Open-access Variability and behavior to cultivars of dwarf coconut in the costal boards of the North of Sergipe

The objective of this work was to evaluate the variability of dwarf coconut palm cultivars for morphologic characters in the Coastal Boards of the North of Sergipe State. The experimental design was randomized block, with six cultivars, four blocks and 16 usefull plants/plot. The experiment was driven since 1997, in the Agreste farm in Neópolis (SE). The cultivars dwarf coconut palm red dwarf of Brazil Gramame (AVBrG), of Malaysia (AVM) and Cameroon (AVC), yellow dwarf of Brazil de Gramame (AABrG) and of Malaysia (AAM) and the green dwarf of Brazil de Jiqui (AVeBrJ). For each characteristic, quarterly evaluations from 2001 the 2004, were analyses of variance and estimate of the components of variation phenotypical, genotipycal and environmental. There is variability among the dwarves for the characteristics: alive leaf number (NFV), emitted leaf number (NFE), leaf number dead (NFM), circumference of stem (CircE), length of stem (CE), number of emitted inflorescence (NIE) and number of feminine flowers for inflorescence (NFFI). The AVC and the AVeBrJ presented smaller CE that the other dwarves, important characteristic for reduction of the load of the coconut palm. The AAM was superior to the AAM, AABrG, AVeBrJ and AVC for the CircE, while. The AVC presented inferior behavior in relation to the others for NFV, NFE, CircE and NIE being similar to them for NFFI. The AVeBrJ was superior to the AAM, AVBrG and AVM in relation to NFFI.

Cocos nucifera L.; cultivars; vegetative characters; reproductive characters; genetic parameters

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