Open-access Observações citológicas em Aloë sp.

In this paper the results are presented of a study of microsporogenesis and gamete formation in an unclassified form of Aloë. This form of Aloë was found to have 2n = 14 chromosomes, a condition which is characterestic of all of the species of this genus that have been examined cytologically. The most interesting observation made in the present study was the constant association, but no fusion, of the vegetative and reprodutive nuclei inside the pollen grain. It was also noted that this association disappears when the nuclei enter the pollen tube. The reproductive nucleus in the pollen tube gives rise to two small male gametes. This paper also includes a description of the morphology of the chromosomes as studied in the root tip cells and in pollen grains. In the form of Aloe studied there are 4 pairs of long chromosomes and 3 pairs of short ones. One pair of the long chromosomes was found to be homozygous for a satellite at the distal arm and one pair of short chromosomes was determined to be heterozygous for a satellite at the proximal arm. It was also observed that there was a maximum of three nucleoli in each somatic cell nucleus which agrees with the existence of three satélites. The cytological observations made indicate that the Aloë plant studied is a hybrid. Also a botanical analysis revealed that this form of Aloë has some characters of A. saponaría (one of the few species with satellites in short chromosomes) and some characters similar to those of A. macracantha. On the basis of the present investigations then, it seem highly probable that the form of Aloë studied is a hybrid between the two above mentioned species.

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