Open-access Influência do tempo decorrido entre a colheita e o despolpamento de café cereja, sôbre a qualidade da bebida

Influence of the time intervals between harvesting and the pulping process of cherry coffee beans on the beverage quality


São apresentados resultados de ensaios relativos à influência do tempo decorrido entre a colheita e o despolpamento de café maduro, sôbre a qualidade da bebida, na zona ecológica de Campinas. Os resultados acusaram não haver influência do tempo de armazenamento até 46 1/2 horas após a colheita. Todos os tratamentos alcançaram valores correspondentes a bebida "mole" ou "apenas mole".

Experiments were carried out in 1958 and 1959 to determine the influence of the time intervals between harvesting and the pulping process of cherry coffee beans on the beverage quality. The green coffee was the Mundo Novo variety which came from the São Quirino farm (massape soil) located in the rural zone of the city of Campinas. The treatments were represented by 13 lots of cherry coffee with different time intervals of pulping after harvesting: 0, 4, 51/2, 81/2, 14 1/2, 26 1/2 and 46 1/2 hours Coffee was harvested at the beginning of the day, midday and the end of the day. Some lots of beans were exposed to the sun and some others were shaded. The cup tests were carried out in the Sensory Evaluation Laboratory of the Instituto Agronômico of Campinas, by trained panel with 8 tasters. The data were based on 32 determinations (8 tasters x 4 replications) and showed no difference among treatments; all of them were scored as soft and softish coffee. The autors arrived at the conclusion that the pulping process at Campinas conditions can be made up to 46 1/2 hours after harvesting without causing any "off flavor" to the coffee beverage. The results obtained are true for the pulped cherry beans for the rural zone of Campinas. To any other locality with different climate and soil, the conclusions can't be extended without previous experimental works.

Influência do tempo decorrido entre a colheita e o despolpamento de café cereja, sôbre a qualidade da bebida*

Influence of the time intervals between harvesting and the pulping process of cherry coffee beans on the beverage quality

Ayrton RigitanoI; Ruth dos Santos GarruttiII; Joassy de Paula Neves JorgeIII

IEngenheiro-agrônomo, Seção de Mecânica Agrícola

IIEngenheiro-agrônomo, Centro Tropical de Pesquisas e Tecnologia de Alimentos

IIILicenciada em matemática, Divisão de Agronomia, Instituto Agronômico


São apresentados resultados de ensaios relativos à influência do tempo decorrido entre a colheita e o despolpamento de café maduro, sôbre a qualidade da bebida, na zona ecológica de Campinas. Os resultados acusaram não haver influência do tempo de armazenamento até 46 1/2 horas após a colheita. Todos os tratamentos alcançaram valores correspondentes a bebida "mole" ou "apenas mole".


Experiments were carried out in 1958 and 1959 to determine the influence of the time intervals between harvesting and the pulping process of cherry coffee beans on the beverage quality.

The green coffee was the Mundo Novo variety which came from the São Quirino farm (massape soil) located in the rural zone of the city of Campinas.

The treatments were represented by 13 lots of cherry coffee with different time intervals of pulping after harvesting: 0, 4, 51/2, 81/2, 14 1/2, 26 1/2 and 46 1/2 hours Coffee was harvested at the beginning of the day, midday and the end of the day. Some lots of beans were exposed to the sun and some others were shaded.

The cup tests were carried out in the Sensory Evaluation Laboratory of the Instituto Agronômico of Campinas, by trained panel with 8 tasters.

The data were based on 32 determinations (8 tasters x 4 replications) and showed no difference among treatments; all of them were scored as soft and softish coffee.

The autors arrived at the conclusion that the pulping process at Campinas conditions can be made up to 46 1/2 hours after harvesting without causing any "off flavor" to the coffee beverage.

The results obtained are true for the pulped cherry beans for the rural zone of Campinas. To any other locality with different climate and soil, the conclusions can't be extended without previous experimental works.

Texto completo disponível apenas em PDF.

Full text available only in PDF format.


Recebido para publicação em 1.º de dezembro de 1966.

Referências bibliográficas

  • 1. ALVARADO, J. A. - Tratado de Cafeicultura Prática - Guatemala 1936.
  • 2. CARBONELL, R. & VILANOVA T. - El café de El Salvador - Nos. 248-249, Julho-Agôsto de 1952.
  • 3. CHOUSSY, FELIX - El café Lavado - Estudios Técnicos de su industralizacion - Tomo III - El Salvador, 1941.
  • 4. COCHRAN, W. & COX, G. M. - Experimental designs - New York. N. Y., John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1957, 611p.
  • 5. FERREIRA, J. C. (filho) - Cultura do Café - Serviço de Informaçăo Agrícola - M. A., 1944.
  • 6. FRANCO, C.M. - A eliminaçăo da substância péctica do café despolpado é causada por microrganismos. Bragantia 19:[621]-626. 1960.
  • 7. GARRUTI, RUTH S. - Equipes experimentais para classificaçăo organoléptica da bebida do café. Campinas, Instituto Agronômico, 30p., 6 figs., 1965 (Boletim Técnico n.° 145)
  • 8. JORGE, JOASSY P. N. & GARRUTTI, R. S. - Métodos estatísticos aplicados ŕ análise sensorial de alimentos e bebidas. Campinas, Instituto Agronômico, 9p., 1946 (Boletim Técnico n.° 137)
  • 9. PERRER, A. - Estudos sôbre os cafés despolpados - Diretoria de Publicidade Agrícola do Estado de Săo Paulo.
  • 10. RIGITANO, A. (e outros) - Cultura e Adubaçăo do Cafeeiro - Capítulo IX - Processamento do Café, 1963. (Instituto Brasileiro da Potassa)
  • *
    Trabalho apresentado na XVII Reunião da Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência, em Belo Horizonte, de 4 a 10 de Julho de 1965.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      24 Mar 2009
    • Data do Fascículo
      Jan 1967


    • Recebido
      01 Dez 1966
    Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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