraphy and volcanic facies architecture of the Paraná Continental Magmatic Province in its NE edge with the Alto Paranaíba Arch, Minas Gerais State, Brazil Moraes, Lucia Castanheira de Seer, Hildor José Janasi, Valdecir de Assis Valente Neto, Francisco de Castro

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract In the NE edge of the Paraná Continental Magmatic Province (PCMP), compound pahoehoe, simple pahoehoe, rubbly flows, pillow lava, and simple pahoehoe/pyroclastic flows linked to ring structures with lithofacies associations have been identified. They belong to the Cretaceous Serra Geral Group. Intercalations of Cretaceous sedimentary deposits linked to the Botucatu Formation are common and can be of aeolian, alluvial, or, more rarely, lacustrine nature. These recurring intercalations indicate that volcanism and sedimentation occurred simultaneously and also attest to their intermittent nature. Geological characteristics of the study area - broadly dominant entablature structure, hypocrystalline basalts with quench textures, types of associated sedimentary deposits, and pillow lavas - support the idea that water was present during volcanic events, especially in the central portion. The recurrence of facies associations in the same stratigraphic section is discussed and is quite different from the stratigraphy that has been described for the south of the PCMP. A preliminary investigation using P2O5 content allowed the identification of five P2O5 basalt types. The distribution of these classes in the logs shows that elaborating a valid chemostratigraphic column for the region is not yet possible.
Mechanical stratigraphy and structural control of oil accumulations in fractured carbonates of the Irati Formation, Paraná Basin, Brazil Cerri, Rodrigo Irineu Luvizotto, George Luiz Tognoli, Francisco Manoel Wohnrath Warren, Lucas Veríssimo Okubo, Juliana Morales, Norberto

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Fracturing analysis of low-permeability rocks as reservoir analogs have increased in recent years. The main mechanism involved in the development of secondary porosity in low-permeability, fine-grained limestones of the Irati Formation is fracturing. In these rocks, oil accumulates along fracture planes, vuggy porosity, microfractures, breccias, as well as bedding discontinuities. Joints represent the central element for oil migration and the connection between accumulation sites. Joints are unevenly distributed across the succession of rock types, where carbonate rocks have a much denser array of joints than shales and siltstones. From a mechanical stratigraphy point of view, limestones have a brittle behavior and constitute mechanical units. Ductile shale and siltstone are mechanical interfaces capable of blocking joint propagation. Joints running NW-SE are more effective in trespassing the mechanical interface and are, therefore, more persistent. Joints running NE-SW are less persistent because the ductile behavior of the first two shale beds above the limestone blocks their propagation. The spatial arrangement of regional NW-SE and NE-SW joints promoted reservoir connection, allowing oil migration and accumulation. The joints and oil migration (at least three phases) developed as a consequence of the Gondwana Breakup and are also associated with local pressure gradients.
Potential development of green and purple colors in colorless natural quartz from geodes in rhyodacites, Serra Geral Group, Brazil Tononi, Larissa Lanes Duarte, Lauren da Cunha Juchem, Pedro Luiz Lameiras, Fernando Soares Schnellrath, Jurgen Menezes, Mauricio Thadeu Fenilli de

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Colorless quartz can develop a green color when submitted to gamma irradiation and its development is related to the presence of molecular water and hydroxyl groups in the quartz crystalline structure. In the present study, colorless quartz crystals hosted in geodes within rhyodacites of Serra Geral Group, Southern Brazil, were selected to test the potential development of green color. The samples were analyzed by infrared (IR) and thermogravimetric (TGA) techniques, in addition to the Amethyst Factor (fa) method. All samples showed an absorption bands in the IR, indicating possible development of a green or purple color, and fa analysis indicated the samples would develop a green color. All samples became colored after irradiation, presenting color zoning: from colorless to grayish-green, and from grayish-green to slightly purplish. Some samples showed a greenish colored zone and developed an amethyst phantom crystal in its apical portion. In addition, a high content of water in samples that remained colorless after irradiation was detected. It is here interpreted that water concentration varied during quartz crystallization, enabling the development of the green color, and that the excess of water can inhibit the development of radiation-induced color in colorless natural quartz crystals.
Parauapebas meteorite from Pará, Brazil, a “hammer” breccia chondrite Atencio, Daniel Cunha, Dorília Moutinho, André Luiz Ribeiro Zucolotto, Maria Elizabeth Tosi, Amanda Araujo Villaça, Caio Vidaurre Nassif

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The Parauapebas meteorite, third official meteorite discovered in the Brazilian Amazon region, is a “hammer meteorite” which fell on December 9th, 2013, in the city of Parauapebas, Pará State, Brazil. Mineralogy is dominated by forsterite, enstatite, iron, troilite, and tetrataenite. Albite, chromite, diopside, augite, pigeonite, taenite, and merrillite are minor components. Two main clasts are separated by black shock-induced melt veins. One clast exhibits an abundance of chondrules with well-defined margins set on a recrystallized matrix composed mostly of forsterite and enstatite, consistent with petrologic type 4 chondrites. The other clast displays chondrules with outlines blurring into the groundmass as evidence of increasing recrystallization, consistent with petrologic type 5 chondrites. The clasts of petrologic type 4 have a fine-grained texture compared to those of type 5. It is a genomict breccia (indicated by shock melt veins) with the clasts and matrix of the same compositional group, but different petrologic types, H4 and H5. The melted outer crust of the Parauapebas meteorite is comprised of forsterite with interstitial dendritic iron oxide, and is rich in irregular vesicles, which are evidence of the rapid formation of the crust. The type specimen is deposited in the Museum of Geosciences of the University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Mafic macrocrysts of ultrabasic alkaline dikes from the Mantiqueira Range, SE, Brazil: tracers of a complex plumbing system Silva, Júlio César Lopes da Azzone, Rogério Guitarrari Chmyz, Luanna Guarino, Vincenza Lima, Nicholas Machado

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Macrocryst assemblages of porphyritic alkaline dikes in the Mantiqueira range (SE Brazil) are mainly composed of clinopyroxene and olivine with different origins. Based on petrographic features, mineral chemistry, and equilibrium relationships with the host liquid, those macrocrysts are classified as xenocrysts, antecrysts, and phenocrysts. Described xenocrysts are mantle olivine, Cr-diopside cores compatible with garnet-bearing mantle facies, green-core clinopyroxene cores compatible with lower crust, and enstatite cores mantled by clinopyroxene, all reported for the first time in this region. Two contrasting types of clinopyroxene antecrysts prevail among the macrocryst cores (both occurring in the same samples and presenting corrosion and sieve textures): primitive colorless diopside and more evolved green-core clinopyroxenes. In the studied rocks, green clinopyroxene zones mantling colorless diopside cores (and vice-versa) are also found. Diopside- and green-cores antecrysts have similar compositions to those from mafic and felsic alkaline melts, respectively. Phenocrysts are mainly related to Ti-augite overgrowths, mantling all other types. Mixing-model curves between mafic and felsic alkaline equilibrium liquids calculated from clinopyroxene antecrysts indicate a hybrid origin for the host matrix. The macrocryst populations of the studied dikes are indicative of a complex plumbing system, recording several processes of an open-system magmatic evolution.
Lithogeochemistry and 3D geological modeling of the apatite-bearing Mesquita Sampaio beforsite, Jacupiranga alkaline complex, Brazil Oliveira, Saulo Batista de Sant'Agostino, Lilia Mascarenhas

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The Mesquita Sampaio beforsite is a mineral exploration area with apatite mineralization occurring near the northern portion of the Morro da Mina apatite deposit (Cajati Mine), in the Jacupiranga Alkaline Complex. This study presents the mineralogical, geochemical and 3D geological modeling data of this target. Four lithotypes are presented for Mesquita Sampaio: the fine-grained beforsite (FGB), the coarse-grained beforsite (CGB), the xenolith zone (XEN), and the jacupirangite (JAC). The 3D geological model shows the Mesquita Sampaio beforsite as a vertical body with an NNW direction and approximately 350 meters in length, 150 meters in width, and 400 meters of depth, with open extensions. The main mineral assemblage of the beforsite is dolomite, apatite, phlogopite, serpentine, calcite, and magnetite, in order of abundance. The distribution of major elements for both types of beforsites (FGB and CGB) indicates the same composition with only a small variation in the mineral proportions. Although no direct contact relation between Mesquita Sampaio and Morro da Mina is known, both may be the same carbonatite body with a gradual compositional variation, or the Mesquita Sampaio beforsite could be a distinct late or even earlier carbonatite pipe.
Inversion of satellite gravimetric data from Recôncavo-Tucano-Jatobá Basin System Bessoni, Thaíza Pereira Bassrei, Amin Oliveira, Luiz Gabriel Souza de

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract Density differences among subsurface rocks cause variations in the gravitational field of Earth, which is known as gravity anomaly. Interpretation of these gravity anomalies allows assessment of the probable depth and shape of the causative body. For several decades, gravity data were acquired on the surface, but after the scientific and technological advances of the last decades, geopotential models were developed, including gravitational observations on a global scale through space satellite missions. This paper investigated the Moho structure in the region of Recôncavo-Tucano-Jatobá rift-basin system based on the information of the terrestrial gravity field from the EIGEN-6C4 geopotential model. The frequency domain inversion technique was applied, which is known as the Parker-Oldenburg iterative method. Bouguer anomaly data were used in the inversion procedure to determine the thickness and geometry of the crust in the region. Data inversion considered a two-layer model with constant density contrast, in which the entire signal was related to Moho topography. In addition, data inversion was carried out to determine the basement depths. The program proved to be efficient and able to manage large data sets. The results, both of the crust thickness and the sedimentary package, validated the geodynamic evolution understanding of the basin system.
Physical modelling of superimposed tectonic events in the Volta Redonda Basin, Southeastern Brazil Ribeiro, Aurélio Kasakewitch Santos, Marco Antonio Cetale Silva, Aline Theophilo Lourenço, Fernanda Silva Negrão, Sílvia Cristina Barroso

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract This paper presents the results of a new approach based on sandbox models to the understanding of the tectonic evolution of the Volta Redonda Basin, southeastern Brazil. Those models were designed to replicate the overlapping process of two of the four superimposed tectonic events identified in the Volta Redonda Basin: the first one, a rifting event with NW-SE extension direction that created the basin, and the subsequent E-W sinistral transcurrent tectonics. The boundary conditions for the models were set from the geological premises described in previous works, which resulted in the current conceptual geological models of the study area. The sandbox models were composed of alternating layers of colored sand, deposited on two pieces of acetate or cardboard sheets, which acted as pre-existing basement structures. Once completed, the models were cut and photographed to allow observation and interpretation of the resulting internal structures. Moreover, the interpretations maintain similarities with adopted conceptual models and permit conclusions about structures previously identified in other works. Finally, the consequent structural framework exposes the effects of structural reactivation and Basin geometry changes due to the superposition of deformational events and matches with the general structural aspects identified in field studies.
Mineralogy, petrology, and origin of the Pedra Branca Suite: a tonalitic-trondhjemitic association with high Zr, Ti and Y, Carajás Province, Amazonian Craton Silva, Arthur Santos da Feio, Gilmara Regina Lima Alves, João Paulo Silva Dall’Agnol, Roberto Almeida, José de Arimatéia Costa de Gomes, Allan Cardek Brunelli

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The Pedra Branca suite (2.75 Ga) is located in the Canãa dos Carajás domain in the southeastern Amazonia Craton. It diverges from typical TTG in mineralogical and geochemical terms, by the presence of hornblende and clinopyroxene and because it has a high content of HFSE (Zr, Y, Ti, and Nb). It belongs to the low-K subalkaline series, which varies from metaluminous to peraluminous, and are mostly calc and ferroan granitoids. Amphibole is calcic and classified as ferroan-edenite, and hastingsite. Plagioclase is mainly oligoclase. The Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios found in the amphiboles indicate that these granitoids were formed under high to moderate fO2 conditions. Geobarometric calculations suggest pressures between 9.3 and 71 Kbar for the origin and 4.8-53.4 Kbar for the emplacement. Geothermometric calculations suggest initial crystallization temperatures between 945 and 862°C, and the water content in the magma is estimated to be higher than 4 wt%. The magma source was defined as tholeiitic continental gabbro melted in an extensional setting (Carajás Rift) with geochemical features similar to diabase from Nova Canadá (PA). The Pedra Branca magma was originated by partial melting (~28%), leaving a residue with plagioclase (An40), hornblende, clinopyroxene, and may or may not have magnetite.
Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia R. do Lago, 562 - Cidade Universitária, 05466-040 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3459-5940 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
E-mail: sbgeol@uol.com.br
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