Open-access Variedades de batatinhas (Solanum tuberosum L.) procedentes da Holanda: Parte I - Resultados experimentais da primeira plantação, no país, com tubérculos importados em 1947


The author reports the results of six experiments with eight yellow fleshed potato varieties from Holland, conducted at six different locations in the State of São Paulo. Time of planting was February-March, less favorable than August-September, because of climatic conditions during the growth period (somewhat dry weather). For this reason, yields were not good. Observations were made on development; resistance, precocity and production of varieties, as well as specific gravety of tubers. Under the conditions of the experiments the varieties Voran and Alpha were the least susceptible to Phytpphthora while Eersteling, and Saskia were the most susceptible. The Doré, Eersteling, Saskia and Geelblon were found to be early maturing varieties while Alpha, Voran and Libertas were late maturing varieties. The varieties Eigenheimer and Bintje revealed themselves the better yielders, with about 7.3 metric tons of tubers per hectare. Yields of next experiments, conducted at September-October, are expected to be better.

Variedades de batatinhas (Solanum tuberosum L.) procedentes da Holanda. Parte I — Resultados experimentais da primeira plantação, no país, com tubérculos importados em 1947

O. J. Boock(1)

Engenheiro agrônomo, Secção de Raízes e Tubérculos, Instituto Agronômico de Campinas


The author reports the results of six experiments with eight yellow fleshed potato varieties from Holland, conducted at six different locations in the State of São Paulo.

Time of planting was February-March, less favorable than August-September, because of climatic conditions during the growth period (somewhat dry weather). For this reason, yields were not good.

Observations were made on development; resistance, precocity and production of varieties, as well as specific gravety of tubers.

Under the conditions of the experiments the varieties Voran and Alpha were the least susceptible to Phytpphthora while Eersteling, and Saskia were the most susceptible. The Doré, Eersteling, Saskia and Geelblon were found to be early maturing varieties while Alpha, Voran and Libertas were late maturing varieties.

The varieties Eigenheimer and Bintje revealed themselves the better yielders, with about 7.3 metric tons of tubers per hectare.

Yields of next experiments, conducted at September-October, are expected to be better.

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Referências bibliográficas

  • 11.  Anônimo. Een en twintigste — Beschrijvende Rassenlijst voor Landbouwgewassen. Wageningen. Holand : 106-139. 1946.
  • 2.  Boock, O. J. Experiências de variedades de batatinha. Em Relatório da Secção de Raízes e Tubérculos. Inst. Agr. do Est. S. Paulo 1947 . 8-22 (não publicado).
  • (1
    ) Para a execução deste trabalho, contamos com a eficiente cooperação dos engenheiros agrônomos Carlos Roessing, chefe do Campo de Demonstração "Ricardo Azzi", em Tietê ; Júlio Seabra Inglês de Sousa, chefe da Est. Exp. de São Roque ; Mário Vieira de Morais, chefe da Est. Exp. de Mococa ; Wilson Correia Ribas, chefe da Est. Exp. de Capão Bonito ; Pedro Arinos da Cunha, Agr. Regional de São João da Boa Vista ; Samuel Silveira Melo, chefe do Serviço de Vigilância Sanitária Vegetal, em São João da Boa Vista, e dos srs. Manuel Rofino, encarregado da Est. Exp. de São Bento do Sapucaf, Renato C. Lima, diretor da Usina de Açúcar Itaiquara e Manuel Osório de Oliveira, proprietário da fazenda Chapadão, em Vargem Grande.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      08 Jun 2010
    • Data do Fascículo
      Dez 1948
    Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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