Logomarca do periódico: Brazilian Journal of Geology

Open-access Brazilian Journal of Geology

Publicação de: Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia
Área: Ciências Exatas E Da Terra Versão impressa ISSN: 2317-4889
Versão on-line ISSN: 2317-4692
Título anterior: Revista Brasileira de Geociências


Brazilian Journal of Geology, Volume: 54, Número: 1, Publicado: 2024

Brazilian Journal of Geology, Volume: 54, Número: 1, Publicado: 2024

Document list
Characterization of Bandeira Sedimentary Basin on Serra do Tamanduá, Northeastern Region of Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brazil Daher, Ana Paula de Campos Uhlein, Gabriel Jubé Mattioli, Júlia

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The Quadrilátero Ferrífero (QF) is a globally known region for its world-class metallic deposits. Although its Precambrian units have been vastly studied since the 1960s due to economic importance, the Cenozoic geological record represents an upcoming subject of interest. The occurrence of Cenozoic sedimentary deposits has been noticed since the end of the 19th century, but most of them are not yet fully characterized. This paper brings a complete description, mapping, 3D modeling, and simulations of the sedimentary deposit named Bandeira Basin, Serra do Tamanduá, QF. Based on field data, such as mapping and drill core database analysis, three drill cores were selected for further investigation and detailed description. The Bandeira Basin can be characterized and subdivided into three units: Unit A: found only in the southeast area and shows exclusively sediments from the Nova Lima Group; Unit B: intermediate unit that occurs in central and southeast areas, with Rio das Velhas Supergroup as a possible source of the sedimentary material; and Unit C: occurs at the top, and it is essentially colluvial deposits from Minas Supergroup units. The contacts between units are abrupt or erosive, recording successive deposition stages. The basin is thicker on its central and southwest ends and thinner on the east and north, where part of the basement outcrops. Cenozoic tectonic events were probably active in this area, controlling the sedimentary processes, with the NW-SE and NE-SW lineaments reactivated, triggering sediment deposition and migration to the deepest spot of the basin. These sediments were 3D modeled in Leapfrog Geo, the visualization of any given region of interest, in the modeled scale. This methodology allowed an assertive characterization of sedimentary filling and could be applied to other basins. This comprehension is important because these sediments are used indirectly or directly in civil projects.
Eolian sedimentation record in the western part of the Bauru Basin: Rio Paraná Formation (Upper Cretaceous) Tcacenco-Manzano, Liliane Maia Fernandes, Luiz Alberto da Silva, Paulo Henrique Ferreira

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The Bauru Supersequence comprises two chronocorrelates groups, namely, Caiuá and Bauru. While substantial efforts have been dedicated to detailed mapping in the eastern portion of the Bauru Basin, the western part, specifically the Caiuá Group, remains unresolved and undivided. The aim of this research was to characterize the occurrence area of the Rio Paraná Formation in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, which is located in the Midwest region of Brazil, as well as its lithostratigraphic characteristics, and the implications for a better understanding of the paleoclimate and paleogeography of that region during the Cretaceous. The Rio Paraná Formation is constituted by six lithofacies: sandstone with cross-stratification (Sct), sandstone with trough cross-stratification (Sct-t), sandstone with cross-stratification pebbles (Sctp), massive sandstone (Sm), massive sandstone with fragments of basalt (Smb), and sandy mudstone (Fme). It was possible to group three facies associations: large-size eolian dunes, interdunes, and sand sheet deposits. The direction of paleocurrent is southwest, which is similar to those previously recognized in the eastern part of the basin and chronocorrelates basins in Brazil. Based on the results obtained in this research, it was possible to provide evidence for the future paleogeographic reconstruction of the Late Cretaceous in South America.
Continental contribution to the marinoan cap carbonate of Tangará da Serra – MT, Brazil: further evidence from Sr-Nd-Pb isotope geochemistry Souza, Nayra Michelly das Chagas Lafon, Jean Michel Milhomem Neto, João Marinho Soares, Joelson Lima

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract On the southern edge of the Amazonian Craton, the Mirassol d’Oeste and Guia formations constitute the cap carbonate of the Araras Group. Petrography, X-ray diffraction, and quantification of terrigenous material allowed the identification of detrital grains (e.g., mica, quartz, and feldspar) in different proportions and diagenetic features. The sequential leaching of carbonates along a section of the upper portion of the Guia Formation yielded 87Sr/86Sr ratios increasing from 0.7070 to 0.7077, which is considered the primary Sr isotopic signature of seawater. The increasing continental influx of dissolved Sr from freshwater accounts for the increase in 87Sr/86Sr along the section. Such abrupt change toward more radiogenic values is also observed in carbonate layers soon after the Marinoan glaciation, elsewhere in the world. The same samples provided Nd-TDM model ages (1.84–2.54 Ga) comparable with those of the continental crust of the Paleoproterozoic provinces of the Amazonian Craton, which forms the basement of the Araras Group. The ԐNd(635Ma) values between -4.7 and -11.1, probably indicate the presence of Nd from the suspended material transported by continental waters to the ocean where the carbonates precipitated. The random variations of Nd-TDM ages and ԐNd values suggest important and rapid variations in the continental contribution to the post-Marinoan oceans.
Travel-time seismic tomography for the seismic stratigraphic interpretation of the crust around the San Rafael knickpoint at Coca River, Ecuador López, Isabel García Araujo, Sebastián Ruiz, Mario

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract This research aims to obtain tomographic images to interpret the seismic stratigraphic profile around the San Rafael (SR) knickpoint using seismic tomography. The SR waterfall on the Coca River sinkhole in February 2020 caused regressive soil erosion, suggesting that the knickpoint is highly unstable. Seismic tomography for the P-wave velocity model, utilizing data from 14 stations in the permanent Ecuadorian seismic network, produced vertical cross-sections at azimuths of 0°, 45°, 90°, and 80°. These sections reveal geological formations and their transition to volcanic deposits, while a horizontal cross-section illustrates the extent of the volcanic deposits. The tomographic images facilitated the identification and correlation of seismic stratigraphy with the area's geological features. The most unstable materials for erosion lie from 0 km to 1.5 km with velocities of up to 3.5 km/s. The erosive process impacts the population and infrastructure settled on the banks of the Coca River with a high susceptibility to erosion in zone 1, with velocities of 3 km/s and a 10 km extension. The Coca Codo Sinclair Dam (CCSD) is located in zone 2, with velocities of 3.8 km/s extending up to 40 km with medium susceptibility to erosion.
Advancing geological and structural understanding of the Atuba Complex: a study in the Curitiba Terrane of the Southern Ribeira Belt, Southern Brazil Tissi Baldin, Michelangelo Salamuni, Eduardo Lagoeiro, Leonardo Evangelista Sanches, Emerson

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The Atuba Complex occurs in the eastern region of Paraná State, located in the Southern Ribeira Belt. It is comprised of the Curitiba Terrane, northward of the Luís Alves Terrane, and southward of the Apiaí Terrane. This research was carried out by means of detailed petrography, microtectonics, and brittle and ductile structural analysis. The Atuba Complex is composed of migmatites, felsic granulites, granitoids, quartzites, phyllonites, schists, amphibolites, and cataclasites. The lithotypes are cut by diabase or gabbro dikes, lamprophyre dikes, pseudotachylites, and quartz, epidote, carbonate, or chlorite veins. The migmatites are characterized by two migmatization phases, the first composed of tonalitic leucosomes and the second formed by granitic leucosomes. The stromatic and mylonitized migmatites suggest dislocation creep mechanisms and dynamic recrystallization processes, mainly in quartz and feldspars. During the initial phase, melting reactions took place through dehydration, while in the subsequent phase, melting was facilitated by the presence of water-fluxed. The Atuba Complex comprises two foliations, Sn-1 (Dn-1 phase) and Sn (Dn phase). The Sn-1 surface (compositional banding) presents a ductile and anastomosed aspect with an N45W/55NE attitude, whereas the Sn mylonitic foliation is defined by the presence of mineral flattening or stretching and by the orientation of amphibole and biotite shapes, with a maximum plane of N45E/85NW. The observed faults and fractures strike in the NE-SW and NW-SE main directions. The paleostress study provided the recognition of a NE-SW sigma 1 associated with a NW-SE-striking sigma 3 for the left-lateral strike-slip faults and an E-W compressive SHMAX and an N-S distensive SHMIN for the right-lateral strike-slip faults.
The hidden passive margins from the birth of SW Gondwana Warren, Lucas Veríssimo Penzo, Victoria Arrouy, María Julia Gómez-Peral, Lucía Cerri, Rodrigo Irineu Caxito, Fabrício Riccomini, Claudio Simões, Marcello Guimarães Assine, Mario Luis Lana, Cristiano Poiré, Daniel Gustavo

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The final consolidation of southwestern Gondwana during the Ediacaran–Cambrian resulted in the formation of a large landmass originally surrounded by the newborn Panthalassic Ocean. The Río de la Plata Craton is one of the last pieces that complete the geotectonic puzzle along the austral part of this supercontinent. However, the sedimentary record corresponding to the interval between the consolidation of SW Gondwana until the initial deposition in a large Ordovician cratonic basin is apparently missing. In this context, the Ediacaran–Cambrian epiclastic shallow-marine ramp of the Cerro Negro Formation, the uppermost unit of La Providencia Group, Tandilia System, is envisaged as the first known stratigraphic record of the hidden pericratonic basins of Gondwana. Geochronological and provenance data, coupled with robust stratigraphic and sedimentologic background, support that this unit keeps more tectono-sedimentary affinity with the Ordovician Balcarce Formation than the Neoproterozoic Sierras Bayas Group. The presence of similar Neoproterozoic source areas for both units, the absence of any metamorphism and deformation related to the Brasiliano cycle, and shallow marine deposition strongly suggest that the paleogeography and physiography of the original southernmost continental platform of Gondwana were similar to the Ordovician ones. Thus, the Cerro Negro Formation appears as the missing link between the ultimate stages of the Brasiliano Orogenic Cycle and the final stabilization of the continental platform from the SW part of Gondwana.
Ichnological analysis and paleoenvironmental inferences of Neogene meandering fluvial deposits in Continental Rift of Southeastern Brazil Sedorko, Daniel Mello, Claudio Limeira Ramos, Renato Rodriguez Cabral Batezelli, Alessandro Cambria, Vittor Goulart, Victória Ramiro Coelho Ramos, Kimberly Silva

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The sedimentary basins in the Continental Rift of Southeastern Brazil (CRSB) provide an opportunity for ichnological analyses due to its well-known facies relationships and paleoenvironmental interpretations. This study reports invertebrate trace fossils from the Neogene fluvial deposits (Floriano Formation) and applies integrated ichnological and facies analyses to reconstruct the environmental conditions recorded in this lithostratigraphic unit. Fieldworks revealed a rich ichnofauna in the Floriano Formation, whose facies associations have been interpreted as indicative of meandering river environments. Four sedimentary facies were identified, including bioturbated sandstone, horizontally stratified sandstone, laminated sandstone, and mudstone. Six ichnogenera were identified, Arenicolites, Beaconites, Camborygma, Palaeophycus, Skolithos, and Taenidium. Those ichnogenera occur as Skolithos, Taenidium, and Beaconites ichnocoenoses. The Skolithos ichnocoenosis is primarily represented within sand bar deposits, indicating arthropod colonization in abandoned channels. The Taenidium ichnocoenosis, which is observed within mudstone layers and presents Camborygma burrows, suggests transitional environments between aquatic and subaerial conditions, locally with high water table levels. The Beaconites ichnocoenosis indicates changes in substrate consistency associated with progressive desiccation and extended exposure time. Therefore, the identified ichnocoenoses, combined with the analysis of physical sedimentary structures, suggest generally humid conditions during colonization by invertebrates of the meandering river deposits of the Floriano Formation.
Reflectance spectroscopy applied to mapping the hydrothermal alteration at the Mamão gold deposit, Andorinhas Greenstone Belt, Carajás Mineral Province, Northern Brazil Souza, Sebastião Rodrigo Cortez de Ducart, Diego Fernando Botelho, Nilson Francisquini

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The Mamão gold deposit is located in the eastern portion of the Amazonian Craton, Northern Brazil, and hosted in Archean metamafic rocks of the Andorinhas greenstone belt. Troy Resources Ltd. mined the deposit between 2008 and 2015, producing about 350 koz via underground operation. The deposit exhibits structural and mineralogical characteristics that allow its classification as an orogenic gold deposit. Reflectance spectroscopy is a non-destructive, fast, and low-cost technique that was applied in drill cores at the Mamão deposit to map and refine stages of hydrothermal alteration. The hydrothermal alteration is marked by a distal or chlorite zone; an intermediate or carbonate zone; a proximal or potassic zone, and a gold-rich quartz vein-hosted orebody. The reflectance spectroscopy has confirmed the diversified mineralogical compositions (tourmaline, amphibole, mica, epidote, carbonate, and chlorite) observed along the hydrothermal zones, having been confirmed by a petrographic study. The study has also demonstrated that chlorite abundance decreases from the edge to the center of the altered profile, proving a fast and reliable result to the mapping of the hydrothermal halos in Archean greenstone belts, which is an important tool for the vectoring of gold mineralization, acting as an excellent mineral prospecting tool.
Geochemistry and U-Pb geochronology of columbite of the Cachoeirinha Deposit, Rondônia Tin Province, Brazil Silva, Raquel Guimarães da Souza, Valmir da Silva Gonçalves, Guilherme de Oliveira Ferreira, Luiza dos Santos Santos Júnior, Paulo Sérgio Mendes dos

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The Cachoeirinha Sn ± (Nb-Ta) deposit is an important producer of the Rondônia Tin Province. It is inserted in the regional unit named Rondônia Intrusive Suite (995–956 Ma) and hosts granular accumulations of columbite group minerals (CGM) embedded in thick Cenozoic colluvial-alluvial covers. Cachoeirinha CGM have subrounded to angular grains, with irregular to regular internal zoning, micro-inclusion, and exsolution features. They have columbite-(Fe) as the dominant mineral phase, with variation in the Ta/(Ta+Nb) ratio and with Sn, Ti, W, U, Ba, Cr, REE, and V as chemical impurities. It has high total REE content (LREEN depleted, HREEN enriched, Ce and Eu anomalies), δ18O = 2.78‰, and with two U-Pb age groups: 1052 ± 6 and 909 ± 7 Ma. This information indicates that physicochemical oscillations favored the ionic substitutions and resorption mechanisms between Nb ↔ Ta, as well as coupled substitutions with the entry of geochemical impurities, according to the equation: 3(Sn, Ti, U, Si)4+ + (W, Cr)6+ ↔ 2(V, Nb, Ta)5+ + 2(Al, REE)3+ + (Fe, Mn, Ba)2+, at the temperature range between 400° and 500°C. Finally, the Cachoeirinha Sn ± (Nb-Ta) alluvial deposit host ore is related to at least two Neo-Mesoproterozoic magmatic pulses.
New sedimentary unit with subaqueous facies of Curitiba Sedimentary Basin, Southern Brazil Angulo, Rodolfo José Souza, Maria Cristina de Scardia, Giancarlo Salamuni, Eduardo Arai, Mitsuru Parenti, Fabio Veiga, Luís Augusto Koenig

Resumo em Inglês:

Abstract The Curitiba Sedimentary Basin (CSB) is a small and shallow sedimentary basin, which is part of the Continental Rift of Southeastern Brazil. New exposures allowed for the identification of a subaqueous facies association, named Guatupê Unit, within the Guabirotuba Formation. For the first time in the CSB, sedimentary facies clearly deposited within a subaqueous environment, probably a swamp, are described and consists of wavy heterolithic and massive mud with linsen. In addition, mudflow deposits entering the water body are also identified and documented by massive sand facies with organic matter and load structures at their base. The latter indicates that the underlying sediments were plastic and contemporary. These sedimentary features, associated with palynoflora and a fossil trunk tree, indicate that the climate was humid enough to maintain permanent water bodies, like swamps, and vegetation, including trees. Other facies of the Guatupê Unit document mudflows and channelized tractive fluxes, whose association indicates that they were probably deposited in an alluvial fan environment. The facies, facies association, depositional processes, environment, and Miocene age of the Guatupê deposit are quite different from the previous sedimentary units reported for CSB sedimentary infill and the original definition of the formations.
Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia R. do Lago, 562 - Cidade Universitária, 05466-040 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3459-5940 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
E-mail: sbgeol@uol.com.br
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